What if killers could place their own hex totems at the start of the round?☠

Obviously just a one time placement for each perk.
Would it be to op? To much of a time killer?
Imagine the strategy of finding a good place to put devour hope 🤣
You don't have time to do that, so your totems won't work right from the start and you have to waste time finding a good totem. Maybe if there was an early game collapse where you could place your own totems?
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It wouldn't work from a balance perspective. Killers would just choose the most obscure placements for their hexes, except for ones they would want destroyed.
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Instead of doing the camera pan around the killer at the start of the game, it should show a top down view of the map. cross sectioned if its indoor.
So you very swiftly have to choose your Hex location before the game actually starts, it'll show your 5 totem locations, and you click to light them. If you have multiple, for balance purposes, you cannot choose or know which hex is being placed.
If you decide not to choose your locations, they'll be decided at random obviously.
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Indoor maps would be even worse than they already are for survivor.
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I wonder what the people that say it would be OP think about boon totems
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When were indoor map's bad for survivor's bar very loopable stealth killers. Indoor map's do more harm then good for killers. Ever tried playing blight on lerys, how about huntress or slinger. Maybe bubba could be good and nurse bumps into a lot of indoor map bugs where she can't even blink upstairs on some patches. Worse case scenario survivor's learn all the totem location's or take small game, counterblance or a map in. Its just that easy. I don't get how we don't bat an eye when killers need ruin, pop or corrupt just to have a chance but survivors can't be put under pressure to take a base kit perk like small game.
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I was going to say while corrupt intervention was up as a tradeoff to being able to place the haces...but you have a better idea😎
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I mean boon totems are pretty much the same 🤔
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Are you also taking the same time to curse the totem in a live match, as they do to bless? From what I understand, boon totems are much louder than hexes too. And their effects aren’t map-wide.
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That is an awesome idea...wonder how hard it is to implement 😇
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Boon totems need to be louder because a killer lacks a 3rd-person camera, let alone the time efficiency drain of looking for them.
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It would still be bad against SWFs. They would just follow you at the start and watch you place your totem.
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It would take way too long to find a "good totem" to put the following hex perk you are using. it only takes 80 seconds for a survivor to do a generator so it's kind of bad for the killer in a literal sense.
btw anyone wanna play with me my steam name is - IamNizzy
; )
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Finding that one sweet spot every now and then might be cool, but it's still the same risk as before except now you have to waste time as well.
It's nice i you could have it as an option but i wouldn't care for it.
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And how is that a problem, exactly?
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Not all totem spawns are created equal. There is also a mode known as solo queue.
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So I was playing resident evil resistance {the multiplayer one} and when I hit a certain level I could choose maps, then change the spawn points of zombies/traps and save them. That way anytime a certain map was loaded, it would already have my spawn points saved on that map :)
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it was already said, it would make sense if the killer was granted with 30 seconds or something getting to the match without survivors and placing it or something otherwise not.
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They should be able to place their Hexes and hex dull/blessed totems if their hex get's destroyed.
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I'd like it so Killers could have like 30 seconds to prepare and get ready, maybe before Survivors spawn.
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The best possible is to have the first Hex perk in your loadout 4 perks setup will spawn on a Dull closest to you, so you have the choice which Hex to put in first if you want to protect it more. The rest still spawn randomly.
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Try playing Billy on the game map
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Treatment Theater is worse.
I can't be bothered to actually place a totem, matches only last about 520 seconds if you have good pressure so 10 seconds to walk to a totem and place it is already 1/8th of 4 gens, another 10 to get to a survivor and you may aswell give up.
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Should be a thing for sure. How is it fair my one time hex gets spawned on or spawns next to a gen in the open but survivors can pick where and when while still being able to replace them over and over.
I know there are more survivor mains and alot are entitled but at least be fair and look at balance. Not to mention being able to play your hex could be a great new playstyle, people could save ruin for close to the end, or maybe place a haunted if they're in a struggle mid game to try turn the tide etc.
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Depends how?
In a way that Demo chooses teleport? sure
In a way survivors do? no. You don't have time for that and you would lose that totem even faster than now, because survivors would probably see where you went and just followed you.
It would be better to just create new and better totem spawns. Too many maps have guaranteed spawns, or super visible spawns and survivor can spawn next to your hex.
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1 or 2 killers performing poorly on indoor maps does not change the fact that most indoor maps are bad for survivors as a whole. What about killers such as Wraith, Ghostface, Michael, and Pig on a map like Léry's?
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They are all easily looped except maybe wraith
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While we wait in the lobby😊
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The thing is boon totems have infinite uses as long as the dull totem is up.
Hexes are a one time thing so the killer should not take as long setting them up.
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this guy has a trapper icon for his profile pic that's ironic because if the killers had to place there own hex totems that would make killers like trapper and hag who have a setup phase already have ANOTHER set up phase for hex's.
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I love this idea. +1
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Already have to walk near my 3 gen anyway might as well place a hex along the way🤣
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I will break them all with my counterforce👺
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That's ok 🤣 why I always run haunted grounds
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Which means they wouldn't be on gens🤔
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One wouldn't be... for about 15 seconds. It really is a nice idea, but the sad truth is coordinated SWFs would definitely make this more stressful. I can see this being pretty useful on a handful of stealth killers however.