Remember PTB Spirit? Well now it will be even worse

"When close to The Spirit’s husk, Survivors will not receive any indication that The Spirit is phase walking. Originally this was intended to be a fun mind game (“Is she using her power, or is she faking it?”), though in practice, it often doesn’t feel that way. This lack of feedback forces you to make a guess and hope it pays off, which can be great when it works out in your favour, but can also feel awful when it doesn’t.
To add more skill into The Spirit’s counterplay, we’re making two changes:
- Any Survivor within 24m of The Spirit will now hear a directional phase sound. This lets you know whether or not she is phasing and also gives you a rough idea of which direction she’s coming from.
- The Spirit’s footsteps will now kick up dust while she is phasing. Keen Survivors may be able to pinpoint where she is, but tall grass and other obstacles may make it difficult.
The stupid Spirit phasing mindgame is gone, wich is fine. But now survivors can basically know where Spirit is visually and by sound. I remember how bad Spirit was in ptb when you could hear her. I hope you got the "counterplay" you wanted, this killer is bully material now lmao.
Speed add ons
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They exist, props for noticing.
Seriously, what's your point here? Increased speed doesn't do crap when you can't see or hear your target, especially when that target is well-aware of your approach.
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Is Blight bad because you can see him rushing?
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In exchange Blight can also see survivors.
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Oh yeah compare a killer with an insta rush, that lasts longer and is faster to a killer that has to charge his rush and can't see his enemies while he is rushing.
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Blight is a 4.6 m/s killer, much faster than Spirit when using his power, and can see survivors at all times while using his power.
Spirit is a 4.4 m/s killer, much slower than Blight when using her power, and cannot see survivor at all when using her power, only hear, and that also just if the survivors aren't running Iron Will, which most are.
See the issue?
That survivors had to guess about Spirit using her power or not was the trade-off for the fact that she has to track them purely by scratch marks and sounds.
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Let's ignore all the good things listed, the sky is falling because Rin-chan is getting some counters.
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You can hear them.
The point is, if you can be fast enough as spirit survivors may not be able to react in time
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On ptb spirit's power also had 20 second recharge time. And as far as I remember, the directional thing was a bug that came with the release... a time when all killers regardless of actual strength are rated as 'weak'.
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?? I think I am really having an aneurysm. I like most of the changes in the update, this means i can't critisize the things i don't like??
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Not when sound is bugged (a frequent thing to happen) or when survivors run Iron Will, which they have no reason not to do with the nerf to Stridor.
And being forced to run speed addons, or any addons every trial to make up for a crappy nerf or downside has never been a good answer to any problem in DbD.
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That bug got fixed in 5.2.0
And needing to use add-ons to do well in trials is debatable imo.
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Spirit has no turning rate restriction, she can still freely maneuver 360 degrees without a penalty and still hear the survivors. It makes sense for her not to see the survivors because she's the only killer with a movement speed ability that controls it freely while also having a speed boost when coming out of it (well, Wraith does as well, but he has to uncloak).
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That bug can come again every time, and Iron Will remains a thing.
Since I see your adamant about this, I'll agree to disagree. Have a nice day.
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Now that you talk about Wraith. How is Spirit not a worse Wraith now? She is 4.4, both of them get a speed boost out of their power, and Wraith can move faster around the map and more stealthily. I don't really think that when in a chase she is any better than Wraith now.
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Wait where did you hear this?
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Good lmao she was extremely strong for an unfair reason. This killer now has actual counterplay while still being incredibly strong.
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Blight mains have shown for a while now that the turning rate restriction doesn't hinder him since he can bounce off something and briefly have access to 360° turning to reorient himself.
And even then, that doesn't change anything about the fact that he will be considerably stronger than Spirit after her change.
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There's a new dev update
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Wraith has to spend 3 seconds uncloaking and you can see the shimmer when up close, Spirit instantly attacks and you'll only hear her footsteps.
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How do you find the dev update?
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Spirit has to spend some seconds charging the phasing. And you can see the dust on the ground according to the dev, so she is not invisible either.
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She will now be incredibly weak. I predict we won’t see her at all anymore, just like Billy and most other killers.
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His movement still has a turning restriction, no matter how much you mess up with sensitivity settings. You can't, for example, rush through the boiler room on Badham freely with him, while Spirit can.
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I would suggest to wait for the PTB and actually see for yourself as to how it's gonna turn out instead of instantly claiming that Spirit will be dead.
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How will she be incredibly weak? Legitimately? She still has insane movement speed, the ability to catch survivors off guard still, and the ability to get easy hits on almost every single tile and loop in the game. The only difference is she doesnt have the cheesy, easy mindgames that don't give survivors any choice except a guessing game.
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The kick up dust thing will be nice just have to look intently
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Right... so because Blight can't rush through one part of house on a map out of 30 or something maps whereas spirit can, my argument is invalidated or what?
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Because i already played that PTB, and she was garbage because one of the things they are introducing was a bug. Now they are even introducing more nerfs, so it's not that i'm guessing she will be bad, i know she will be bad.
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Look up old patch notes, we already know where this goes because that is how Spirit used to work. She had a directional cue during her PTB.
I mean, look at the very title of this thread, that should have given you the hint.
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it's usually posted in categories> news> general news
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That counterplay like you said will ruin her and the only strong killer are going to be blight and nurse so less variety for the top mmr survivor
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That's called an example, you know what it means? Spirit's movement is still way more freely than Blight's.
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She will be a way worse version of Wraith. Geez
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The counterplay doesn't ruin her, it makes her less awful to go against. That is it, all her strengths right now? Still there. Except for the mindgames that give survivors 0 options. She will still be a good killer by a long shot lmao
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Doesn't change that she's much slower. Billy's chainsaw has turning restrictions too, but before they nerfed him, he was one of the best, simply because he could get around the map fast and reliably, and Blight benefits from the same factor. Spirit is too slow in comparison.
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How often does spirit chase as an m1 killer? One of the best things to do as spirit is to short phase, and short phase often.
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Here’s the problem: that “cheesy” guessing game was one of the most fair things in DBD. Now the survivor pretty much knows where she is and, if the survivor is paying attention, can avoid spirits phase the majority of the time. That’s not “counterplay “, that’s the survivor controlling everything. This is how survivor mains want every killer to be: easily and consistently counterable. Unfortunately, it seems like the devs agree. She will join Billy in extinction.
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I barely consider Spirit's power a movement ability due to how long it takes to recharge. It's more of a chase power, and it's an insane one.
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It will ruin her i think, dont forget its only part one so maybe her addon are going to get destroy too. Honestly its a wait and see but if she feel like ptb spirit shes going to be awful. Dont forget you will be able to tell where she is when she use her power and she wont because iron will is in the majority of the survivor loadout.
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"add more skill into The Spirit’s counterplay" *gives survivors an audio arrow telling them exactly which way to run*
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Yet some survivors still cant see an invisible wreith at 2 m from them, but yeah lets just say that because you can see some dust flying on the ground it makes spirit 100% visible
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Currently yes, not anymore soon.
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Actually, with the new killswitch feature, the devs can disable Iron Will if it becomes exploitable in the future. Same thing with various offerings!
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Let's at least wait for PTB? Spirit had a bug sometime ago where she had directional phase. It barely affected how strong she was, and she was way more fun to play against as well.
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I could buy that argument if MMR wasn't a thing. In high MMR they might aswell put neon lights on her location.
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I just hope the spirit player can hear the phasing moans too.
So you can go one direction and after she moans quickly go the other direction to catch the survivor ofguard between moans.
Kinda like you could with ancient Freddy's flickering
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This is another story, à killer should be able to compete on high levels because his power is à no brainer forcing à guess
If there are no killers able to compete on the high MMR, then BHVR will lose its players and it will be their fault, but spirit has been needing à real balance for à LONG LONG time now
Beside maybe the particles wont even be that big lol
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"barely affected"?
I could literally just sit at any long window or downed pallet and know exactly when to vault by just listening. It made her way weaker and put her power entirely in the hands of survivors. "Fun!"
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When survivors complain about a new killer after one week or so everyone loses their ######### because you have to wait 15 years before saying anything.
When a killer nerf is announced everyone knows it will make the killer trash without even playing with said killer.
Hypocrisy much?