Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

What's the point of a SBMM on a game where skill barely matters?

Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

Is anyone else feeling like games have been stupidly short and uninteractive since SBMM started? With most killers I feel there's simply no more chase interaction. Survivors don't loop anymore, no matter if I'm playing Legion (weak chasing killer) or Deathslinger (strong chasing killer), it seems everyone just want to maintain distance and finish gens ASAP. As survivor it's the same thing, I don't feel outplayed by a killer that just keeps running after Tinkerer notifications and barely chases anyone.

I've got to a point where I wanted to AFK a game as Huntress on Mother's Dwelling because I BARELY CHASED ANYONE. Most of the match consisted of me breaking safe pallets and catching up to survivors and, when chase finally started, it doesn't matter if it lasts 10 seconds, I know 2 gens are going to pop anyway. Nobody got over 20k that match.

Now I ask what's the point of a SBMM on a game where skill is barely a relevant factor on the outcome of a match? A lot of games you lose on the loadout screen. I don't like running meta perks like Pop, Ruin, DS and Dead Hard because they are super boring, but somehow I keep being matched with people running those ######### things.

"Just don't sweat and you won't be matched with your sweaty people". LIES. I've played over 100 Huntress games (my main killer) using Discordance, Shadowborn, Nurse's Calling and BBQ with only yellow addons and I still get matched with survivors using the same meta builds and playing like they are on a tourney. It doesn't matter if I lose 3 games in a row getting 3 hooks, the next one I'll probably be paired with the same type of survivors. I don't want to run meta perks because they're boring as #########.

The same happens with survivor. It doesn't matter if I'm running fricking Slippery Meat for an unhook build, the killer will probably be either a Nurse or Blight with 3 slowdowns slugging everyone, no matter if my team loses horribly 10 times in a row due to solo queue.

Defending generators and hooks is the most BORING aspect of the game. You don't see youtube compilations of "watch me hold M1 for 80 seconds on this gen!" or "watch me chase this Tinkerer notification and make this gen regress with Ruin!".

Just revert this system already, please. What's fun about DBD is the casual aspect of it. Chasing people around as killer and trying to get cool tricks with your favorite killer, or trying to hide and evade the killer as survivor. That's the fun part of the game and what made DBD popular in the first place. It doesn't matter if "killers are getting 60% efficiency" if I'm forced to run meta perks if I want to have this efficiency and I HAVE NO FUN DOING IT.

Sorry for the long rant and bad English. Thanks for anyone that read it until here. I just love this game and it pains me seeing it turning into this boring generator simulator game where the chase is being left out of the equation.


  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193

    The point of SBMM is to place people of relatively equal skill against each other.

    Were your matches really that less sweaty before SBMM? Mine were not.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited September 2021

    I don't understand you people.

    The point of any ranking system is to avoid placing beginners with veteran players, it is that simple. You want some kind of metric that you use to create games so you match people with similar game experience together.

    You are all acting like SBMM is something extremely fancy or it is going to turn DBD into csgo faceit. BHVR simply replaced their emblems ranking system with another ranking system in an effort to create more balanced matches. That's all there is to it. Stop blowing it out of proportion. It's not the first time when they switch the "ranking" system: from bloodpoints to the killer's victory cube to emblems and now to sbmm. They could have called it Ranking System Number 5 for all I care(and you should too). Stop stressing over the fact that it contains "skill" inside its name, it is simply yet another ranking system. They probably wanted to emphasize the point that this system is able to create more fair pairings than the previous one so they used the word "skill". Poor choice of words if you ask me.

    If there is no ranking system and you just pair people at random then you completely drive off the new players.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Survivors looped more, killers chased more and people actually showed skills, at least for me. Now everybody seems to play as efficiently as possible, and efficiency on DBD is boring.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Well, name being wrong or not, what it matters it's that it is simply not working for me.

    The lack of visual feedbacks on how I'm doing at matches is also concerning. If I end a match with only 5 hooks and the next one I end with only 3 hooks, did the system really believe I won the previous match or what?

    At least the previous system take chasing and altruism into account, not only efficiency as it seems to be happening with this new system. Everything that it needed was to not rank people of 5 ranks apart from each other and it would work 100% better.