Jigsaw's Sketch addon changes are a nerf, not a buff.

FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

edit2: I had removed the content of this post after seeing the new addons on twitter, but realized, they're likely going to remove tampered timer at a later date. Basically removing her strongest addon combos.

Now, granted, this addon is only strong with a specific build, but it creates some fun gameplay. I would argue it's one of her strongest addons, too.

Adding a beartrap instead of a jigsaw box gives the objective back to the killer, which is counter-intuitive to the pig's playstyle. Considering the addition of boon totems, won't this have a compounding effect on the nerf to this perk?

The new second effect encourages you to chase survivors with beartraps off of generators, or off the objective that activates their trap - why would anyone do this? Instead, why not make it easier to apply that extra beartrap? Show auras of beartrap-free survivors when a generator is completed.

Are you changing this because of the new ultra rare? I can see how the current jigsaw's sketch could be too powerful in combination, however, that ultra rare is going to prevent survivors from doing any generators. So, all traps will likely be removed before any generators are done, so no auras are seen, making the perk function like the yellow one that adds a trap. Outside of pairing this with the new ultra rare, I don't see another good combo, except with the stacking bear trap quantity addons.

I think this makes jigsaw's sketch almost useless. Stop putting killers on a leash.

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