Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

New killer Hex Totem idea.

So with the introduction of boon totems being something to not only disable hex totems but also be another time consuming objective for killers I had an idea for a new Hex totem. As follows.

Hex: Imminent Doom

Your devotion of blood to the entity calls upon its unnatural favor.

While Hex: Imminent Doom is active each time a hooked survivor is rescued and you are 32 meters away you gain a token. Max 6 tokens. (similar to devour hope). Once a token threshold is met gain the entities favor.

2 tokens: When putting a survivor into the dying state by any means all survivors within a 64 meter radius are affected by the oblivious status for 5 seconds.

4 tokens: When putting a survivor into the dying state all items being held within a 16 meter radius become unusable for 5 seconds

6 tokens: When putting a survivor into the dying state all dropped pallets and breakable doors within a 32 meter radius are destroyed by the entity.

The idea of this perk is 1, to address the proxy camping/face camping that has come to be with SBMM. 2, not strangle survivors with absurdity but make them a lot more wary of if the killer is going for a branch off to come get them after a down. 3, Allow for a type of removal of time consuming secondary objectives from the killer for not only playing in a generous way but to discourage slugging when you see survivors scuttling around a downed teammate.

Depending if boon totems become a limited use perk (such as being able to do it 1-3 times instead of indefinitely) it could even be adjusted to have 4 tokens remove any nearby boon affects for 10 seconds.