SBMM update

Ever since rank update and shiznit killers gotten buffs and that’s okay. But don’t forget killers complained so much about survivors that DS was nerfed, lucky break and more. Killers wanna nerf every survivor thing. But killers camp and tunnel every game now since update. There is soooo many bugs to. There’s a totem in Lary’s Memorial that can’t be accessed and now in Hawkins but RIP I hate you but I’ll miss u Hawkins. There is countless bugs where ur outside one second and inside like “HOW BHVR I AM CONFUSION”. SBMM is bad to me. Me and my mother play together, ALWAYS and if not it’s a SWF. But we play well but the people brought into our matches now SUCK. Ppl who just do nothing. I’m half and half w the update. But I hope everyone’s having BETTER LUCK 😩.


  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Whenever a bug happens or I get hit like 20 feet after a fast vault I just say to my friend… “no wonder stranger things left you” lol. Makes us giggle.

  • killers complained so much about survivors that DS was nerfed

    killers camp and tunnel every game now since update

    SBMM is bad to me


    the people brought into our matches now SUCK. 

    clear survivor bias

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I, as a killer main, do not want any survivor perks nerfed. And I also think uncleansable totems should be fixed. Not even fronting, I genuinely believe these statements. For real. I know it sounds crazy, because I play one role more than the other, but this is the truth. Promises.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,742

    Generalisations do literally nothing except continue to exacerbate us vs them.