You can't argue dbd isnt survivor sided☺ I love it 😂
I mean, playing killer has never been easier. So imagine how much more survivor favored it used to be and count your blessings.
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Ah yes ignore me because you know I'm right. The average forum dweller
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When people say outrageous things to make it sound like they're deep in the scene. His blight gameplay is especially stupid-good. Most people just say bad things about him because he speculates and says things he can't readily prove - but that doesn't mean he's wrong, he's definitely got insight.
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Im not saying bad things about him. He isn't a stupid player, he has knowledge for sure. But he just isn't the top % even if he likes to think it.
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People will say the devs are one-sided if anything that isn't a buff to their side happens. That developer update could have said nothing about Spirit and said something like "We're taking away Legion's ability to vault" and then the rest of the update is completely killer sided and killer mains would complain "These devs are survivor sided. Look what they're doing to Legion."
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Might i ask what exactly was announced to change the killer behavior?
All i can find is that survivors will get the info to think less.
(The survivor gets to see and hear the invisible killer who only gets scrazchmarks of quedtionable reliability.)
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No #########, being totally genuine, I think you could probably start a youtube channel.
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Ugh ik and Survivor mains have the cheek to whine and complain about Killers..
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An addon which literally prevents you from using your power is a buff???????? Traps escape rate still being rng and a buffed hex which will get destroyed in 5 seconds anyway?
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these CLUELESS devs at behavior WHAT WERE THEY THINKING ... ??
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His power auto injures or even can lead to instadown; people underestimate a fully set up Trapper with a 3 gen. Hag can only injure.
I think he should start with more than 2 but the buff is a good start. The purple add-on will still be stronger than most people realize.
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If he is that bad, what is the level of the players commenting here then ? 🙄
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What are you talking?
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When was the last time you played against a Myers not using infinite tier 3 or tombstone? He's mid tier but he's always armed to the teeth when I face him.
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I love playing against jump scare Myers!
When he has tombstone, you better hide in a locker. He can´t kill you that way.
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You do realize tunneling and camping are a product of the fact that the game is survivor sided. They are a means to bring the game balance as a 3 vs 1 is more manageable then a 4 vs 1. I play both sides about 50/50 i agree that their are a few killers that this doesn't apply, but for 80 percent of the killers going against any competent team this can be a must. Not always but based on a lot of factors in that specific game it can be a turn of the tides if you will.
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For someone to say that Truetalent is mediocre, this person has to be better and i doubt it.
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This is just typical crying, just like survivors cry about perks/killers and think they should be able to escape every single match - killer mains are doing the same thing; complaining about survivors' perks, thinking they should be able to 4K each match. You're not different than entitled survivor, you're just on the different team.
Oh and by the way, I absolutely love the 'high MMR' discussion. But you know what? No game ever will (nor should) be balanced around your top tier. If you truly are in the top tier, you're there for a reason, on your own demand and well... you gotta work with what's meta. But top tier is what? 5% of players? Bit more, bit less, but still VAST majority of players are not top tier and never ever will be. I don't know what's my MMR (by the way how do you know people know you have the 'highest'? Is there a way to check it? xD) I'm definitely a casual player and I seriously wouldn't want to play the game that would've been balanced around top 5% of tryhard sweaty players. No casual player would like that. And casual players are the majority, vast majority of this game. Any game.
And going back to playing on high level - what exactly do you even expect? Have you played any other game on high level? You know, I've been playing MTG for like 15 years, 4-5 years I played competitively, going on tournaments etc. And you think I was able to play some 'fun' cards and decks? No! If you're on that level, you play the best of the best, most overpowered cards that are allowed, you go for the win, so yeah, you play meta. It's boring, but that's the 'price' of playing competitively. When I play with friends, I play something that's actually more fun, but something that in competitive matches would've totally lost me the game.
So... again - if you're at the top of MMR, stop complaining about it, no one forces you to hit highest MMR and if you are there, you play meta, that's how every game works.
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This is assuming there's a locker nearby and he does have tier 3 99%.
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To add to this, people get really buttmad when the word "fun" is thrown around, but I'm fairly certain that the goal of the dev team is to make the game as fun and casual as possible. It's why there's no clear win condition and why MMR is balanced around what most would consider a tie. Anyone playing to win is obviously going to be an outlier to that.
At this point, I'm pretty convinced that the majority of the people who complain about the game mechanics on a regular basis tend to be those who sweat and have to suffer for it. Trust me, I eat sh*t pretty regularly in-game, but I'm not here demanding changes to the game or complaining that it's killer-sided because I just want to play for fun, so I do.
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You doubt it based on... What?
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That's deemed as toxic though 🤣 I played v that last night and he got all 4. Last person even gave themselves up with half the ECG timer left and the gate 75% open.
Myers is brilliant fun to face
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You can always hope that your teammates dont feed him.
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I wished there were more killers like him. That can really scare you. You know? When you are on Lerys and suddenly Myers grabs you off the gen.
No running in circles, no pallet camping, just jump scares. I love it!
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Survivors queue times at high MMR start to be longer. What had to happen is happening, killers are frustrated.
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You can, but I'd never count on that.
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Also BUFFED wraith/clown and many other killers addons, nerfed ds and Object lol
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Rusty shackle is busted
Mint Rag allows a hag to get make your choice downs for free no down side thats busted
Tombestone piece is broken as ######### lol
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Tomestone piece + Green faster stalk addon pretty much removes the downside AND he can freaking Mori a survivor early as hell, The Judith tomestone is actually balanced
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Why did you censor his face lmao, we all know who it is
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Just look at kill rates for killers... and then make a serious argument about how the game is survivor sided
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Killer rates are for the ENTIRE game's demographic. And guess what, there's a lot more newbies/bad players in DBD than good players.
Everyone and their grandmother knows killer is unplayable at mid to high MMR.
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And yet the kill rates go up in red ranks...
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People still think rank equates to skill? lmfao what a laugh
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So now high MMR players are stuck in lower ranks...
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Which is why I fear for them both when Boon Totems come in. If they have to traverse the map and leave their trapped territory (especially Trapper) to cleanse a boon totem that's pretty much game over for them.
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We dont have any stats since SBMM release. SBMM changed everything. In the old system, unskilled survivors were top rank, now it's not the case so Kill rate is way lower for sure.
Post edited by JohnWeak on0 -
Yeah, I could 4k red rank survivors back when I was first starting out and made it to green rank, rofl. Those kill rates are INFLATED.
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Back then they admitted that it counted the killer rank only.
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It honestly just reminds me of children. Fighting over which sibling gets more/less attention.
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Let's talk about garbage SWF teams that are boosted to high MMR cause they always bring a key 😂.
BHVR releasing a MMR system while all broken things are still not removed from the game : keys, noed, ruin is still an hex, devour hope, insta heal, green boxes, full team of meta perks... ye well it's a joke.
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-survivors being spoiled and get what they want everytime and killers getting nerfs (pop nerf/tanato nerf/ twins nerfs because yes/mori nerf) not to mention all the bugs that pops out in evry patch(for killers) and takes forever for a fix(nurse/twins yet again/clown/pyramid head/ghostface etc)...but hey, that's fine, no issue so far.
-Killers getting a bit of (minor) love in one update, even thou 90/95% of the killer roster is non viable and can't be meta: "SEE, this game isn't survivor sided, killers gets love TOO!1!!"
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I agree that dbd is more survivor sided.
Maps like Gideon Meat Plan, Raccoon City Police and Haddonfield are 100% survivor sided.
And no, i am not a killer main, i play both sides...
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It all depends on how addons are handled but it will be more nerfs than buffs to keep swf strong🤑
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U are wrong. Every competitive game is balanced around top tier/tournament level players. None cares about babies whining about balance. Do u rly think League is balanced around silver players? Dota? Sc2? etc....
Dbd greatest problem is we don't have proper player statistics so we can't judge who is right and who is wrong and what perks they use. So it end up all about players crying all over. But also there are things vast majority agrees(example: Nurse is great against SWF and Trapper is useless).
Also u are wrong about MMR. Unless u intentionally throw game after game and refuse to become better at any cost, eventually u will become better, so suggesting to throw games on purpose is bad idea.
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Games are mostly balanced around majority of the players. Yes, there are changes that aim to fix balance issues around top tiers/tournaments, but overall game is being balanced around the overall statistics. And stats are reliable the more data you have and do you have more data from 1% or 99% of the playerbase? If MTG: Arena was being balanced around competitive players, than Nexus of Fate wouldn't get banned and in Hearthstone also many other nerfs/buffs wouldn't happen. Tarkov is balanced around overall opinion, not about opinion of 0.5% of the playerbase, they have to adjust to the changes, not other way around.
Plus, I think you're confusing top tier/tournament players with decent/good players. I don't play LoL, but I'm sure the game is balanced around statistics they get from like 'decent' ranks. Yes, game is not being balanced around 'baby players', but I think you forget there's a long road between 'silver players' and top tier/tournament players.
I don't see where I'm wrong about MMR? That you should stop whining if you are so high? I stand by it. Again - years of being competitive MTG player - no one forced me to play like that, no one forced me to do tournaments. But when I do... I kind of have to adapt and play what's good in that environment. That's how it goes in every game; in casual mode you can mess around, have fun, play super funny builds and cards, but once you try to get to tournament level... you ditch fun deck that sometimes works and play something meta, strong and consistent.
Also no - I don't throw games on purpose, I just play and have fun. If there are players that sweat their asses, count each millisecond, because some actions are 'nOt oPtIMaL', tryhard as hell to get 4k, escape at all cost, even if they don't have fun, but they need to 'win'... sorry, but that's not my problem and they shouldn't complain the game is not fun for them. It's a gamestyle they pick. When I played MTG tournaments were also not really that fun, especially in comparison to fun matches with my friends, with actual FUN decks.
Maybe they should introduce actual leaderboards, so sweaty players could see themselves climbing that and also casual mode, with no ranking, no MMR, no rewards at the end of the month.
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There was casual mode before MMR and everyone complained they faced either hell strong killer or babies with less than 10h. It was literally 3 weeks ago. If u revert it back, crying won't stop. Now devs finally made somethin close to skill vs skill and suddenly those who enjoyed beating babies start to cry like they can't do it anymore. Otherwise i don't see a problem in chilling or whatever u understand behind it. If u don't want to escape or kill then just run all over map and do whatever u want, but don't ask beating babies casual mode.
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The fact that you didn’t cover the hat, something that only one singular content creator for this game wears on a consistent basis, makes covering his face a bit pointless ngl
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Oof, that does sound rough. Seems like the devs are dead-set in adding this dumb feature, unfortunately. Zero consideration for how it’ll affect killers.
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I love how you twist my words into something I didn't say.
I didn't say I 'don't want' to escape/kill - I said I don't sweat my ass off to do this at any cost. If I get nice amount of points, it's my personal win. I play for fun actions, builds etc. Holding M1 and crouching in bushes just to escape with 10k points isn't why I play this game.
I didn't say that casual mode should be the only one - let's have two - rank mode with proper leaderboards, more rewards etc and casual, for those that don't want to count every second, sweat and tryhard at the expense of fun.
I didn't say skill vs skill is bad. I said like 10 times that if you are a sweaty tryhard, then stop complaining, you're there for a reason and that's fine, you're good and you finally are facing good players.
My point was simple - I don't get whining about high MMR. I played other games competitively and it's, arguably, NOT fun. Playing high level in MTG feels like a chore, like any other card game, same with PUBG and I'm sure it's like that with DBD. But that's the thing - it's not my problem. It's nobody's problem. If you want to jack off at your 'high MMR' then it's your problem that games are not fun at this level. That's with every game.