Gen speed is too strong for the sake of the game
Gens going this fast basically means short games, which means basically negative stuff for everyone:
- Less fun and BP for everyone.
- Survivor gameplay being just M1.
- Killers forced to run 4 antigen perk - no space for fun builds or perks.
- Killers forced to camp and tunnel to secure at least one kill - bad experience for everyone.
- More bubbas, more Noed.
I wish both sides could see this as something bad for all of us. We should be in the same boat: we want this game to be fun.
one of ur points is. "survivor gameplay being just m1."
so? a double negative? that just means more holding m1.
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Wouldn’t longer gens mean more boring holding m1 though?
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An initial objective before generators seems like a better solution
Having to fill the generator with gas would work
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While this game propagates the mindset onto survivors that you need to win as efficiently as possible, this will never change. With the addition to Boon perks soon, I wouldn't be surprised to see a "Prove Thyself" equivalent. As much as people try to ignore it because the phrase "Gen Rushing" has turned into a meme of sorts, it is a problem for everyone....not just killers.
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If the game is longer, it means more chases, more fun for everyone (assuming most people enjoy chases, some maybe not).
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That'd still be holding M1 essentially. And imagine all the balancing they'd have to do around strong killer that have high slugging potential or killers that have insane map pressure. Don't forget the plethora of gen perks. The game would break.
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no it wouldn't, the game is currently broken and this is the solution
making nerfs to killers to compensate for the added objective completely negates the benefit of the objective
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Sadly is the reality, but 4 wallets > killer
######### survivors can escape easily just doing nothing, just pre droppings pallets and pressing m1.
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Highly efficient play is unbalanced.
Everyone strives to play better. No one caps out as a potato unless they are actively ignoring ways to improve.
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I think typically when people reference this topic they are referring to extra objectives that end up slowing the gens down in the process, not necessarily literal extra gen time.
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The problem isn't gen speed, 80 seconds is a lot the problem is maps and how separate survivors spawn.
If you do not believe me, try lethal persuer, you will usually see this, 1 survivor in 1 gen, 2 together and the other 1 is closer to you.
And yeah, we want the game to be fun, which from these past updates hasn't been.
Early game start never came into the game, it's been what? 1.5 years?
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80 secs for 1 gen solo is fine.
But I think 2 gen is like...30-35 seconds? that without prove thyself or sometimes it literally takes 15-20 seconds to just pickup a survivor and hook him.
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Nerf pallet loops and windows.
If the devs doesn't want to slow down the generators and healing, that's the only solution.
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Why do players act like they are "forced" to do things? If you want to camp and tunnel or if you want to run 4 Slowdown-Perks, do so, but dont act like you are forced to do it. It is your own decision.
You can win games without any Slowdown-Perks.
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I think there are others posible solutions:
- Early/Midgame collapse
- Secondary objectives that are really worth it
- Injured survivors repair slower (legion might be a problem here)
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Revert ruin and undying. Fixed.
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If you don't sweat so much, your games will last longer, as you will be matched with survivors who also don't sweat.
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For me right now there is no middle ground. Either super sweaty team or little puppies.
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Than stop sweating when you have puppies and your next match you will not get destroyed
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I know what you mean. Just the other day, I went up against a group got 3 hooks and they all escaped. Then the next game I 4k'd with 4 generators up. But let me tell you one last detail. Those survivors, they were the same survivors. I didn't even notice until it was brought up post game.
You see, Dead By Daylight is a game where things tend to snow ball. And that can go in either direction. A bad early game can cost you the game as killer and I've had games from competent survivors where each survivor got less than 5 k each. (And it was just due to bad RNG) They broke Haunted Ground, I immediately got a down, found a survivor hiding and Devour hope kicked in for my 3rd down and 4th down, and then before a single gen was done I had mori'd a survivor that had not been hooked yet. At that point they basically ran over to get mori'd and out of the game.
That's how this game goes, it's very natural for things to go very in your favor or very much against it.
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Its not because you need 2 or 3 gen defemce perk that the game is too fast
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You don't need any defense. You only need it because you chose to sweat. If you sweat, you will be matched with equally sweaty survivors. I don't understand why people have so much trouble understanding concept of SBMM.
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Lol, that's not how it works.
@GoodBoyKaru aren't you currently stuck in Pyramid Head hell?
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At this point I almost feel like gens should be like a prep thing for a more involved objective where survivors actually have to go against and outplay the killer. But that would require a whole lot of stuff to be rebalanced, so I guess we'll never have this.
People have suggested a billion things to try to make the game more interactive between killer and survivors, something that makes it so that what survviors have to do isn't just "hold m1 on a thing while stalling with second chances". Who knows maybe something will happen eventually.
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Gens can definitely be longer, and there wouldn't be a problem. If good survivors are doing gens in 5 minutes now, they'll only take slightly longer if the gen times are upped. No matter what the gen time is, casuals will complain it takes too long. So increasing the gen time can only be a slight inconvenience to higher level survivors. They can take it.
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Rather tragically yes
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Okay, I facecamp of my own volition based on pre-set conditions the survivors force. Gg ez.
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Sweating when I have puppies? I don't even try.
If you face potatoes yes, you can win with Monstruos Shrine.
So you're telling us that perks matter for SBMM? If I put 4 horrible perks I will face only new survivors? Do you have any official statement that confirms this? Because I would love to run meme perks.
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Your performance will naturally decrease if you run bad perks. If you played your favorite killer on two brand new accounts for 100 games. One perkless, and one with Ruin only, which account do you think would have higher mmr?
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So I have to ley myself be won in order to have fun matches. Definetly not a good system.
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4 wallets > killer
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You should see the overwhelming majority of my solo queue games where one gen gets done between all three teammates combined. There's no reason for me to ever bring Prove Thyself because no one ######### does gens. Most people I get matched with seem to think self caring 87 times a game is how you win. I'd love to get into these lobbies with that mythical "gen rush."
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As soon as you get to high MMR (or supposedly high), you'll see those rushes. Some games I don't even touch gens as survivor and is like a 4 minutes game.
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lmao. winning without slowdown. yea if u give a monkey a type writer then he will eventually write shakespeare.
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We need another game mode. This meta game is totally unfun. I´ve stopped playing drastically because of that,
We want have fun. Not play every single game tryharding with most boring mechanics like if we were on a sweaty tournament.
NEW GAME MODE with focused on interaction and fun. Take the generators out from new game mode also.