Please Nerf... Prove Thyself,İron Will

We can't resist these perks in any way.It has no Counter-Play.Isn't it time?

Why are these perks that 90% of people complain about not interfered with?


  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248

    Because of the advantages of survivors, most officials play games from the perspective of survivors.

    The killer was quickly repaired generator by the survivors, and the official did not want to change this thing that would destroy the game experience of both parties.

    I don’t like the survivors who repaired the generator quickly,So I never played Dwight's Perks.

    But the official said this is part of the game, what else can we say.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited September 2021

    Iron will is definitely an odd perk. It overshadows an enormous amount of other perks and allows you to force the killer to play a loop in a specific manner or run the risk of the survivor leaving the loop the minute the killer try's chasing from a different angle. There are many perks that give the iron will no noise effect on timer iron will being permanent is kind of insane. I like the idea of original low tier iron will being something that takes effect whilst crouched it also could open up some clever audio manipulation for survivor's where they can risk crouching at points to mislead the killer into believing you left the loop.

    Prove thyself is the only perk I can think of that actively pushes gens bar resilience and there's good reason for that. However it does encourage players to play sub optimally doing gens together making it easier for the killer to stop multiple survivor at a given point. Later half of the game it come in clutch breaking 3 gens. If anything I'd rather they address the lack of early game base kit gen slowdown that creates situations where often a killer will lose 3 gens by default if the first chase isn't a fast down.

    In conclusion I'd like if there was a timing element to the iron will effect rather then it being a passive advantage and prove thyself is important to have to give survivors a tool to combat 3 gen setup's. Prove thyself isn't the problem and its important to have it as an option in a survivors arsenal. However something needs to be done about dbd's terrible early game disadvantage that or just make maps smaller but entity knows the dev's can't stomach the idea of making a map that doesn't demand you play a high mobility killer if you wanna traverse the map look at recent maps for examples of archaically huge map's.

  • Trickstar
    Trickstar Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2021

    Yeah, no.

    Post edited by Trickstar on
  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758
    edited September 2021

    There were blast nerfs to survivor sides after Nurse got nerfed and Ruin got reworked.

    With upcoming Spirit's nerf, who knows.

    I'm starting to think Dead Hard, Iron Will, Prove Thyself and maybe Spine Chill might get some changes.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I always said that to fix Iron Will (and not making stridor/spirit op) would be the following:

    Iron will: When injured, you don't make any injured sounds but normal breathing (injured=healthy soundwise).

    -> this way you can still hear anyone with iron will (also as Spirit) but they don't cry in your ear anymore.

    Stridor: revert back to old state

    Spirit: unable to hear injured sounds while phasing. Injured Survivors emit sounds as if they were healthy.

    -> this way Spirit has no advantage against Survivors without IW and can't use Stridor to counter it. She would always be able to hear a survivor's breathing, no matter if they are healthy or not.

    Problem solved.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    I always use Iron Will and cannot play without the perk. However, I actually wouldn't complain if they made you still emit breathing sounds while injured with it, as it makes no sense that, with that perk, you're more quiet while injured than while healthy.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Now that the Spirit is nerfed (well, soon), Iron Will and Stridor effects have to be reverted back. We all knew and know that this survivor buff was a bad way to nerf Spirit.

    Also I hope Spine Chill won't get any nerf, because it is great at what it does, without being busted. I think it would be better to buff Premonition so Spine Chill has finally one competitor.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    Stridor nerf was such a bad design to indirectly nerf Spirit.. And about Spine Chill, I think reducing or removing its speed boost can be okay. Spine Chill itself is a really good perk even if those speed boost didn't come together imo. Premonition buff idea is really nice too.