Twins, Billy, or Freddy?

Which BHVR experience annoys you more? When the virtually kill a Killer by ignoring their existence (even when a few tweaks would suffice), aka Twins. When they make an adjustment pass on a Killer, specially when unnecessary, that changes how they feel/play (Like Billy). Then we have the actual Killer overhaul that changes nearly every aspect of a Killer into something new, basically replacing an old killer with a new one (Alah Freddy).

I was thinking about this and couldn’t decide which annoyed me more. How about you guys?


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Billy and Freddy aren't super far off from being in acceptable states, maybe you could argue that Freddy's rework was a bad thing but that's a matter of subjectivity. Not to mention, the grass is always greener - when old freddy was a thing people demanded he be reworked and changed.

    Twins on the other hand, a killer that was released unfinished and broken and is still to this day - unfinished and broken. They are horrible to play as and for some, horrible to play against.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742


  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    For me i miss old freddy the most he was my favorute killer and the reason i pick this game up.

    Right now for me they kill twin the DS stun after each pounce hurt her so much that i hate her.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    twins. there just straight up ignored.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676


    But out of the 3, it would go like the most fun is Twins, a lot of fun is Billy and not great not terrible is Freddy.

    I like facing twins, they're rare and outplaying victor is fun. Freddy is mostly generic M1 killer in chase which doesn't give all that much room for exciting gameplay unless you love going against M1 killers.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Twins will probably be featured in the mid chapter part 2 release on Monday.

    Agreed about the Hillbilly nerf going too far. I think it’s no coincidence that he was listed first in the addon changes section.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited September 2021

    Definitely Billy.

    Literally no experienced player wanted him nerfed at all (aside from his add-ons), but here we are. Not to mention they absolutely butchered his add-ons.

    Post edited by glitchboi on
  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145

    Billy deserved better than this.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758
    edited September 2021

    All 3 had terrible changes. I would pick Freddy.

    He lost his characteristics and his current state is just.. both weak and boring killer to play as.

    I mean killer being weak is okay but boring and even bunch of laughable addons, he's miserable.

    Billy is also same condition in my opinion. It's just sad Freddy could have been okay if devs didn't rework Freddy.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Billy was the biggest injustice and therefore the most annoying. Freddy was an attempt to help a killer that was excessively complained about, Twins were just a failure right out of the gate. Billy used to be a lot better but they did him a disservice.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Billy. He was a perfectly balanced killer until he got unnecessarily nerfed into the ground.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I know some people will not agree with me as Billy had quite a big reputation for years but after doing a lot of testing I found him to be kinda bad at this moment really.

    His base sprint speed, base curve angle and base charge up time requires you to be at a very, VERY specific distance to even go for a curve attempt.

    This specific distance is typically JUST out of stun range so basically a range where many survivors won't even hesitate to drop the pallet.

    And even if they don't drop the pallet (real) curving (90+degree) is easily the most difficult thing in Dead By Daylight so no matter how good you are it will always be an inconsistent move and often result in you missing or bumping into the very edge (or invisible collision) of a wall.

    On top of that the base speed allows them to dodge a successful curve-sprint very often if you have good internet. You wouldn't believe how often a curve attempt of mine missed by like an inch.

    So in terms of pallets Billy is just a weaker and far more difficult version of Bubba. The same goes for windows.

    So what's left? Map pressure. Since Billy's base cooldown (post chainsaw sprint) is extremely long (since the devs even removed his cooldown addons for some reason) you can't effectively pressure survivors since no matter where you stop the sprint the cooldown will always allow halfways experienced survivors to get away and run you even if you come from a direction they didn't expect.

    Speaking of curves I'm using this opportunity to share a good curve hit of mine:

    With this kind of curving I'm currently losing about 90% of all my Hillbilly matches. Guess I just suck at Hillbilly.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,550

    Freddy, by a long shot.

    Being turned from an unique and amazing killer to a boring mess is easily the worst thing that can happen to a killer in this game. And what makes it even worse, is that they got it right on their very first try.

    Freddy on-release was literally perfect, and didn't require a single change...unexpectedly, the devs nerfed him a week later for no reason at all. And some time later, instead of JUST REVERTING THE NERF, they decided to rework him into a poor excuse of a mix between Clown and Hag, that lacks originality and is not fun at all.

    I still remember my first match with his new power. It was on Old Léry's, my favorite map mind you, but that did not change how bad the situation was. I was disheartened, and everything felt wrong. The match was a didn't feel like one.

    The first and only post-game message that I got was from an Ace, who described Freddy's new power as "boring af". Sadly, this is still true to this day.

    I sincerely hope the devs acknowledge their mistake and bring my sweet Old Freddy back.

    I sincerely hope.

  • I'm new but Twins feel really rushed. Some of their add-ons don't even make sense. Their power is really clunky for balance reasons, like not being able to switch to victor because you are too close to a hooked survivor... No other killer feels like that, and killers shouldn't feel like that.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I need to clarify a few things. By cooldown I wasn't referring to overheat but to the literal cooldown animation you get after any chainsaw sprint. On old Billy I would often use cooldown addons that allowed you to cut ways off then use the chainsaw almost instantly again before they make it to let's say a strong loop or main building.

    That's what I also meant when I was talking about map pressure. He definitely still has one of the best map "presence" in the game but since you mechanically can't do any actions for so long after a sprint it often doesn't seem to matter as people always make it to the good loop, main building etc. where he is mostly a weaker version of Bubba (imo).

    As for the loadout what's wrong with it? I'm not a Billy main so genuinely wondering.

    - Enduring: Because curving. I can't ever afford to respect any pallets otherwise you're instantly not in range for a curve attempt anymore. Many survivors do that "last second teleport back drop" so I want to get these kinda pallets out of the way asap.

    - Bamboozle: Because 2 survivor options (window+pallet) makes it impossible to get the chainsaw hit on any decent looper. 1 option has to go immediately or you become a M1 killer most of the time.

    - Ruin: Well... Because..Ruin. Good on any killer especially fast ones... Right?

    - Lethal Pursuer: Sometimes allows me to chainsaw snipe someone at the start of the game. Maybe that perk slot could be used for something better.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    there is some light on this because Billy’s addons are getting changed and we might get some improved addons

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Billy got nuked so him I would say but Twins also really annoys me like their actual issue of plonking victor under a hook doesnt get addressed at all but now you need to be DS stunned every time you down someone?