Get rid of the "unhook someone who previously unhooked you" challenge

This challenge is a bane of my existence. There are so many ways that this challenge gets derailed and made impossible to get any progress on in a typical match:
- Playing solo queue, so usually 1-2 players immediately rage DC the first time they get downed/hooked or instantly suicide on the hook before you can get to them to unhook
- The killer doesn't hook you until after your teammates have been hooked several times
- The killer is too low skill to get any/enough hooks for you to get hooked or get an unhook
- The killer facecamps/tunnels you so there's no opportunity for you to get unhooks
- The killer is AFK
- Your teammates steal unhooks, including those that Kobe in front of your face as you're about to unhook them
- <several more instances/reasons could go here, but you get my point>
The only real way to get any progress on this is to basically try to throw the match by running right to the killer at the start of the match to get hooked, then stalking the person who unhooked you in hopes they'll get hooked, then immediately rushing the hook in the killer's face with Borrowed Time as soon as they get hooked.
At least reduce the number of unhooks required for this if you don't get rid of it entirely.
It took me a while but I got it pretty quickly running my unhook build.
I agree that the length of the challenges are a real grind though. I'm sure someone could stun the killer 20 times easy, but it took me days. I agree that they should knock them down quite a bit.
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Im stuck on this quest for at least a week, I just gave up and called 3 other friends to come and let me unhook the guy who unhooked me, its a bit too much it needs to be 1 or 2 times
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Run Aftercare and Borrowed Time
Eventually you'll get it
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The "eventually" shouldn't be after like 30-40 games for 10 unhooks that meet the criteria
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These challenges are still awful and should be removed, it took me about 8 games to even get four of these done for the current challenge. Even when I'd rush the killer and be the first one hooked the person unhooking me would never get hooked again or the killer would just hit me once and then run away for no apparent reason.
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Another reminder that these challenges are terrible and completing them has somehow gotten even worse since I last complained. Please remove them and replace them with another kind of glyph challenge or something. Or a challenge where you're camped and tunneled by a killer, since that's much easier to have occur.
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This challenge is pretty fine, and not even that hard to get done.
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A lot of these challenges are really unfair towards solo queue survivors. They should really make them more accommodating so you don’t feel like you have to throw matches to get them done. Especially with challenges like “finish repairing 4 generators with the perk dark sense in one match”. Like, really?
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I really dont like challenges that require you to play swf to get them done in a timely fashion
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Guess which garbage challenge is back with this tome! And with 6 of these unhooks, no less!