Whenever a nerf is announced...

Does anybody else check the forums every 10 minutes solely to watch everybody losing their #########?
I haven't been this captivated since the DS nerf, when everybody cried doom and despair and that DS was useless now and nobody would ever run it anymore (Yeah, I member).
Yeah it’s pretty funny especially when the nerf is justified like with spirit or DS
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Should make a bingo card for every time this happens
if this goes live all [killers/survivors] will quit the game
This overpowered thing I like is actually underpowered, and useless against good [killers/survivors]
But it is also the only thing that works against those good players, who are now unstoppable
You just need to git gud
Devs make all their balance decisions based on [killer/survivor] mains whining on the forum
I'm going to play in the most miserable way possible to protest this change, which will definitely work
Everyone who disagrees with me is [a rank 20/low MMR]
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You know me I just get concerned that Spirit will be unfun after the nerf. If I didn’t love her as much as I did but I still enjoyed playing as her, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to me.
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it doesn’t even have to be a nerf, the devs could announce “we are making Jill’s Sandwich a physical object that any role can eat” and the entire front page would be filled with “people are going to be toxic with the sandwich” or “sandwich led me to getting tunnelled” or “Sandwich OP please nerf”
there are days I question why I’m here, and then there are days where I really am thankful I’m here
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This made me lol. 10/10 would definitely play.
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I can’t 😂
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Well things like these are the reason I am on this forum after the league of legends forums were shut down and I could no longer bask in the twisted argumentations of banned people why they were unfairly banned. The chats they posted often and their own delusions why they should not have been banned or their appeals that they changed were most entertaining.
(Btw does anybody know if there is a community build alternative by now? Not that i would expect the Same level of entertainment since people should know that devs would look into posts there even less )
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I gotchu :)
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It's beautiful 🥺
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I miss the "Even [Other side] agrees [Thing] is/was perfectly balanced" square.
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Happens every time. The forum loses their mind over every single nerf, but it makes sense since its the largest gathering of people with the littlest amount of faith in BHVR.
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i also missed "THIS WILL KILL DBD" rather tragically but at least now i have options for if i ever make a DLC
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People STILL pretend DS is useless even though 90% of survivors I encounter have it on their builds.
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It's too juicy for me not to prod at people over, hence my jail bars. 😭😭🍸️💊
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DS is useless if killers don't tunnel the survivors. That's what peoeple say- there is a large "if" in the statement.
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A lot of it is denial. For example with Hillbilly, every other killer had a penalty to using their power (like a cooldown or an ammo limit etc, stopping them from spamming their power) so it was obvious Hillbilly was the odd one out, but Hillbilly mains had been telling themselves for years that Hillbilly was perfectly balanced. He really wasn't.
When the nerfs came, they made up this story that there was a lot of infighting at BHVR due to the nerfs, as if it was some gang warfare scene from Anchorman and some devs were ready to leave unless the Hillbilly nerfs were rolled back. Again, it speaks to their denial that the killer was OP. To this day they can't accept it.
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Not the statements I have been reading. I see that sentiment more with unbreakable than DS (which is a strong perk that I do NOT see in 9 out of 10 builds, by the way). People literally say they gutted decisive.
I see a lot of good survivors run it not necessarily to counter tunneling, but to get a free escape during end game collapse. That is basically why True runs it.
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That’s a bit weird but whatever floats your boat I suppose.
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Im always here for the nerf/buff drama ;3;
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yeah its pretty hilarious, especially since, no matter which side gets the nerf, the response is always the exact same:
Survivors get nerfed: "omg the devs are so killer sided, they dont care about the other part of their community at all! this game is literally becomming unplayable for survivor without [insert nerfed crutch here]. everyone from your survivor community is going to quit this game because of this, so have fun with your dead game after the next patch"
Killers get nerfed: "omg the devs are so survivor sided, they dont care about the other part of their community at all! this game is literally becomming unplayable for killer without [insert nerfed crutch here]. everyone from your killer community is going to quit this game because of this, so have fun with your dead game after the next patch"
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That's why it's so obvious that the people that are the most offended by the changes tend to be the people that sweat the game way too hard. Nobody has to love every change, but to take on such a strong victim complex over it is overdramatic lol
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I do. I've just been laughing at all the people raging about spirit. The amount of people saying that it's always survivors that get what they want is hilarious. People really looked past the trapper buff, and I've only seen posts from people unhappy about the spirit change, and I've not seen any posts from people happy about the trapper buff.
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thanks for being such a great presence on the forums :)
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For me its the constant refreshing after the notes are dropped just waiting for the from page to be GOODBYE DBD, DEVS SUCK, STUPID BHVR, QUITING DEAD BY DAYLIGHT, NO REASON TO PLAY ANYMORE.
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This is marvellous. I'm gonna have this ready when part 2 of the mid chapter notes come through. This is your hour, my friend.
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I'm fully prepared and just need to hope it doesn't happen when I'm busy lol I don't wanna miss this goldmine because Thursday was beautiful
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We saw that Spirit nerf coming in from orbit and there are still people acting outraged
She's needed changes for a long, long, long time
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I noticed every other game is Spirit now.
Enjoy it while lasts.
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Jokes on you I have to wait for a live build to try out the changes
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Nerfs needs to stop. We need more buffs.
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She was unfun to survivors for 3 years. If she's unfun after the nerf wait 3 years and then you can have her changed.
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i just fear the worst for wraith.
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That’s such a selfish mindset to have dude. You’re saying that since survivors haven’t had fun against her for a while that people that love Spirit should suffer even though it wasn’t their fault Spirit was unfun to go against? Get a grip,
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I've seen some ######### the past few forum-years, myself included.
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People are just mad that spirit and deathslinger will actually have *some* counterplay in chase now and not be free down killers at most tiles anymore.