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Survivor Clipping Through Legion Vault

Platform: PC

Description: Survivors clipping through Legion for pallet vaults.

Steps to reproduce:

Step 1: Be chased by Legion

Step 2: Vault a downed pallet away from Legion.

Step 3: Do not move(Start mending upon landing)

Step 4: Legion vaults the pallet in Feral. (During this step, the Legion and the survivor will be in the same space, clipping through each other, and rendering body blocking useless.)

Step 5: Wait for Legion to come out of Frenzy, then revault the pallet. Thereby punishing Legion for using his power.

How often does this occur: Every. Single. Legion. Game.

Viable Solutions:

1: Make it so when Survivors vault a pallet, they move out a little further so Legion can start closer, preventing the clipping. (It'll also prevents survs from getting hit by desynch or whatever issues that lets killers hit survs across pallets.)

2: Force Survivors to be pushed forward when another survivor or Legion vault the pallet (prevents sandbagging, and this glitch.)

Thank you.

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