SBMM is survivor sided

Anara Member Posts: 1,297
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

After a month of playing almost everyday, with the new matchmaking system I made a conclusion.

SBMM favor survivors.

Every games are the same.

When I play survivor its so easy, everybody rush the generators, the killer is not at the same level as the survivors in my team. Its almost 4 escape in every match unless the killer camp or tunnel.

When I play killer its only swf bully squad. If I play fair its a guaranted loose. The only way to slow the game and do kills is slugging and 3 gen strat at the beginning, with proxy camp around my 3 gen.

Why survivor mmr is so low and killer mmr so high ?

Im survivor main and still practicing some killers.

Before SBMM with rank system my matches were more fair.

Am I the only one experiencing that ?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    The MMR is the same for both sides as far as we know

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited October 2021

    I mean I think killers are rated higher than their skill and survivors are rated lower than their skill. So for me its survivor sided.

    Sorry im not english maybe I explain myself bad.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I think it comes from the fact that 2k’s are considered the average match so getting a 2k is a good performance while a 4k is an amazing performance.

    You kinda should have to sweat for the 4k tbh

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    The problem is 2K is not my average games. Its almost 4 escape every game both side.

    My survivor games are soooo easy, and my killer games are soooo hard. And its strange because Im survivor main, I want challenge when I play survivor, and I want average survivors when I play killer because im still practicing.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    The Devs find two escapes a desirable outcome.

    MMR enforces a desirable outcome defined by the Devs.

    If you consider two Kills a defeat, you'll lose more games the more balanced DBD becomes.

    Throw in the ever growing gap between SoloQ and SWF and nobody's having a good time.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    But almost every games are 4 escape both sides for me.

    It would be good if my games were 2K lol

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    If we're going based on the rumours on how SBMM works, this is because it's mainly based off time spent in the match and how many kills/if you escape. This is a bit of a simple and bad system, but it's just a rumour so take it with a grain of salt.

    The problem comes when you realise the killer will ALWAYS be in the match until the game ends. Meaning they have the most time of all players spent in the match, and as such, will naturally be "ranking up" in MMR faster than a survivor would because of how the system works.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited October 2021

    Thank you. Thats exactly what im talking about but its hard to explain myself because im not english.

    Killers are ranking up too fast compare to survivors.

    So its harder for killers and too easy for survivors.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Another issue is that survivors just have 1 MMR rating. If they lose, it'll probably go down. If they win, it'll probably go up. No other things to worry about.

    Now, because BHVR were lying when they said that MMR will put the killers you're worse at against weaker survivors, all killers have a minimum "average" of all your other killer MMR ratings. This means that people that play a lot of killers really can't get their MMR to truly go lower - they've gone on record to say that at high MMR, the individual killer's MMR will likely take about 10 games to truly "readjust". And due to how not-sweaty games were pre-MMR, if you played a lot you're likely at the higher MMR levels on most killers due to how bad the matchmaking was.

    But now only 3 killers can really compete at higher MMR ratings. The others just can't keep up unless the survivors make serious mistakes. Which means that if you want to get your non-meta killers to an MMR where the matches are fair, you'll have to apparently lose badly about 10 times per killer. Which means, assuming it's as simple as this, 220 games of badly losing.

    I hope there's something I'm not seeing that makes this easier. I really can't be bothered to go through that.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Yeah I read something like that I dont know where.

    I dont understand why new killers cant start at 0 mmr.

    I tried new killers this month and the survivors were even more skilled than my main killer and I was like "######### is this absurd sbmm...."

    I dont know why but the only killer my games are really easy is my main. I win every single game because his mmr is so low and it doesnt change.

    And my new killer with 2 perks 0 prestige I play against very skilled survivors even if im loosing.

    I love this game, but since SBMM it was the first time I was thinking about taking a break.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I was able to downrank quite fast by maxing out every emblem while only 2 hooking survivors and letting them all live. I don't think the leak is false.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    So to get fair games as killer we have to let survivors win on purpose ?

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Its pointless though. You gain mmr faster than you lose it, so you will be back where you are really fast if you start playing to win.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Sounds impressive that you win every match easily as survivor. You should stream and show us your amazing "4 man escape every game" survivor streaks, I know I'd like to see it.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I really want to see the devs' data after SBMM was implemented. Basically every killer player that I know (streamers, friends and myself) had their kill rates drop by a ton. Games are also overall way less enjoyable, you either get full potatos who get slaughtered at 3~5 gens, or a SWAT team who 4 man out while you get 2~5 hooks.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited October 2021

    Exactly the games are more stressful as killer. And as survivors its boring : genrush with no chases/interaction with the killer or being camped to death.

    Post edited by Anara on
  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I played my first game as a new killer with 0 perks 0 addons : bully squad 4 flashlights ect.

    I did 5 hooks 0 kills, I asked them if the SBMM is fair for them : they said yes.

    This SBMM is so survivor sided and they love it.

    Behaviour did so wrong im so sad. New killers are unplayable with this stupid system.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    I played 10 matches in a row against nurse.if it's a joke it's not funny

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    The problem is with this stupid system nobody wants to play killer anymore except killers mains.

    Last night I played against a clown, he did so well and played so fair and still lost with 0kills.

    At the endgame chat he was so sad and told me he should have tunnel to make at least one kill.

    Im not alone and Behaviour should rework SBMM system or they will lost a lot of players.

    I love this game so much and I just want the best for everyone both sides.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    This isn't a matchamking issue. It's a game balance issue.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited October 2021

    No the rank system was good and balance I had no issues with it, compare to SBMM.

    Nothing is perfect but my games were fair with rank system.

    The only problem with rank system was same rank for all killers.