I hope with new character switch Huntress will be instantly disabled until her hits start make sense

Every game against huntress there is that shouldn't hit moment

She's broken. Not overpowered. Just broken. This killer doesn't work with combination of latency and hatchet hitbox size.


  • BigBall
    BigBall Member Posts: 129

    They should just make the hatchets look like dane axes at this point.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    You aren't wrong, but ######### up hitboxes probably won't be enough to earn a disabling.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I was getting ready to see that Laurie pfp after clicking on the title. I’m disappointed now.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,487

    Oh of course their fix ended up being broken in some way, but they should've have fixed that issue instead of reverting it entirely.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    That hit isn't even bad considering how the hitbox of the survivor is slightly behind them while injured + latency and bad servers make hatchet hits look so questionable.

    The hitbox may not be perfect but it isn't as bad as people claim.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    There's nothing wrong with the hatchet hit boxes, just like there wasn't the last 5 million times a post like this was made over the last few years.

    What people are experiencing as "bugged" hit boxes is just all latency related. IE the hatchet that flies behind you and looks like it shouldn't have hit, does hit, because it shows your character as being further back and in the path of the hatchet than what you're actually seeing on your screen.

    It's essentially the exact same issue with basic m1 hits where on your screen you were no where near him but on his you were much closer.

    Also, anyone saying the old hit boxes changes they attempted on her hatchets years ago was "fine" or "good" simply was not playing Huntress at any significant level back then. Those hit box changes were absolutely terrible. They were changed back because they were bad, not because people "complained".

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    but all the 3000+ hour Huntress sweatlords suddenly found it way more difficult to hit anything, and their complaining got the fix promptly reverted

    yeah, you have no idea how the hitboxes in this game work at all, do you?

    allow me to educate you on why that is not only a horrendously wrong statement, but also on why Huntress hitboxes are actually fine the way they are:

    The Survivors hitbox is not actually matching their playmodel or animations, instead its a large, pill shaped object emerging from between their feet. This pill never changes (unlike animations / playmodels do) and is always the exact same on every Survivor.

    now, due to it not actually accurately depicting the Survivors playmodel (e.g. the arms are sticking out + certain animations such as injured running, sabotaging or fast vaulting have the Survivor bend in ways not represented by the hitbox), the Huntress Hatchet hitboxes need to make up for all of these moments to allow her shots to actually hit you after visually colliding with your body during these animations.

    If the Huntress Hatchet hitboxes were to be accurate to their playmodel, as was the case in that test a while ago, the Hatchet hitboxes would be incapable of colliding with the Survivors hitboxes, even though they visually hit the playmodel. This lead to a large number of shots during that time physically phasing straight through a survivor, even though they should have very clearly hit them.

    that is why the hatchet hitbox is ball shaped, to allow a Hatchet to collide with a Survivors hitbox, even if they are in an animation where their body is bend away from it (e.g. injured running - the forward bending of the Survivors body is not represented by their hitbox at all).

    so, here is the reason as to why the shot in your screenshots looks so weird:

    the Survivors hitbox is not actually where the head is, its actually going straight up from their behind. thats the desync of hitboxes and animations i talked about, meaning your hitbox was actually a lot closer to the Hatchet than you would think it is purely based on that pic.

    in addition to that, the Huntress hit you around the place your head would have been, had you been running in the other direction - meaning the hitbox of her Hatchet collided with the edge of your hitbox. So had you been facing the other way, the hit would have looked perfectly fine, but since you didnt it looks off - thats a necessary evil though, as, as stated above, without this any hits from the front would be made impossible as well.

    then add some latency on top of that, meaning that you look like you are a few steps further in the direction you were running on your screen than you actually were and you got the recipe to the bad looking hit that downed you.

    is there a fix to this?


    in order for the hatchet hitboxes to be "fixed" so they accurately depict the thrown hatchet, we would have to "fix" the Survivor hitboxes first, so they too accurately depict the Survivors playmodel & animations.

    This however does come with a couple of downsides:

    1) female Survivors would have an natural advantage over male ones, due to their body being slimmer and the hitboxes therefore being smaller.

    2) due to the now present arm hitboxes, as well as the constantly changing hitbox based on your animation, it would become significantly harder for you to loop around objects now, as not only your collision would drastically change uppon being hit once, but thanks to your arms you now would also get stuck a lot more than before. In addition to that, again thanks to your now existing arms, you would be unable to hug objects nearly as tight as you currently can, so you would be generally incapable of looping around structures as much as you currently can.

    so, would you rather have accurate huntress hitboxes, but therefore no longer being capable of looping effectively and generally having to relearn looping from scratch (against every Killer i might add), or would you rather have an occasional bad looking hit on one of the Killers?

    long story short, having an occasional BS hit from Huntress is by far the lesser evil to be had here.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Huntress's hitboxes aren't really the primary issue- the issue is, as Blueberry said, latency. It's why some M1's are so shady on Survivor's end (Getting hit through something that doesn't look like it should have hit you) and Killer's side (Not getting the hit when you were supposed to.) It's the same thing with Huntress, and it effects both the Killer and Survivor, where some of her hatchets look like they should land, but don't, while some don't look like they should land, but do.

    Ghostface has the same exact issue.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    edited September 2021

    I told in my post it's combination of both latency and hitboxes. Idk why you guys triyng to correct me even if im not wrong. It's problem of both because look at deathslinger. Same latency. Tiny hitbox. You rarely see anyone complaining about DS bullshit hits

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I've seen plenty questionable Deathslinger hits (especially around corners) and misses (harpoon goes right through the survivor).

    Also,you can't exactly compare both of them because Huntress has a rather long wind up to reach full speed + is losing distance in the process while Deathslinger has pretty much no windup and immediately shots his harüoon at full speed

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Welcome to online gaming.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    edited September 2021

    How wind-up affects bullshit hits? It doesn't. It's unrelated. I can compare these two because they both shot projectiles at you at same speed and one has huge hitbox and one is tiny and that's all that matters. Difference is noticable. very noticable

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    No it was the fact her Hatchett were going through survivors because the survivor hitbox isn't form fitting and for good reason, huntress can't be changed unless they redo survivor hit registration completely