Boon Totems: Problem? Or not?

Now, we all know what these are, they're just hexes but for survivors, but are they stronger? While it is true that killers can effectively snuff out blessing, the survivors can just rebless it.

Now, I haven't got a chance to play around with these boons but from what i can see, I think after the killer removes a blessing from a boon totem, the totem should BREAK. Or, you could just make it to where the boons are a one time-use, and once it gets snuffed out, you cant rebless anymore.

But uh, your opinions on boon totems?

I've ran out of ideas, GoobyNugget.


  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    I think they're fine, maybe tweak it so that they can't stack with each other if closeby.

    Sure you can get a really fast heal with a boon totem lit and Desperate Measures, Botany Knowledge, and a Medkit, but that medkit will run out and if you're using a boon perk + two healing perks, that means you're not running 3 other normal meta perks. My killer games against boons didn't seem to hinder me much and if people are really trying to go for nutty healing plays, they're not really doing gens. They may as well be following me around with a flashlight.

    Shadow step seems fun and neat, but it is incredibly obnoxious on indoor maps or in main buildings. Too strong, maybe?? But having play many games against the totems, in the average game they're not a huge problem.

    Sure I guess you could say it benefits a hardcore toxic bully swf! but if they want to make you miserable, boon totems aren't going to be the thing that allows them to do it.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,577
    edited September 2021

    Really not a fan of the fact survivors can bless over a hex, and can do it again once it gets taken out.

    At the very least I had hoped the killer could break the totem, making for interesting decision making. And that the boon perks could only be applied once.

    As they are right now, their application alone makes them way more reliable than any hex, and that bothers me.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    My main issue with boon totems is you can keep blessing totems. Should be a once or twice use. And you should only be allowed to bless dull totems.

  • Pikachaouuu
    Pikachaouuu Member Posts: 87

    The main problem i think they have is te fact that they can keep on activating them and also the fact that if you use it on a hex totem the killer and cleanse it forever is very poor design in my opinion.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I would be fine if there was a penalty. Like a 15% increase in time to bless each time it is deactivated so it has diminishing returns.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I think the mechanic of Boon Totems itself is fine.

    It's the Perks that now worry me.

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    The mechanic is cool, but the effects are too much overpowered, a lot of value.

    The 100% healing speed, no scratchmarks and no aura reading are ridiculously strong effects to be put even on a boom perk.

    I would love to have a Vigil AoE, for example.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Just do bones like they always tell us with NOED. Boons aren't nearly as strong as a 1-shot perk with no real way to stop it except doing all the totems or Devour Hope gives you free 1-shots/mori's for doing your objective. Boons reward you for doing totems instead of rushing gens. They're balanced and should stay the same. Don't say boons are overpowered since its only a We'll Make It but say NOED is fine and balanced.

  • I'm not really sure because PTB isn't great for testing survivor perks because no one is really trying.

    But i do think they should definitely NOT stack, should only affect one floor of a map and should have a 60 second cooldown.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    I think having them stack is unnecessary. Killers are forgetting that if a boon becomes activated it's telling them an area where a survivor is and they're also not working on a gen as well. Thrill of the Hunt will definitely get a lot more usage that's for sure.