This game causes depression playing as killer in high mmr

MTK Member Posts: 77
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

I'm pretty much always matching against 1500+ hour players who are likely playing as a group and the game is just impossible to win, lol.

They don't have to be crazy good at loops, they just need information/coordination and enough awareness to press m1 on a gen when someone else is in a chase. I've just had a game where I regressed the first two gens to nearly 0 with ruin and had them instantly drop the pallet on 3 jungle gyms and killer shack. Sadly it still doesn't matter since I have 3 gens left by my second hook and 1 gen at 90% by my fourth hook.

And that's assuming an extremely lucky start where the ruin totem isn't just cleansed in the first 20 seconds of the game since totems have had the same spawn locations for 4 years now.

Then there exist maps like haddonfield where going into the bunker is legit declaring to throw the game or the meat factory where there are 150 pallets 145 of which are not mindgameable. But it's "balanced" I guess because baby survivors take 17 minutes to find gens in indoor maps right

It's like I start the game to q and get amazed at the 0.5 second queue time as killer and then it takes one game to realize why and that the joke is on me for still playing killer instead of just going over to survivor and chilling in 15 minute queues


  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    The actual match starts when there's 1-3 generators left as sad that sounds but it is what it is. I would like to see footage of your match because I'm inclined to believe you just don't know how to pressure people at all and overcommitting to chases that would lose you the match. Don't get me wrong the game has balancing issues but half the time people in the forum don't know how to play their roles and doesn't realize they were the one themselves who threw the match then just regurgitating the same old arguments.

  • MTK
    MTK Member Posts: 77

    Pretty sure if you read what I posted originally you'd have seen the example I made was regressing two gens at the start and getting 3 jungle gym pallets and killer shack pallet out of the game and you are inclined to think I dont know how to pressure people, okay.

    Against good players you either lose your totem in the first minute or randomly go to gens to get people off em and still never manage to actually regress them

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Yes, if you're on your last gen plus its 90% on your 4TH HOOK then you don't know how to pressure at all lmfao.

  • MercΓͺs
    MercΓͺs Member Posts: 376

    I'm having a great time honestly. I don't know why but I keep getting 3 kills every match (I'm letting the last one escape).

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I have to watch what I say so I don’t get jailed again for venting irresponsibly about my psychological well-being (I was in the wrong regarding the forum rules) but I’m in a much better head space after I took a 2 month break give or take. Everyone is different but for me Dbd in particular was exacerbating my already existing depression so I followed my own long standing advice and took a break, just now slowly getting back into playing and having fun.. then a few days off here and there if I’m experiencing more frustration than joy. Playing games is escapism for me and Dbd unfortunately can be one or the worst things to use as a way to run away from a reality I sometimes desperately want to avoid. I’m not saying this is the case for you but honestly taking a week or two off can make a huge difference for even the happiest of people. Little break, maybe start playing with meme builds like Agi and Mad Grit, hoarder and Franklin’s, up the ante with slippery meat etc. Again for me I need to make sure my head is on straight first and foremost but when I’m good to go then it’s very hard not to have a great time just chilling and playing some Dbd not giving a duck πŸ¦† lol 😝

  • MTK
    MTK Member Posts: 77

    I'm sorry but if this is uncommon occurrence to you frankly you are playing against potato survivors, no offense. Gen speeds, along with almost everything else, is determined by survivor skill level, not the killer.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I pretty much only have fun playing anymore if I'm with my friends in a full 4 stack.

    We're not a crazy tryhard swf but we have each other's backs unlike solo queue. Lately in solo queue everyone gives up so easily and either DCs or kills self on first hook and the match is basically over for us. And then you have face camp/tunnelers who make it even worse. I only mention all this because I too don't really have fun as killer or survivor even in solo queue. I really only have fun when I'm surviving with my friends or doing KYF with them as well. Toxicity seems at an all time high on both sides so I usually just go play something else

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    I would suggest "Hey, maybe you could try some fun end-game build with blood warden and noed"... or Costco Wraith, or scratch mirror Myers, or Myers with thumb stone piece... Have some fun! You don't need all that kills!

    But, than you might argue: No, no, I need those kills, I need 4K or 3K or 2K or at least 1K! Life is hard.

    And then we will cry together. I also cry sometimes, you know.


  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited September 2021

    I see you did not watch streamers on the day mmr released. Some of the best killer players were getting destroyed and it is not uncommon to see them with 4-5 hooks and the exit gate about to open.

    These people play this game for a job and have thousands of hours... i guess they all just suck and "didn't pressure" 4 survivors at the same time as a single killer.

    The game is busted and boon totems along with survivor perks buffs are going to push it over the edge.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    But you're saying you faced against potato survivor. In your own words "They don't have be crazy good at loops" and you apparently made them drop 3 good pallets and the shack pallet INSTANTY. You should have been golden in that match 4 good pallets before 3 generators? So what went wrong? Any competent killers would have a field day in that situation and you expect me to believe you got beat by M1 alone?

    Damn guess out of my nearly 2k hours with the game I've been versing potato survivors 90% of the time.

    Hate to break it to you but I win most matches. Not a brag that's just how it is. I'm not pretending like I faced 4 man premade teams that are navy seals every match. Competent killers win most of their matches and then lose once to coordinated survivors.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Which best killers? You mean the same streamers advocating fair play? Where they do a lose-lose chase because they don't want to seem like their 'tunneling' or 'camping' or 'sweaty'? Or the same streamers getting stream sniped as soon as they queue match which means they get 4 man SWF quite often as opposed to the random killer in the forum who don't have stream snipers but apparently gets 4 man every match?

    I played when the MMR started. I won most of my matches and only lost a few times then climbed to red ranks in a few days because it's quite easy to get Ruthless and Merciless killer consistently unlike survivor where you get screwed by randoms or the match ends early then you get a safety pip.

    I'm not gonna pretend like the rest of the people here that all my matches were 4 man tournament level swf. As I said the game has balancing issues but I genuinely think half the people in the forum doesn't know how to play killer properly. It's easy to blame balancing issues than your own inability after all.

  • MTK
    MTK Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2021

    Ah of course the guy derails the thread into "git gud, i win, i better than u"

    I stand by what I said before. If getting the exit gate powered by the time you have 4~5 hooks is an uncommon occurrence to you, then you are just not playing against actual players.

    It's pretty amazing people still tout the "just pressure gens" rhetoric and be expected to taken seriously. Yeah, I can do that too against potatoes/99.95% of console players who play urban evasion and spine chill and go afk for 45 seconds behind a tree when they see their cat light up for one second. But then again, these are not actual players.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    yep, always a 4 man squad being toxic in my case, really don't understand why they act like this.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    To be completely fair, he is not completely wrong. A lot of those streamers are terrified of hard tunneling and face camping when necessary. If you do those, you should have 5 hooks before exit gate. Genuinely. And I think he is full of it.

    If you play mean, even as gens fly, there is not much they can do about it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    It's getting ridiculous for killers, man. It's like, do I have to bring NOED every game now? There's no point in defending gens, so why not? Just hope to tunnel someone out and get a 2nd kill from NOED. No other choice.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380


    This game causes depression.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    and then get shittalked in post game chat and get told how much of a piece of sh***t you are.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112


    Play completely nice: tbags.

    Play without tunneling or camping: "baby killer".

    Win fair and square with no toxicity: "douchebag killer. Carried by perks".

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Play some matches and you’ll get the MMR that you need to play more balanced matches.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,304

    I forgot what its like to be playing vs Bronze 5 level survivors in PTB.

    Killer only feels stressful for me when the killer power weak. Otherwise playing killer is just as fun as playing survivor. BVHR patches for killer is making killers feel stressful.