Do you think tombstone piece and judith's tombstone are balanced?

Do you think tombstone piece and judith's tombstone are balanced? 24 votes

They are both overpowered
TapeKnotbm33InAcesHole 3 votes
They are both underpowered
_Pun1sh3r_ 1 vote
They are both balanced
ElusivePukkaGeneralVbjorksnasTacitusKilgoreQuentiplex 5 votes
Only Tombstone piece is overpowered
White_OwlAven_FallenMrPenguinDonZwiebelSebaOutbreaklandromatAwkward_FiendCrowmanFobboBrokenbonesFengisKawaiiGazgemauchHaunterofShadowsAurelle 14 votes
Only Judith's Tombstone is overpowered
GannTM 1 vote


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697
    Only Tombstone piece is overpowered

    Piece is certainly OP, but I don't think either addon is designed well.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    Only Tombstone piece is overpowered

    Piece allows quck five gen kills, which is op

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    Only Tombstone piece is overpowered

    Judith's Tombstone has a pretty harsh speed penalty, while the Tombstone Piece only adds more stalking only for the first tier up which is not that much of a price to pay to completely remove a survivor in a click.

  • Well, with tombstone piece you get a stalk penalty for killing a survivor, instead of starting at 75% EW2 you start 25%. However, if you kill someone 10 seconds before EW3 runs out, you don't get penalised, which i think is a bug...

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697
    Only Tombstone piece is overpowered

    That doesn't really matter in the long run. You will still be able to kill 3 survivors leaving the last survivor in a 1v1. It's basically on the level as old moris in terms of being able to win the game for you.

  • You can only get three kills if the survivors you kill are stalked fully. Four if you kill those survivors and bypass the penalty.

    If you wanna kill quick, you will usually only be able to get 2 kills.

    It is quite strong but oldest moris are way stronger i think

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294

    Neither is balanced, nor do they need to be. When I'm facing Michael Myers, I want him to be overwhelming. Not balanced.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    Only Tombstone piece is overpowered

    Judith's has drawbacks and more counterplay imo.

    The Piece's drawbacks are laughable in comparison, and can be easily mitigated by other add-ons (plus the exploit you can do to avoid the penalization). Being able to straight down kill a survivor at 5 gens who hasn't been chased or hooked ever is dumb.