Survivor strategy vs killer strategy and end game saltiness... Whats up with that?

I'm still pretty new to this game, and killer matching games in general, but I have looked over rules listed on this forum for game play and as far as I can tell I'm not breaking any rules. That being said, I have noticed sometimes survivors will use their own strategies that could be considered questionable or not in line with the overall intended spirit of the game (such as flashlight spamming or killer harassment), but when killer hides near hooked survivor to catch those trying to rescue, or when killer tunnels etc, they get salty. Whats up with the apparent double standards?
Best Answers
no mither quick and quiet distortion lightweight is my fav build while soloqing it's questionable but i can handle myself in chase so i run a stealth build with no way to track me my aura can't be read i leave no blood scratch marks fade quicker i make no injured noises and i make no loud noise notifications while fast vaulting stealth build 2021
-your everyday toxic Claudette main
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everyone in this game gets triggered too easily.
Survivors got outplayed and killed. The killer's fault.
Killer spent too long in a chase and got 0 kills. Survivor's fault.
Just try and not let it get to you, and if it does, take a break to do something more relaxing
Definitely not unheard of. You'll get that stuff for as long as you play this game. People can be salty babies, even if you be nice about everything as much as possible.
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Yeah I'm seeing your points. Just the other day I was having trouble even hooking a survivor in this one match. Finally managed to hook one as the timer bar appeared and gates opened. So kept watch on them and prevented the swarming survivors from rescuing them. They had to give up and escape before it was too late. So then I get a dm from a survivor telling me I was trash for camping. I politely told them I only got one kill at the end while they got 3 escapes. Sounds like a really good game for them. I just couldn't believe they were complaining about the killer getting one kill. Only one... but yeah you're right I just had to shake it off and continue playing