expansion on training/bots
with new perks, killers, and reworks, becoming more and more frequent, players have to learn more and more discovering new playstyles, or adapting to changes on their own playstyles, in my opinion, this rises the need for fully fledged bot matches, with perks, addons, items, and the ability to pick your killer/survivor, maybe even to fill in empty slots in custom matches. how does the community feel about this? (and for those saying we already have bot matches, perkless dwight or perkless trapper and the only map being ironworks of misery does not meet expectations of a fully-fledged training mode)
expansion on training/bots 13 votes
For now, I would be happy to keep this to a training mode/ add it into customs. I think it would be very beneficial for new people like myself that want to try out perks and not let their team down in a public match. I don't want to have to bother my friends that play each time I want to try out a perk or use an item I haven't used before. Of course, practising against bots won't fully prepare us for proper matches as real people aren't going to be so robotic but again it will help us try out perks.
I do wish the tutorial would change up now and then and try out some more maps as well.