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Would people be interested with a post covering all the changes from the PTB?

I dont just mean telling them but including images and gifs/videos about the change as well to help explain it in as much depth as I can.
Would people be interested in this or would I be wasting my time?
Of course people are interested.
mainly console players who can’t access the PTB and I think an info thread would be easier than having to search VoDs on twitch or YouTube.
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Yeah. I am a console plebeian so I will not be able to play the PTB, so a post with all the PTB info would be more than welcome.
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Obviously? There's no reason why we can't talk about the post-changes in depth
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I definitely would, I'm moving and don't have time to play the PTB myself. By the time I can, it'll probably be when nobody is playing anymore.
At the same time, that could be quite a lot of work, depending on just how many add-ons they changed. Either way, the offer is definitely appreciated!
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Just wanted to double check in case people wanted to resort to patch notes, since it'd need me to dual-wield my computer and laptop both on the PTB and if people weren't into it I didn't wanna put in that effort. Would probably take up most of my evening, if not tomorrow evening too
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Wasn't most explained in the two dev updates?
Maybe just the details of how boon totems work in relation to dull and hex totems was missing.
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Original plan is to show them all in action but I'll have to see if I can bothered and if I have the time to- especially because there's absolutely no guarantee I can get it done anytime soon.
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Which is why I'm asking if people would be interested.
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Yes please, I would love that I don't have access to the PTB or the time to watch videos on the changes, so if you could that would be great! :)
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What I am interested in are the ######### patch notes already!
But yes if you combine them all and make a post I would appreciate it
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I remember that a youtuber does that for Overwatch, where they compare all the changes in heros using a side by side comparison of the live and ptb servers, so something like that might be nice.
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I mean.. alone the add-ons would probably be easier to look at in a dedicated post than in patch notes or videos. But it will be lots of work so its understandable if you can’t summarize all.
also for stuff like Deathslknger changes on aiming/delays etc a clip would be great to understand what actually changes I guess.
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That would definitely take me at the minimum half a week to compile it all so that's a big big big maybe depending on how much gets changed
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Yes please, it would be greatly appreciated, even if it's only to show the addons that got changed!
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At least with comparing live to ptb I can use my switch so it's far less of an issue lol.
This is getting a lot larger of a project I was thinking of oh god here goes my weekend 🏃
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Don’t overwork yourself, clips and comparisons should be reduced to stuff that’s not obvious
and you really are a god-send for these forums 💙
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Yeah, just take all the time you need. Anything would be appreciated, whether that just he screenshots or gifs or anything else.
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Yes, please.
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Me as soon as I get home
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Yes please. Here are some baby otter pics as thank you for taking the time to make post. 😁
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Okay general idea of this post is that it will contain a text description, and photo of the PTB and current versions, and in places with a substantial difference that I can easily get (that part is important) I'll try to include either a gif or a video clip.
I'll also try this for killer changes, like Spirit, Slinger, Plague, and Trapper. I'll aim for a video of this but it will usually be from the killer's point of view, with very few exceptions since my Laptop runs at about 5fps.
Also any new perks, and perks which are easy to see the effect of, will also be included (as I'm a one man team For The People is entirely off the table, obviously, but I'll try for something else).
Sound good to everyone?
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Yes, I’d be interested. Just make sure to include pictures of cute little cows or I’ll be disappointed.
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Oh dont worry, like every long post I make they'll be there :)
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I would love it tbh.
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Well let me put it this way: If you've prepared a post, could you tag me in it so i'll know?
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Documenting some special interesting behaviours would be useful.
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With the size of this Patch, imma going to wish you good luck with it!
And I think it will be very informative for the Community, so thank you for offering to do this <3
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First patch I think about and it's this one lmao, typical
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Will do.
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Yes please 😇
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remembered you two during the planning don't worry :)
(there will be more cows)
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I expected no less, you are a good boy after all. 😁
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First, I want to say I love you. Your cow pics always make me smile! second, here is a pic of the budgie I'm helping foster!
Don't let the looks fool you, shes a cute little demon.
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Took me an hour to figure where the changes were posted, any help is appreciated lol
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this budgie is so cute i'll give you a sneak peak of the absolute torture im going to put myself through over the coming week
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I wish I had your drive and patience! I'm too lazy to do this.
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Don't worry- before I can make any real progress I have to install the PTB on my laptop, which needs me to install DBD on my laptop in the first place!
save me
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I can't save you, but I can ease your pain a little
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bestboykaru <3
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we don't deserve cows :)
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okay so as a little update, I have everything drafted and most of the content written out.
current plan is to start working on the graphics tomorrow now I have DBD downloaded properly on my laptop and it's on the PTB.
recording will probably start sometime between friday and next week, entirely depending on how much free time i have. ill be recording the footage from live first in a custom game with my switch, followed by the ptb content on my laptop. all recordings will be from my computer and because i only have two hands they may look rather weird. for this i apologise, but i have no other way of doing this.
i do not have a time frame for when this will be finished by. the hopeful guess is before next wednesday. it will be before the update goes live, however.