Face camping
will they ever implement some type of system where killers who facecamp with Bubba or any killer, dont get points and we dont get de-pipped?
Killers already lose points for staying too close to hook for too long and with the new MMR you can't de-pip anymore.
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i dont think those who facecamp care
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Just got facecamped by a Wraith who AFKed for 6 minutes to try his NOED/Blood Warden combo - which he got one exposed hit out of,and two hooks. Took me a minute to find the very last totem, and they popped the gens before I actually got it. Thanks to the Elfen Dwight I saved BT-ing me off the hook we all got out, but dang: it sucks to see stuff like that encouraged considering the Wraith's non-participation still netted him nearly double the BP of the survivors - none of whom were able to get enough benevolent or evader emblem points for even bronze.
Killers lose points - to a degree - if no other survivors are around. It's not enough to actually do anything about the problem - it's a bandaid, a patch theatre by which the devs pretend they see and care about the issue. They need to incentivize leaving the hook, on top of punishing those who stay without cause. Carrot and stick.
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Maybe they should add a system to where when the killer is close to the hook the sacrifice timer stops or is slowed 🤔🤔🤔?
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That’s when survivors looped around hook to keep hooked survivor alive long enough to first pop those gens. We’ve actually already had this system, survivors abused their new toy so they took it away~
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I know, Im being sarcastic.
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If the devs really wanted to stop face camping they'd have hooks function like Pyramid Head cages. Just have the Entity swallow the hook after 10 seconds or so.
The one game I ran Kindred I got facecamped out of the gate so we had some survivors since I'm stubborn, but survivor queues were fast that night so I didn't really care. Rip brown toolbox.
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TBH, those cages are one of the best features of the SH chapter. I would love if hooks behaved similarly.
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Comradery is what became of the test though
But they made it so a survivor who is within a certain range gives the benefit of a stopped timer... And the survivor on the hook (I think) has to be running it
And since DS has conditions that perks has seen a slight decline in use... Unbreakable not being used all that much (from my experience)
There is an Anti-Tunneling build (cause it's not just one perk)
But there isn't much in the way of Anti-Facecamping or Anti-Camping builds in general
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With survivor queue times being so fast, is it really that big of a deal? I mean, as killer, the queue times are making me play more angrily. So, if they could fix queue times, maybe they would prevent face camping.
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Yah no.... those points came from people be altruistic when honestly, they should of just left.
You survivors have the stick, you just refuse to use it. Let's be honest, he got those points due to your own greed for points and pride in trying to get everybody out.
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Yeah, no. I'm a killer main, just playing survivor there because I do like to have both sides under my belt. No killer should be rewarded for that, and no survivor should be punished for it. Let's be honest, he got those points because BHVR prefers there being no incentive to be better save personal pride and gumption.
The unearned arrogance of my fellow killers regarding camps is abysmal.
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What can I say, I guess you just got outplayed
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Killers: Camping and tunneling is a legit strat. You just got outplayed, deal with it.
Also Killer: But he used Dead Hard, DS, AND BT. It's unfair and needs nerf. :-(
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Both can be true.
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We don't need free saves just because a survivor makes a mistake and loses their first chase. If we get caught there's no right to dictate the events after.
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Why punish killers for 'killing'? Face camp comes with its own cons, but killers shouldn't be forced not to do it if they want to.
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It's kind of hard to implement a system to prevent face camping without it being abusable in some way.
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How long do you want to get face camped? Because that is how you get to not play the game for longer than the 2 minutes you usually get.
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They already loose when they choose to face camp. If only survivors understand it, stop watching someone on hook and go do gens. Face camp works cause survivors are ready to suicide and throw a game.
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Just do the gens and leave. The beloved gen rushing gameplay shouldn't be any different if the killer is afk in front of the hook.
Oh and there is no way that the killer gets double the points than survivors unless they run towards the killer.
Just cut the losses and get a 3 man escape.
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Its sarcasm. Just wanted to be the first to say it before someone suggested it unironically.
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"No killer should be awarded for that."
Ah - another one who believes that if the killer loses all their gens, they should just take it on the chin like a good little boy. I'm sorry, but this game at it's core has always been about sudden reversals of fortune if you aren't careful.
No, the failure is squarely on the shoulders of the survivors. They could of cleansed the totems first, they could of just NOT FED the camper with NOED. They had valid counterplay and were just too full of themselves to use it.
No, the arrogance is coming from the survivors who don't use their counterplay - survivors who are controlled by people like you.
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It's okay, kiddo, sometimes you can be loudly wrong.
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I'm pretty sure they said you have to work for points, but imo taking the L for all other 4 players counts as earning it in my book.
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Good point.
Barbecue & Make Your Choice give really good incentives to leave hook…idk if these jerks just want to be dicks or if they need to actually do some reading/research on the game.
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Devour's my usual 'incentive of choice' to sprint as far from hooks as I can - as things are, I understand the desire to stick by even if I don't agree with it and even mock it. There's just too weak a case for some underperforming players to feel a need to actually succeed, so they end up with a self-referential justification for their mediocrity.
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You're only adding credance to my assertation that you're being arrogant...
Please have a little more self-awareness. Frankly, I think that's most of the problem with the more negative influences in this community - is the complete utter lack of self-awareness.
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I'm being rude, buddy, not arrogant - import or ability needs to be implied but not justified for the latter. Please know what words mean and how to use rhetoric before pretending at being able to speak on a subject <3
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This right here, should end the argument.
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Not just this community, and not just gaming. It is just a general flaw of humanity, full stop.
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I’ve played this game for a very long time and don’t recall something like this ever being a thing.
However, if there is a second survivor in a [blank] range, the countdown continues. It becomes a tool for the killer even to know if there’s another survivor there.
it just isn’t fun when the killer puts people in the basement and camps so they can’t get out. And it’s frustrating that survivors lose a decent number of points for not getting their friends off the hooks.
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I’m fairly sure we had this at some point, but I honestly don’t care enough to try and verify this. Also, fun is subjective and depriving the Killer side of a tactic that they’ve been using for years, that the Devs have assured the community is not abusive or wrong, especially when some people consider camping the basement IS fun. Which is why they make builds around the whole concept.
Then you gotta remember the scenario where all gens are done and the Killer doesn’t have much to do but to sit next to his hook to try and protect it. I mean, it’s a meme but it literally seems like survivors just want Killers to go sit in a corner and always let them get away, why not just consider it a challenge and either pop those gens and escape without the basement hook or (if you got the communication/proper perks) try and save that basement hook and be done with it. It’s not like this happens every game, just like not every game does 3 gens pop nearly instantaneously but it DOES happen and we just gotta deal with it, not ask Devs to make it so that if 3 survivors are working on 3 different gens, then they should be penalized because ‘it’s not fun’.