Challenges need to actually be looked into

I've said this before and I'll say it again some of these archive challenges are completely ridiculous, like "unhook someone that unhooked you" like what if i get unhooked but that survivor doesnt get hooked then challenge not completed this challenge is basically telling me i need to purposefully get hooked and hope that the person who unhooks me gets hooked themselves like really? or "finish a gen some one left" like how in the hell are you suppose to do these unless you play with friends and none of mine like or want to play this game. These challenges really need to have some common sense added to them.
Oh man these challenges seem challenging, I’m not even sure why people would challenge them. Certainly couldn’t be for the challenge though. Guess we can only think this over slowly, as challenging as that challenge seems.
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I hate how challenges now a days = make the challenge long as ######### to do
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When each rift is a time limited event, and challenges are the main method of earning fragments, challenges should not be as difficult as some of them are, especially with how rng reliant this game can be.
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Right. Which is why it’s a challenge to think over these challenges that are too challenging and make them a challenge that is less challenging, especially, as you pointed out, how challenging the RNG is. I’m all for this challenge though, so let’s tackle this challenge together and come up with easy challenges that we can do in an hour or two. I think that’s the best way to challenge this challenge.
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It was to showcase the changes to the Clown's basekit and Huntress's add-ons - but it does suck that the showcase involved shooting yourself in the foot.
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I'm pretty sure the people voted it that way when BHVR asked about challenges on a survey. One of the options was to make them longer to accomplish with less difficulty. This was during one of the earlier chapters where at least one of the challenges was considered "impossible" by a lot of people on this forum.
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This is my biggest problem with the challenges. I've played probably 50 matches with the "unhook someone who unhooked you first" challenge active and I'm on 8 out of 10. It's very difficult to make this happen naturally and I refuse to throw myself at the killer in the beginning of the match in hopes of completing it. I guarantee there are multiple people going for this challenge per trial too, which makes it even more difficult.
If it was like 1-3 times I wouldn't care as much. But 10 is just a complete time waster.
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I hate iridescent emblem challenges for this reason
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Just play killer - much easier to get iri than with survivor.