My SBMM experience is miserable

Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think after 5 years, over 5k total hours and tons of content watched, debates had, and sadly money spent. I'm done.

Either taking a big break or just quitting.

As killer i seem to get nothing but sweat while streamers and pros go against lower mmr survivors. Playing against perfect players who are always on comms and rarely make any mistakes with 4 meta perks just isnt fun.. especially when they get survivor sided maps with amazing rng.

But as survivor i get infuriating incompetent teammates, sweaty killers with no variety and horrible rng with next to mo pallets or loops

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Sorry for seeming like I'm ranting or want free wins or whatever, i just hate meta, i hate having to go full sweaty tryhard every game. I just want a fun casual game. But sbmm kills everything it touches and devs love it bc it helps get noobs to buy skins/DLC lol. I'm just tired of the debs not listening to long term players and just catering to casuals or newer players who have no idea what they're talking about. I think it's just time for me to move on.

    This isn't a goodbye post I'll make that later if it's permanent.. just a big break i think.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I am just seeing if it is even possible to drop in rank as killer. Using zero slowdown perks and playing like a robot to try make survivors rush gens and finish the game asap. lost 20 games and still getting the same people. starting to think killer sbmm is a farce and it is only for survivor.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    More survivors than killers so it's gonna force you to go against sweats because logic lol. It just creates more sweats because mmr

  • imguadalupe
    imguadalupe Member Posts: 22

    Yeah man I haven't been able to escape for 6 games in a row. I'd say take a break not worth getting stressed cause they don't care either way.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Today was my breaking point. 3dcs as survivor 2 as killer before i realized its a sign to quit lol. I normally rarely dc hence getting so few penalties. My wit was at its end today and the matches were the worst I've ever had.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    SBMM sells cosmetics though, hence why every dev in every game tries to force it despite universal hate by committed players.

    Only casuals like it

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    I hadn't played survivor since MMR happened and the last 3 days doing challenges have been.... special? I thought people were exaggerating a bit about all the tunneling and camping but... wow. Just... wow. I'm not even a GOOD survivor and I mostly play only solo. It's sad.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I play a lot of DbD and have been playing for years, but my playstyle is casual. I'm mediocre at best, I'd say. Possibly bad, even. Definitely not high-MMR. And I hate the matches I've been having with SBMM. Survivor absolutely sucks, and what little killer I've played also sucks.

    If SBMM isn't benefiting me, I really don't understand who it is benefiting, then.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Queue times for killers is currently longer than it was before SBMM. And survivors tmes become shorter. That make me think that there more killers than survivors.

    But I didn't noticed increased amount of sweats. Point of SBMM is playing as you like and you will get equal opponents. It doesn't mean you need to sweat yourself. You play casually and get casual survivors. At least it works in my games.

    Don't get me wrong. I play to win but I don't use full meta builds and I play killers which I don't have much expirience with. And my survivors are ok even when it's full swf party.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    I know that people might joke saying “see you next week” or something like that but SBMM has been plaguing this game as of late so I can see why people are done.

  • puncher
    puncher Member Posts: 118

    The devs ######### this game up with this MMR bullshit.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality, because everyone's complaints about SBMM are exactly what it was like for me before SBMM, and everything is much better now.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215
    edited October 2021

    I love Constantly getting unfun sweaty killers with the best builds and add ons every match with moris and stuff. Never even like for a moment considering memeing with me or having fun.. just sweat. And that's not mentioning tunneling lol. Plus incompetent teams and maps that are empty.

    While killer i haven't touched in days because map offerings and dead hard, bt, iron will, prove thyself and unbreakable every match gets old quickly.

    Post edited by Rizzo on