Nerfed Killers

scorpio42084 Member Posts: 39

Nerfed Killers 63 votes

Every killer they've nerfed is basically dead
getuy45u4iuRK67Toaster427 3 votes
It's good to nerf strong killers
Aven_FallenkonchokPandaManlandromatSakurradarkcloudlinkRockotheawesomepugAmelioPSPGGSlushyTacitusKilgoreAurelleAlex_GarlicRice 14 votes
Instead of nerfing killers they should buff weaker ones
GibberishkodiakyBlueberry[Deleted User]musstang62MrPenguinCritical_FishMattie_MayhemOGtenoresaxKingOfGhostxnicolaybjorksnasWarcrafter4ThePoliceAwkward_FiendDerZuntorglitchboibaseballfan4877steponmeadirisGuest1567432 42 votes
Their should nerf all killers so there's no s tier killers only A tier
TapeKnotnickoffordmarios72MPA 4 votes


  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,822
    Instead of nerfing killers they should buff weaker ones

    The weaker killers absolutely need to be buffed. It’s nice to see Trapper finally get some love.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    Instead of nerfing killers they should buff weaker ones

    I still think some killers, like Nurse need a nerf.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    It's good to nerf strong killers

    Spirit, Nurse and Blight are too opressive and needs a nerf

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    It's good to nerf strong killers

    It's good to nerf strong killers if the nerf is needed.

  • TapeKnot
    TapeKnot Member Posts: 248
    Their should nerf all killers so there's no s tier killers only A tier

    If all killers could be around the same power level (with that power level being strong but not too strong), then this game would be a LOT better.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443
    Instead of nerfing killers they should buff weaker ones

    If their is no strong killers their will be a lot less killers.

  • baseballfan4877
    baseballfan4877 Member Posts: 364
    Instead of nerfing killers they should buff weaker ones

    tbh im down for them nerfing every killer to f tier

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    Instead of nerfing killers they should buff weaker ones

    If a killer isn't strong enough to force survivors to change up their gameplay then there is no point in that killer existing.

    Remember the developers said survivors are all the same because the killer is meant to dictate their gameplay.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    trapper with no traps should be the only killer, its the only way to balance the game once and for all

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304
    Instead of nerfing killers they should buff weaker ones

    the funny thing is that almost all the time the survivors are the ones who dictate how the game goes, killers being the ones to have to adapt on the spot

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
    Instead of nerfing killers they should buff weaker ones

    What no traps? I feel like thats a handicap I feel like a lot of survivors are entitled. That's his gameplay he's weak without them and plain. People saying killers are op really arnt they just don't know how to win against them. Yea some frustrate me but im not gonna be like nerf them because I cant beat them it's all on the person who plays the killers and if thier insanely good. 4 survivors one killer survivors out number and sometimes dictate the game. No one needs to be nerfed or have abilities tooken away.

  • GarlicRice
    GarlicRice Member Posts: 118
    It's good to nerf strong killers

    If the nerf is needed then yes it is good, Spirit was incredibly annoying to face and most people I've seen play against her just want to quit before it's started. I don't think all nerfs are necessary however.