Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

It's time to become a survivor main :)

It's time to drop this miserable role and become a survivor main.

But why, you ask? Well:

-SBMM has made every killer match last 5 minutes at most. You're lucky if you get 4 hooks unless you tunnel, camp, or play a good Nurse.

-Spirit is getting nerfed out of S tier, so only a good Nurse can compete against good survivors now.

-Boon totems being something that directly buffs survivors.

-SBMM makes it so potato teammates are a thing of the past.

-Each and every game is a breeze. Holding W & abusing exhaustion perks makes looping braindead.

-Holding M1 on a generator is therapeutic compared to what killers deal with.

-More cosmetics to love and appreciate as a survivor.

-Being able to play with friends and make the game even easier.

As someone who dedicated 2000+ hours into killer, I'm finally transitioning into the survivor role. I'll probably touch killer every full moon just to remind how favourable this game is towards survivors with half a brain.

Join me, comrades.
