Why do we sleep on this guy?

Once upon a time, in the earlier days of the internet, the concept of a "meme" was born. But this concept was so original, it didn't even go by the name "meme" yet. It was simply "facts." And these facts were about Chuck Norris, and all the ways that he could destroy us all, save the world, or live eternally.
And I gotta say, it dawned on me today when I read a comment on these forums about Bill, that we sleep on this guy. I hardly ever see anyone play him (I only play him if I have a challenge), and Bill deserves way better than that. Bill is MY DBD Chuck Norris. If anyone deserves these kind of memes, it's Bill Overbeck.
And I just thought you should know that Bill doesn't get sacrificed to the Entity, the Entity sacrifices itself to Bill.
(Bask in the glory of my smooth photo-editing skills. But don't try to hire me. My rates are too high).
I took a nap and woke up in 2010, someone help me invest.
On a serious note, the reason I personally don't play Bill as often is that he's not David and that I absolutely have to run Iron Will if I'm playing the old man, which kind of sucks.
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Bill doesn't use Iron Will, Iron Will uses Bill for the strength to silence pain.
But yeah, at the very least, Bill deserves quality memes. He'd a badass.
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IDK why people don't play him. Maybe him being hard difficulty? I know that really doesn't matter for survivors, but that red text is serious.
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Who coughs louder, in your experience? Bill or Clown?
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At some point it’s just communication between the two lol. Better question is how bad ass is Bill to learn a new language just to ######### talk Clown the whole game~
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Bill coughs so loud it echos back outta the Clown's body.
(God I love making these "facts" 😆)
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After much thought given to the matter, my answer is yes.
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I made a type of Bill comment that could fit in this topic, maybe he is referencing this topic.
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That's what I read that sparked my post. Bill is a legend. He runs with cigarette in his mouth while getting chased by someone who wants to kill him. He's the DBD Chuck Norris. He deserves good memes.
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Bill was always my main in left 4 dead beside Zoey.
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I proudly stand and salute all of the brave men and women currently serving in the Billitary
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Because he doesn't like to be the big or little spoon, so sleeping on top of him is the best we've got.
Fun fact: Memes actually predate the Internet.
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Nobody beats Jeff though. I was on the game map once and my man Jeff wasn’t even injured and I could hear him breathing 100+ feet away. Never have to run bond if you ever have a full Jeff squad…
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Any hardcore Bill mains???
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I literally lol'd at that
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I'm thinking @DBDSM might be
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I don't get this though. I see fellow Bill's all the time.
Not as much as Nea and Feng; mainly because they have hoards of cosmetics and Bill has his fatigues. and his other fatigues.
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Bill is life. I main him like a long time along with Ace.
Do you have a stantard Bill build or switching perks?
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One reason I see people don't play him is because of his extremely loud pain noises
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I play Solo, so I switch up these perks mainly; Iron Will, BT, DS, Inner Strength, Lithe, Q&Q
the usual try-to-live-through-a camper/tunneler build lol.