Killer concept-Haunted Knignt

Set Member Posts: 23
edited October 2021 in Creations

I made this because I honestly just would want to see a Knight in dead by daylight, and rationalizing how that would actually work was fun.

Haunted Knight - Possessed suit of Knights armor. The Lore would be a Crusader/Knight who was cursed after fighting in countless battles.

115% speed 32 meter terror radius

Power - Cursed Armor

Beaten Shield

Hold M2 to activate shield (3 seconds to charge at 100% movement speed, if you cancel the activation move it 100% speed for 1 second) With a fully charged shield (110% movement speed) the Knight is immune to being stunned by pallets or lockers and instead braces for the attack and gains soul energy from the survivor (10% meter and taking 2 seconds - is possible as soon as you begin activating). Additionally the Knight is immune to blinding while holding the shield but a large portion of the Knight's vision is obscured while a survivor attempts a blind.

Shield Dash

Once fully charged the Knight can activate Shield dash. During a dash the Knight sprints forward (200% speed for 1 second) with reduced maneuverability, then taking a short recovery (1 second cool down). During a dash the Knight will break any pallets he runs through and continues the dash. If the Knight hits the environment before his dash ends he will be stunned for a short time (2.5 seconds). If the Knight collides with a survivor during the dash they become pinned to the shield and the Knight instantly gain a large amount of soul energy (20% meter), once the dash ends the survivor is thrown from the shield in front of the Knight. If the Knight collides with the environment with a pinned survivor, the survivor is stunned (1 seconds) and then suffers the incapacitated and hindered (-3% speed) status effects for a brief period (10 seconds). Pinning the survivor does not release additional soul energy for time after pinning them recently (25 seconds).

Twisted Accolade

Once the Knight has fully charged soul energy he can perform a Twisted Accolade on a downed survivor with the active ability button. This will cause the Knight to dub the survivor with the burden of the curse. The suit encloses the survivor within, temporarily freeing the phantom from armor.

The Phantom

Once the phantom has been freed from the armor, he gains newfound powers unburdened by it's weight. The phantom moves at great speeds when no one is near and is almost impossible to detect. (150% when outside 24m of survivors, 115% when inside 24m, 15m "lullaby" with no terror radius). Upon reaching a survivor the phantom can possess the survivor inflicting them with the haunted status effect. Haunted survivors are periodically attacked by grim visions of the phantom's past during a chase.(With a 75% chance to spawn every 5 seconds randomly around the survivor, Apparitions slow survivors 5% and force them to scream after successfully landing an attack, they would be like a zombie that spawns next to you that can be dodged easily by a small movement and disappears after an attack). Possession is removed 5 seconds after a chase ends or when the survivor is downed by the phantom. Only 1 survivor can be possessed at a time.

Trapped survivors

Once the survivor is enclosed inside the Armor a hook state is consumed and the sacrifice meter ticks down normally and the survivor must struggle from inside (counts as hook for all scoring purposes but is not a hook related action for perks). The Armor will begin to randomly patrol the map (after 5 seconds) searching for survivors and the phantom (100% speed). If the Armor detects a survivor it will immediately begin pursuing them (15 m detection range with a 95° detection angle in front of the Armor, will stop pursuing if survivor is out of sight for 5 seconds or is outside 20m) and will attack with slow and weakened attacks (Slowly swings sword with a 4 second cool down moving at 105%). If the Armor detects the phantom (priority over survivors) it will begin pursuing him and if touched by the Armor the survivor is gently released as the phantom is painfully returned to the Armor (6 second stun). The survivor can be saved from the Armor in several ways. If the Armor lands an attack on a survivor the survivor is saved. The survivor is saved if the Armor is stunned by a pallet. If a survivor can sneak up behind the Armor without being detected they can attempt a remove helmet interaction, if successful the survivor is saved (2 seconds to complete). Once a survivor is saved from the Armor it falls apart off the survivor and reforms back into an almost complete state (5 seconds to reform). Once reformed the Armor sprints to the phantom and upon reaching him pulls him back in (Moves 150% and 2 seconds to pull the phantom back in). If a survivor dies inside the armor it will immediately Sprint back to the phantom without needing to reform.


Scourge Hook: Ghostly Withdrawal

At the beginning of the trial 4 random hooks are changed to Scourge hooks.

Scourge hooks are revealed to the killer in a white aura.

After placing a survivor on a scourge hook, become undetectable and your aura is hidden from survivors for 14/17/20 seconds.


Breaking a pallet causes all injured survivors inside inside a 16/18/20m radius to be struck by deep wound.

Irrational Avidity

Whenever a generator completes inside the terror radius gain 5% haste for 10 seconds and survivors who repaired any percent of the completed generator suffer a 6% speed penalty to repairing/healing/sabotaging/unhooking/vaulting/cleansing/opening/unlocking for 40/50/60 seconds.

What do you guys think of my ideas?

Post edited by Set on


    ILEECHIPS Member Posts: 29

    I love the idea of a knight killer and the power is awesome being able to trap survivors in the armor having almost a portable hook if reading correctly can really change the variety of gameplay.

    One thong i do question might just be how I see it but Ghostly withdraw seems kinda weird because your kinda forced to get a scourge hook perk maybe of it also spawned in some it would make more sense to me

    Im only saying this because if yo I were doing a adept or something it would basically be useless

    But anyways keep up the good work

  • thelegion_fan
    thelegion_fan Member Posts: 49

    This is awesome i hope they put this in the game or at least consider using most of your ideas here

  • thelegion_fan
    thelegion_fan Member Posts: 49

    Just thought of a quick little add on idea here it is. Dull spike tip (yellow/green) when sheald dashing if a survivor gets pinned and you hit a object/environment they go to the injured state (not injured to downed because it is dull) down side sheald dash is slightly shorter / ok theres the first one now the iridescent one. Sharpened spike tip (red) when sheald dashing if a survivor gets pinned they go from healthy to injured (after dash ends) if you hit a object/environment they get insta down no matter what. Ok what do you think about them? The reason they effect dash is because it is added to the shield. I think it whould fit pretty good but what about you?

  • Set
    Set Member Posts: 23

    Definitely interesting ideas for addons and did think about the concept of the dash injuring survivors while creating this. In terms of its viability though I think it'd be really difficult to implement without it being frustrating to play against. I honestly don't think that it would make the killer that much more powerful but I think survivors would be annoyed by the concept of the chase basically being shortened significantly by an add-on. It's kind of like engineers tooth pinhead right now, which is an iridescent add-on. What ends up happening is that you hit the first survivor with the chain and they just DC immediately from the game lol. It's like it doesn't make the killer really that much more viable in terms of winning the game but I think to a lot of people it just feels like an unearned injure. So I think you could probably have some kind of add-ons that would have the effect of injuring survivors upon being hit with the dash but you would probably have to have some other side effects and changes to do with other parts of the killer's power to compensate.

    What I would do to make the most interesting add-ons would be to make several add-ons that have substantial effects on the killer. Like let's say maybe a cool iridescent would be something like with 50% soul energy the killer can just set the Armor free and it wanders around for 60 seconds.

  • Set
    Set Member Posts: 23

    Whoops, should have put under the description of the perk that 4 random hooks are changed into scourge hooks. That's how Scourge Hook : gift of pain works, and I just kind of assumed that was how all future Scourge perks would work. But I see how that could be untrue. I will edit the my post to fix.

  • thelegion_fan
    thelegion_fan Member Posts: 49

    Oh yeah guess it whould be a little annoying but i was just giving ideas

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Pretty cool concept, the armor/hook state combined with an AI roaming is very similar to an idea I had for my FNAF concept (as well as a Haunted status effect). I think the power is good and works really well, the perks are well thought out. I think Ransack could be a bit stronger by increasing the range (it won't have any effect on healthy survivors) but other than that, great job!

  • thelegion_fan
    thelegion_fan Member Posts: 49

    Just a idea but instead of calling it ransack call it like phantom slash or mark so it makes it sound more reliable to the killer you know what im trying to say? But it is just a idea for the name of the perk