Remember PTB Spirit? Well now it will be even worse
Scratchmarks.. Just stop running. Add ons.. We should need to use addons to make a killer viable.
Footsteps? Mostly way too quiet or completly bugged/ Survivors could just stop running or evem walking.
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Stop running? Easy catch up.
Addons are there to use them up, not to stock pile them.
Buy better headphones. I have no issues hearing steps and even breathing.
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Why is everyone acting like Spirit is dead and that we're currently planning her second funeral lol?
We don't know the add-on changes (Which will probably be the most drastic changes to her) and gave her an actually fair-sounding mindgame. Survivors who have a good sense of hearing can have a chance to outplay you in phase. (Depending on the loop still, because she still is pretty fast in phase, and again, we don't know if she's getting major changes to her movement speed add-ons in phase). Survivors who are extremely aware can see the dust (Which the Devs stated is harder to see around obstacles and in high grass- and again, we're going to need to see how it actually is in the patch.)
All it does is take away Spirit's stand-still mindgame (Something that shouldn't have ever existed imho.), and gives the Survivors a chance to outplay her at her own precise game. (If they have better awareness then her, they will get rewarded. If they don't, then she will get rewarded.) Reminder that Spirit has always been able to see Survivors move grass, corn, and hear Survivors. (And currently has an add-on where she can see their blood while phasing.)
We need to wait till we see the full patch, but all it seems like is that they gave Survivors a chance to actually have counterplay against her that's based on awareness versus awareness, which is something I can appreciate. (And this is as someone who genuinely loves Spirit- I love how much she is based on her awareness, and I'm happy that it will be the larger focus on her kit now instead of encouraging people to fake out a phase and watch to see what sort of jukes/mindgames the Survivor will be trying before you phase, and the Survivors actually having more skillful counterplay to her then 'Throw down the pallet and pray to god that she's wrong or bad'.)
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Now that survivors have the control over you why would i play spirit over wraith? He seems like a straight up better version of spirit now. Better map pressure, no cooldown on power, more stealthy moving, 4.6... And the chase power of the lunge out of stealth will be very similar to the visible now visible spirit, because let's be honest, you can pinpoint her location with sound and dust moving pretty easily, the same way she can know where survivors without ironwill are. And remember that survivors don't have to know her exact location, just where she is heading towards to, Spirit has to know exactly where they are to get a hit.