Starting to lose faith


I know that the forums aren’t always the most reliable place to gather information about the game, but from personal experience and as many people seem to agree, playing killer as of now just isn’t fun or rewarding. Even trying my absolute best, I just can’t get solid results with any killer other than nurse, spirit, or blight, and I want to play more than them and feel like I have a chance. Can’t wait for VHS to drop. Hopefully they actually care about their own game more than the DBD devs care about their game, and that’s setting the bar low as it can go.


  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    Note: I am not saying I’m a god killer and deserve to be getting at least a 3k per game or whatever. I’m in fact saying the opposite, I believe myself to be a very bad killer. I just wish I was pit against people more my level.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I personally not enjoy playing Nurse and Blight because it's too hard for me. And I got tired of Spirit.

    I actually had a lot of fun playing Nemesis using only his Tentacle strike. I enjoy playing Trapper with padded jaws + STBFL. I absolutely love playing Huntress. I had fun times with Ghostface, even if it's often was hard as #########. Oni also one of my favorite killers I always have a good time with.

    You can get good results with any killer if you enjoy gameplay.