Solo play getting worse and worse

By now everyone knows how trash the solo experience is. i started to notice how few solo survivors take an item with them into the trial, which i understand. youre going into the game knowing you will lose 9/10 , bringing an item just feels like you just throw it away... Its really time to narrow the gap between SWF and solo players....

I remember that a long time ago the devs talked about kindred being basekit, but that obviously didnt went through. Have there been any other words about some changes for solo players or is it just being ignored that sologames are a trash experience?


  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited October 2021

    When MMR was just released my Solo Queue games were hell too. Nowadays I get a goodish team 1 out of 5 matches and the rest are not terrible. It's at least better than potatoes all day every day like it used to be.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    Bond too, or Empathy. All the healing perks are so much worse solo unless you also have Bond or Empathy and at that point half your perk slots are gone just because you want to reliably heal someone else.

    Heal perks still not popular in SWF and they get Bond / Empathy essentially for free through voice chat.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    My survivor games are fine. What we need is BP gain increase for survivors

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    Thing that I love about kindred is I know what my teammates are doing and if anyone is going for the hook saves. Too many matches without it, survivors have went to second stage.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    True, true. I'm really working to max out some of my Survivors with perks and I just play killer all day now because the BP is so much better on that side of things. So Bubba/Pinhead makes me the points and Meg/Steve get them.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    If it makes you feel any better I've died on my first hook 3 times in a row now because none of my teammates go for the rescue :)

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    Ooof that feels bad, really bad. I haven't died on the first hook for a bit but I sure have gotten to the 2nd stage several times while I watch teammates sit in a corner and self-heal while impacted by sloppy butcher.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Kindred doesn't need to be base kit. Just use the damn perk.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Better than it use to be. But when mmr is based of things like Escaping then it's kinda silly. I started of with people who never done gens or able to loop when I'm legit doing 5min chases lol.

    Alot needs to be base thats for both sides. The sad part is with certain maps or tile spawns killer is stupid rough.

    Coms is a huge advantage on efficiency and if SBMM works then a swf will be wayyyyy harder than solo because no weak link equals a rough game.

    In serious though its teammates that are the issues, not killers etc. All it takes is 1 person not to do anything and just hide and avoid gens or selfcare in a corner and it destroys the game. But even giving things base wont change how they play...

    I use kindred and I'll still get games where multiple people get of gens with ruin active to get me. That's not ruin, the killer or solo queue, that's bad teammates and you cant buff them to change how they play.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    tbh my solo q experience got so much better since SBMM. much more competent teammates and consistently good killers.

  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    I had a teammate recently that did nothing. They ran around the map and hid a lot. The amount of almost finished gens they walked past to do nothing was infuriating.

    We would have probably had a 3-4 person escape if they had have helped even a little. Instead it ended in a 4K.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited October 2021

    Nobody saves in Solo.

    Went against a TTV Killer playing Nemesis the other day & he was so pissed I died on first hook because my teammates refused to get off a gen. Even Killers hate solo queue Survivors mentality.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241
    edited October 2021

    I don't think solo queue necessarily needs to be buffed. Players are often really... sub-optimal and make poor decisions, position poorly, etc. It's not even about the chases half the time. Players have to be better. No amount of buffs will cause the player who hasn't been hooked to tank hits for the player on death hook in chase 15 meters from them. That's basic game sense that 90% of players lack.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890
    edited October 2021

    It's a never-ending vicious cycle. Solo queue gets stomped, survivors claim killers need nerfs, the good survivors team up, SWFs stomp killers, killers claim game is survivor sided.

    It's the nature of the beast, and why you see so many threads in here with people irrationally claiming the devs don't care about their side.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    This is a solid take. I almost never see anyone body block or sabo in Solo. The occasional flashlight save but that's really about it. It will be interesting to see if the hatch change forces players to think more about actually keeping everyone alive now that they can't scope out the hatch at 2 gens and just wait it out. Not much I assume but still.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Solo games are such a pain in the ass i reccomend you find some friends here online to play with doesn't need to be irl friends just someone u know that u can play with ,you can join me for example any time you want and my friends solo queue is just something else

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    With sbmm solo feels fine. The only thing that can make it difficult is a lack of personal experience against certain killers or map knowledge. With sbmm, the focus on gens is there enough that killers are barely reaching more than 3-5 hooks before the last gen is done.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    Solo q is hell because teammates suck like 99% of the time.

    The survivors I come across do so many stupid match-tanking things, but one of the ones really annoying me lately (besides crouching around doing nothing) is watching one or two survivors crouch near a slug after the killer's gone away without making any attempt to pick them up. I've watched it happen to my friend numerous times where the killer downs him and then goes away, and survivors who are right there make no move to pick him up. They're not doing gens, they're just crouching a foot away behind some junk. He'll have time to get to max recovery and then some before the killer comes back.

    It's a bad thing to do to my friend. If a survivor does something like that, or fast-vaults multiple times next to a gen he's working on or something, he doesn't try to avoid them: he sticks to their ass like glue. If they're intent on getting him killed he's going to take them with him. It really screws up the Claudettes who aren't used to hiding with a bright half-naked Kate crouching next to them. It's kinda hilarious when killers get confused because they downed a Claudette they didn't even know was there.

    What was I saying? Oh yeah, solo q sucks. I wish I could play with bots as teammates.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    how does this not mean that solo queue has to be buffed? with this logic you assume that killer players in general are smarter people than survivor players, we are talking about the population here where most solo games are lost, there are as much "sub-optimal" killers as there are survivors.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    I thought SBMM would put an end to all this. During the test before they enabled it permanently the solo matches were bliss. Competent team mates every game.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Another reason solo queue is rough is because of the tome challenges and trophies. I'm a killer main. I only play survivor to get tome challenges and trophies done, and I play it as selfishly as possible. If an adept is on the line, I am out those gates as soon as the gens are done. I am not saving you. If I'm grinding out the protection hit Bill trophy, I am farming your ass off hook and then getting hit and going down immediately after causing us to lose the game. If I need to survive at all costs, I am running the killer right to you with Bond so I can get out and get my achievement.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    SoloQ is fine. If u have 90% loose rate and afraid to use items it's all upon u. Anything that buffs weak survivor players, makes good one unbeatable.

  • Igbylucy
    Igbylucy Member Posts: 47

    Solo queue is now worse than it was before. I only play solo. I find it more challenging plus I don’t care to converse with others. It’s full of trash hook camping killers who are outranked by survivors who are under ranked. I only play maybe 5 to 7 hours a week. I generally hang out between 7 and 3 on the old ranking system. I’ve barely made it to gold. I’m honestly getting screwed repeatedly. I just finished my update on ESO. Im taking a break and hoping this new ranking BS goes back to the old system.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544
    edited October 2021

    i don't have that bad of an experience but perhaps it's because i know how to loop. i always run no mither while i solo q for some reason

  • km66
    km66 Member Posts: 111

    Yeah solo is abysmal. I honestly can’t understand how killers complain so much with the state of solo survivor.