slugs everyone early game and gets almost 30k points

This killer Ends the game with 25k bp. By the end of the match they only got 6 out of 12 hooks....why do they come so close to 30k bp? Is that not reserved for people who actually move away from the hooks and get more hits in chases? The game lasted like 3-4 minutes tops and killer had an insta-down with no bbq on the build.

Survivors genrush in that time and still end with 20k or much much less depending on how much altruism and chase they got in. This guy came in with insidious, not even bbq and ends the match real quick just slugging people and camping 2 people on hook with insidous and gets too much points for barely playing the game.


  • StAKmod
    StAKmod Member Posts: 4

    Something is weird here, if the game only lasted 3-4 minutes and 6 hooks are done, the killer must have 30-40 secs per hook, which makes per chase 20 secs at most if you guys didn't stay together. So the only possibility I can think of is starstruck while you guys are all around, still 25k for 3-4 minuates? I am not sure if that is possible, it would be helpful if you could provide a picture of the perks and addons.

    Also I think bbq does not show the BP added in the endgame scoreboard.