Why nerf Deathslinger and not Pyramidhead?

Both are killers that zone you out in chase and are not easy to counter but pyramid has more map pressure and the cages. Why is a 110 killer that the only thing that he has going on is his chasing power getting butchered? What's the reasoning behind him getting nerfed and not Pyramidhead that would be similar to him but better overall? Is it just because Deathslinger is played more so more people complain about him?
Btw I'm not calling for Pyramid to get nerfed, I'm just trying to understand the reasoning about nerfing a B killer and not an A killer.
Because Deathslinger is played more than Pyramid Head. Also, they already nerfed him, and I doubt they want to do so again after their "big post-launch balance update" that they gave him.
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Neither is OP, nerfs for either don't make sense.
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They're not nerfing Deathslinger because he's broken or too powerful, they're nerfing him because he's not fun to play against.
His zoning provides no opportunity to the Survivor to dodge, because the speed he can aim and fire is far quicker then any normal human's reaction time. You don't dodge a Deathslinger shot, he just choked it.
Pyramid Head's ranged attack and zoning has far more counterplay and interactivity to it. Counterplay and interactivity generally means more fun for both sides (one of the main complaints of old Spirit was her standing still "mindgame", for example), which means less complains against Pyramid Head, even though he's stronger.
You don't see many people complaining about Oni or Blight even though they're both strong Killers, and that's because they're fun to play against in the same ways I mentioned Pyramid Head is.
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Pyramid Head at least tells you he's doing something and gives you time to react to what he's doing, even if that reaction then leads to your death.
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Deathslinger can aim and shoot at such at such a quick rate that it's almost impossible to react to. Making just being in a chase with him add the guessing game of if you should try and dodge or not. Whereas Pyramid Head takes time to ready his attack, which has an audio cue and travels slower so you have potential to dodge it in some cases.
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Pyramid head already has a delay to his canceling his power, Slinger doesn't. If I had to guess his delay is going to be similar in duration to Phead's and Demo's when they opt to cancel their power - you can't immediately M1 so a good mindgame can give you a window against those killers...but can't for Slinger.
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Sure dodging his shoot was not realistic, but that was the whole point of the chain breaking mechanic. Survivors had a chance to break the chain after being shoot which is where his counterplay should be focused on.
Now he lost the one thing that helped him stick out against other range killers.
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Because the time between Pyramidhead jamming his sword in the ground and the point where you get hit is big enough that the Pyramidhead has to deal with you being able to dodge. Deathslinger can keep the center of his screen on top of your survivor model, right click, left click, and hit.
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Have an absolute blast dodging Pyramid head's power as opposed to Death slinger who isn't just fun to go against since it's just impossible to react when he's just doing quick scopes lol
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Pyramid Head literally has a charge up time with a sound warning for his ranged attack, a hefty cancel animation that slows him down, a time limit for using the ranged attack of a few seconds before Rites Of Judgement runs out, a long base recharge time, he can't strafe while using Rites Of Judgement making correct positioning mid chase more difficult than you think AND his shockwave has a built-in delay allowing you to straight up dodge it.
On top of that he already got nerfed multiple times. How many more nerfs should he get?
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Nerf Pyramid after all nerfs he already received? Really?
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It may… MAY not be as bad as assumed. The wording is until ADS is completely up. Instead of 0.35 seconds to shoot, its 0.50 seconds. We just can’t re-aim, re-aim, re-aim anymore without penalty.
I could be fine with that.
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From the sounds of it they are completing removing quickscoping.
I can try to be hopeful, but not with BHVR.
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Then don't you think they should compensate the nerf to his chasing power with some map pressure? If the reasoning is not him being powerful but him being unfun to play against, why not buff a fun part of him to compensate? Now you won't gain half as much distance because people won't have any reason to try to dodge the shot because now they are safe unless they see you aiming, and when you aim survivors are still faster than you so...
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I never said otherwise. I think being able to shoot the environment and grapple himself closer at a quicker speed than 110% would be very cool to do, for example, and might even give verticle mobility if the devs are feeling nice.
Like imagine how cool that would be on The Game- you're repairing upstairs when suddenly you hear a "BANG" and a Harpoon lodges in the ceiling. Cackling, Caleb lifts himself up to your level and swings forward to break the chain, landing in front of your staggered self as you try to comprehend what just happened and scramble for cover.
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Which all doesn't matter since he can effectively seal off pallets and chase as a 110% killer until the survivor either drops the pallet and gets M2'd, or greeds the loop and gets M1'd.
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Pyramid Head is nice enough to give you a warning before killing you.
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so if survivors dont like playing against a ceratin killer then that killer should be nerfed into the ground?
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If a Killer has poorly designed aspects to them that invoke frustration in the opposition because it doesn't provide an opportunity for any interactivity or counter play, then yeah, something should change.
The same thing applies to Perks, Add-ons, Items and Offerings **on both sides**. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm very vocal about wanting Dead Hard to be changed because the ability to gain free distance at the press of a single button isn't fun to go against.
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This is actually an awesome idea
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Imagine on indoor maps if he could grapple the ceiling and suddenly we have a semi-flying killer who can get on top of loops on these maps, with the counterbalance that there's a lot of LOS blockers to prevent the lose lose of "try and loop he hops try and run he shoots" as well as the need to reload each time.
Probably a ######### to code and there's a bunch of factors I'm not thinking of rn, but as a rough draft to add aoy more to his power on both sides I wouldn't think it's that horrid of an idea.
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Keep your nerfed slinger hands away from PH
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It's allways fun to see that half the comments have only read the title of the post. Feels like being a clickbait journalist getting responses that have nothing to do with the article lol.
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Their reasoning doesn't justify increasing his Terror radius without his speed. Either both should increase, or neither. His TR has nothing to do with the quickscope counterplay complaints.