Hillbilly's Nerf down the line

Down the line, when the game is properly balanced, then and only then BHVR should nerf Nurse and Hillbilly. They are the only two competent Killers in higher-ranked play, and for good reason.
But down the line, for Hillbilly's nerf in particular, I'd rather we try to discuss ideas so BHVR don't completely neuter him like they did to Freddy.
Only idea I have is a movement speed change - when revving the chainsaw, Hillbilly moves at 90% speed, instead of 100% speed.
Currently the Hillbilly is able to walk right up to a Survivor point-blank and rev up his chainsaw. The Survivor's only hope is either a pallet that may be nearby, or to successfully 360 or juke Hillbilly because they aren't going to gain ground on him without Hope at the end of the game.
He might, but I don't think he does, need his base movement speed reduced to 110% as well. Every Killer whose power can help in a chase (ie, Hag, Spirit, Huntress, Doctor in Treatment) move at 110% speed, and yet the Hillbilly's power allows him to cross the entire map in a few seconds, closing massive distance between himself and an objective. It can also be used to close insane distance on a chase, whether he hits or not.

This would be the most reasonable nerf to The Hillbilly, in my opinion.
And just in case anybody missed it, I'm not saying it should be done immediately. I'm saying, this should be done when the game is balanced properly.


  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:
    SO you want to nerf the only two competent killers in high ranked play, and then you are not even ashamed to call it balanced? DO you only have fun when you can type gg ez after totally obliterating a non-viable killer? I feel bad for you

    But go ahead, I dont like these two anyway, maybe the devs will buff one of my favourite killers instead to fill the gap of competent killers this change would create

    i dont care if they nerf nurse or billy s long as they dont completely ruin them but i would like to see more killers in high ranks.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:
    SO you want to nerf the only two competent killers in high ranked play, and then you are not even ashamed to call it balanced? DO you only have fun when you can type gg ez after totally obliterating a non-viable killer? I feel bad for you

    But go ahead, I dont like these two anyway, maybe the devs will buff one of my favourite killers instead to fill the gap of competent killers this change would create

    i dont care if they nerf nurse or billy s long as they dont completely ruin them but i would like to see more killers in high ranks.

    This can be achieved by buffing other killers such that we have more competent killers

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:
    SO you want to nerf the only two competent killers in high ranked play, and then you are not even ashamed to call it balanced? DO you only have fun when you can type gg ez after totally obliterating a non-viable killer? I feel bad for you

    But go ahead, I dont like these two anyway, maybe the devs will buff one of my favourite killers instead to fill the gap of competent killers this change would create

    i dont care if they nerf nurse or billy s long as they dont completely ruin them but i would like to see more killers in high ranks.

    This can be achieved by buffing other killers such that we have more competent killers

    i would love that the reason i only play survivor once a week is because their is nothing but hillbillys.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:
    SO you want to nerf the only two competent killers in high ranked play, and then you are not even ashamed to call it balanced? DO you only have fun when you can type gg ez after totally obliterating a non-viable killer? I feel bad for you

    But go ahead, I dont like these two anyway, maybe the devs will buff one of my favourite killers instead to fill the gap of competent killers this change would create

    i dont care if they nerf nurse or billy s long as they dont completely ruin them but i would like to see more killers in high ranks.

    This can be achieved by buffing other killers such that we have more competent killers

    i would love that the reason i only play survivor once a week is because their is nothing but hillbillys.

    You must be on console, right?^^

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Master said:
    SO you want to nerf the only two competent killers in high ranked play, and then you are not even ashamed to call it balanced? DO you only have fun when you can type gg ez after totally obliterating a non-viable killer? I feel bad for you

    But go ahead, I dont like these two anyway, maybe the devs will buff one of my favourite killers instead to fill the gap of competent killers this change would create

    Maybe they'll just say the hell with it all and give the Huntress a scoped rifle that she can reload at lockers.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Peasant said:

    @Master said:
    SO you want to nerf the only two competent killers in high ranked play, and then you are not even ashamed to call it balanced? DO you only have fun when you can type gg ez after totally obliterating a non-viable killer? I feel bad for you

    But go ahead, I dont like these two anyway, maybe the devs will buff one of my favourite killers instead to fill the gap of competent killers this change would create

    Maybe they'll just say the hell with it all and give the Huntress a scoped rifle that she can reload at lockers.

    please no think of all the cod boys invading this game we would melt into goo from their toxic presence.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:
    SO you want to nerf the only two competent killers in high ranked play, and then you are not even ashamed to call it balanced? DO you only have fun when you can type gg ez after totally obliterating a non-viable killer? I feel bad for you

    But go ahead, I dont like these two anyway, maybe the devs will buff one of my favourite killers instead to fill the gap of competent killers this change would create

    i dont care if they nerf nurse or billy s long as they dont completely ruin them but i would like to see more killers in high ranks.

    This can be achieved by buffing other killers such that we have more competent killers

    i would love that the reason i only play survivor once a week is because their is nothing but hillbillys.

    You must be on console, right?^^

    yes and because nurse is too hard o console though still a blast to play its only hillbillys.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    Hillbilly is one of the most balanced killers in the game, especially compared to Nurse who is utterly broken in the hands of a good player, or Freddy whose special power is not being able to attack survivors. We need to be bringing the other killers up to Hillbilly's level, not nerfing him.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    I find it hilarious that everyone is assuming I want Hillbilly nerfed just because and ignored the 'when the game is properly balanced' part.
    Looking at you, @Master.
    "The game being properly balanced" obviously equals "all other Killers on the same level as Hillbilly, or as close as can be."
    But okay, go for your personal attacks and calling me a toxic ######### who only wants ez games ez life, yeah? You do you.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Judgement said:

    I find it hilarious that everyone is assuming I want Hillbilly nerfed just because and ignored the 'when the game is properly balanced' part.
    Looking at you, @Master.
    "The game being properly balanced" obviously equals "all other Killers on the same level as Hillbilly, or as close as can be."
    But okay, go for your personal attacks and calling me a toxic [BAD WORD] who only wants ez games ez life, yeah? You do you.

    Maybe because it isn't the first time that survivors suggest to nerf the only competent (your words btw) killers into trash tier.

    I mean you already admitted that they are the only competent ones, what kind of reaction do you expect? 
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @Master said:
    Judgement said:

    I find it hilarious that everyone is assuming I want Hillbilly nerfed just because and ignored the 'when the game is properly balanced' part.

    Looking at you, @Master.

    "The game being properly balanced" obviously equals "all other Killers on the same level as Hillbilly, or as close as can be."

    But okay, go for your personal attacks and calling me a toxic [BAD WORD] who only wants ez games ez life, yeah? You do you.

    Maybe because it isn't the first time that survivors suggest to nerf the only competent (your words btw) killers into trash tier.

    I mean you already admitted that they are the only competent ones, what kind of reaction do you expect? 

    Dude he said when the game is properly balanced. Meaning if all killers were buffed so that the less viable killers are competent as well. Obviously that would make killers like Hillbilly or Nurse overpowered as they are compoetent now already.
    So of course he wouldn't expect such a response from people reading his post properly.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    Hillbilly actually probably has the best designed power, along with Myers, in that they serve as cohesive toolkits that give them an absurd amount of threat.

    Billy isn't unfair. His power is a power. An advantage. Something that makes him unilaterally stronger and deadlier. He isn't like Clown or Hag or Pig, who's powers are deigned entirely from the perspective of making them not alter the core game, to allow survivors to do what they always did. His power threatens you. It has many uses, and while it has weaknesses, none of those weaknesses are designed to make it so you generally can't get value out of it, they are just limitations on its use that create a new meta for survivors to counter.

    The worst thing you could do for the game is nerf Billy. Billy is literally the ideal balance point: He is able to utterly destroy survivors who disrespect him, his power doesn't have arbitrary weaknesses like cooldowns or weird counterplay it doesn't need, and it self limits in a healthy way.

    A good power isn't about how strong it actually is, it is about the level of menace it grants the killer, the amount it lets them screw with what the survivors expect and break out of loop meta. Myers, despite having multiple killers higher tier than him, is akin to Billy in that he is designed around this legitimate threat and menace that forces survivors to change their behavior or get dumpstered. A killers power should feel terrifying and unfair and if you don't respect it you should just lose... but even if you respect it it should still often make you lose.

  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148
    The smartest thing the devs can do is bring the other killers up to his level stop crying for nerfs because you don't perform well against a certain killer look where it got freddy when bum àss noobs were crying about him now he's shxt
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    The smartest thing the devs can do is bring the other killers up to his level stop crying for nerfs because you don't perform well against a certain killer look where it got freddy when bum àss noobs were crying about him now he's shxt
    Basically this^

    if you juke a billy you get a lot of distance same as nurse in both cases you have to adapt to their play style
    Even if I suck at loosing I feel bad seeing so many whiffs by just running around a pile of garbage with a pallet and be able to do it. 

    Buff stealth perks BTW (like they did with ironwill, Ty devs)
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    My only issue with Hillbilly is his base movement speed. The Nurse, Hag and Spirit have powers that can close a lot of distance quickly and the Huntress has a ranged attack. Because of this, their movement speed is lower to compensate. But Hillbilly, who has some of the best map control due to to speed, has a standard movement speed. I don't think he should be nerfed right now, but when the game is more balanced, I think he should be looked at.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    My only issue with Hillbilly is his base movement speed. The Nurse, Hag and Spirit have powers that can close a lot of distance quickly and the Huntress has a ranged attack. Because of this, their movement speed is lower to compensate. But Hillbilly, who has some of the best map control due to to speed, has a standard movement speed. I don't think he should be nerfed right now, but when the game is more balanced, I think he should be looked at.

    To me this says not that Billy's speed should be lowered, but that we should have the same base 115% speed across the board for killers.