Ideas about current cosmetics and future ones. As well as a bunch of other stuff.

This is going to be a very big comment. So if you do not like reading large comments you might not want to read this lol. But please take a look at it all and tell me what you guys think. I would really love to see what any of the DBD staff has to say about these ideas/suggestions.
This is something that has been bugging me ever since the cosmetics first popped up.
The hatchets ( Huntress ) , chainsaws ( Hillbilly and Leatherface ) , bell ( Wraith ) , and other items that for some reason do not get included with the cosmetics needs to get it. For example with the Hallowed Blight cosmetics.. The Huntress hatchets are untouched. It does not look right compared to the rest of her cosmetics. Same with Hillbilly's chainsaw with his cosmetic.
Both should be effected by the blight. ( Its the same thing with the bell the Wraith uses ) It is also not just the Blight cosmetics I am talking about. I am talking about all of them. The Prestige cosmetics is another big example. Blood on everything BUT the chainsaw? Same thing with the hatchets? ( Ect ) Does not make that much sense at all and its kinda disappointing.
More/better cosmetics for both survivor and killer. I really loved what was done with the Trapper cosmetic with the skull mask. I also love the Nea one with the mask and the artwork on the shirt/ect. I would love to see more intimidating and/or cool cosmetics for the killers like the one mentioned.
I do not think this would be hard to do for you guys and its something I think is really needed.
Now to slowly go into the little bit bigger stuff. Besides of course cosmetics for licensed killers and survivors ( I know its not a easy thing to do because of legal reasons but it would be soo nice to get some cosmetics for Myers and Freddy for example.. I mean I would soo love a super Freddy outfit for example XD. Or even one where he is effected by the Blight. Same with the others of course. )
More maps. ( Obviously ) Maps with 3 or 4 floors for example. Perhaps water or other odd stuff. More interesting things.
Have customized basements! Perhaps have it in the store or something.. A reward for getting P3+level50? Custom basements that fit the killer. And of course have other ones you can buy/earn/whatever.
Customized Mori animations! Be able to select different mori animations for each killer. Some of the moris already in the game for the killers are great but some are just kinda.. well.. Not that great. ( Hillbilly,Wraith,Trapper for example. ) Having different mori animations you can get would be really nice I think anyways.
More/different animations for survivors when it comes to pressing the 1 and 2 buttons. Perhaps also more animations ( using 3,4,ect ) as well as some for the killers as well!
More options for KYF. Allow us to change some aspects like terror radius being there or not same with scratch marks and other little stuff. Also allow more people both for playing and perhaps spectating. Also perhaps a option to have more than 1 killer.. So with this you could possibly have 10 people playing if the players wanted to. ( 8 survivors and 2 killers. ) Of course things wont be always balanced with various options and map sizes ect. But its KYF. It is all for fun and testing various things.
Now here is a big one. I have been semi working on a chapter idea. I still need to flesh more of it out though.. I REALLY want a killer who is all about messing with peoples minds.
The Deceiver.
Power "Mimic"
Allows you to disguise yourself as one of the survivors.
Your movement speed is slowed to match that survivor and you can pretend to work on gens, heal,ect. ( The progress does not go up though, as you are just pretending. Though it could be set that you do give progress. If this happens I think skillchecks should be for blowing up the gen with a bigger loss of progress than normal. if you do not hit the skillcheck then it acts like a great success. )
The switch to killer mode is quick. ( Needs to be almost instant ) As the killer is all about confusing survivors and attacking them the very moment they can. Perhaps even make it where the killer can attack while looking like a survivor but the disguise is of course taken off once they do, and the movement speed,ect will return to normal for the killer.
Alternative version of the power..
Sort of functions like Myer's ability. The Deceiver studies its prey, learning how to mimic them. At tier 1 there is no disguise. At tier 2 you can look like any survivor you have studied. Attacking them will take you out of your disguise. Tier 3 the survivors will not know the other survivor is harmed and you will still look like a survivor to all but the one who was wounded. ( This will prob need heavy adjustments and might even have some things become addons instead of part of the normal ability. )
This makes this killer extremely stealthy at Tier 3 and heavy in mind games. The killer will move at the same speed as survivors when disguised except when in tier 3, that is when it should be the crouch button or what ever alternative button to make the killer the same speed, otherwise the killer is the normal killer speed. ( It also has the same sort of trickery as noted in the other version of the power. )
The killers perks
"Friend or foe?"
Other survivors share the terror radius of the killer!
Rank 1 - Two random survivor has a Terror radius like the killers.
Rank 2 - Three random survivors has a Terror radius like the killers.
Rank 3 - All four survivors have a Terror radius like the killers and they also have the red stain. ( survivors can not see their own red stain. ) Might have to make this a hex perk
"Tricks of the Mind"
Skillchecks pop up randomly, even when not interacting with things. Skillchecks failed causes a sound like the static/electricity sound of a normal skill check on a gen with ruin on it.
Rank 1 - Does not pop up when working on anything. Low chance of occuring. Skill checks made that are from Tricks of the Mind do nothing.
Rank 2 - Pops up when interacting with everything but generators and healing. Medium chance of happening.
Rank 3 - Can happen at all times. High chance of happening unless the survivor is working on a gen or healing, then its a medium chance. ( Change percentage depends on testing I guess. )
"Friend of the Beast"
One random survivor will look like a killer. This survivor can not spawn near other survivors. This effect trumps offerings. The survivor sees themselves as normal.
Rank 1 - The survivor looks like a random killer.
Rank 2 - The survivor looks like a random killer with a higher chance of it being the actual killer in the game.
Rankk 3 - The survivor looks like the same killer that is in the game.
( I half thought about giving terror radius and red stain to this as well but figured that would be stepping on the first perk's area. ) TINY EDIT Forgot to mention that this survivor can not be seen by other survivor's aura perks. They can still be seen though when downed or hooked. ( They also look normal when downed/on hook/being carried )
I am still working on the name of the killer, the backstory, as well as the survivor. But this is what I have idea wise so far. Please let me know what you guys think. I really want to be able to freak people out. Scare people.. and cause confusion/chaos. I think this would be perfect for that sort of thing.
I have some other ideas too but this is what I will post for now since this comment is extremely large already lol. I want to thank those who actually read all of this and made constructive comments ahead of time. ( If anyone does anyway lol. )
Small amount more to add.
A item/offering/addon recycler. Allows the player to get rid of unwanted stuff they have picked up on the bloodweb. Now this can be setup to be complex or simple.The Simple. As a example, you have a stack of offerings for and you have 20 of them. You can just recycle 1, 10, or all of them by clicking on it, then click on the recycle button and it will either have a slide or a number thing you can use to recycle the number you want. Then you click confirm and then the amount you wanted to recycle is removed and you gain what ever BP you are supposed to get for recycling.
( The amount can be anywhere from 25% - 100%. What ever you guys, the devs, think is fair. )
The more complex way would be to have a crafting like system where you could reduce the item/offering/addon in question to a sort of resource you can use with others to make a new offering/item/addon that you wanted. Personally I would not go for this one unless you plan on also allowing us to turn this stuff into perks or cosmetics or something. ( The more realistic one between cosmetics and perks would be perks since they are in the bloodweb. )
Perhaps even allow the making of iridescent shards through that crafting system. ( Though it prob wont be cheap/easy with it. )