I want individual hook counters on the killers.
Hello from the JP forum.
I've been playing with both Survivor and Killer lately, and I was wondering why Survivor has individual hook counters, but Killer doesn't?
As a player who plays both, the common UI is better and easier to play with, but I don't understand why it was made this way...
In the original PTB when they introduced the UI currently in live, they had individual counters for Survivors. They were removed from the live release after they realised it encouraged tunnelling.
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Killers can count and use their memory to remember who was hooked how many times.
Survivors cant
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It actually does the opposite. I do not need a hook counter to go after the one guy I am tunneling. Rofl. Trust me, most killer mains can count to 3.
Where you really get us is counting to 3 multiple times on survivors that are wearing the same cosmetic. As if I can keep track of that much information. Ha ha ha.
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This has gotta be a dumb ######### reason to not have this.
Just give the killers hook counters. There's no reason not to. If a Killer will tunnel they will tunnel.
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It would encourage tunneling, just like it did on the UI PTB.
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I am not saying I agree with the reason it was removed. Just stating the reason they gave us as to why they removed it because OP asked why Killers don't have one.
I do think most Killers would benefit from being able to keep track, one way or another.
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And some Killers can even count to 12 after an unhook, or so the rumors say!
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Not really, if I want tunnel someone I do it by name anyway.
Problem for me is multiple same survivors, or when I play hit&run I often forgot how many hooks each survivor has and kill someone on 4/5 gens by accident, where I would usually just slug, so they have chance to play more.
I don't think it would break the game in any way, or you would see more tunneling.
It would mainly solve the problem with survivors using same cosmetics, that can be really annoying.
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It wouldn't make tunneling any easier, you know who you hooked last.
But tracking every survivors hookstates? Not so easy.
No hook counter leads to inadvertent tunneling.
At the very least, we need an indication for when a survivor is on death hook, even if it's only when they're in the dying state. You could at least then choose to slug them and allow someone to pick them up again.
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I don't see any way it encourages tunneling. If you want to tunnel someone out of the match you do it, and you aren't exactly likely to forget who they are.
On the other hand, having hook counters means late in the game you aren't struggling to remember who has and hasn't been hooked twice already.
So often when I'm having a great game I want to make it 12 hooks, not accidentally leave someone til last who has only been hooked once, but remembering everyone's different hook states is a bit much.
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- It would certainly inform me of a good opportunity to tunnel since I dont count hookings, nor try to remember who was hooked.
- If I was informed of that, I would probably want to take it.
Dont you think those here who feign ignorance that this could not encourage tunneling in any way are a little economical with the truth?
Like come on, really?!? You dont see why informing a player of the Opportunity would encourage them to take it?
Information clearly leads to action, I doubt BHVR is gonna buy this argument from you guys.
A better argument would be to argue it gives the Killer better opportunity to play like a Killer is supposed to, that being tunneling / camping / Slugging is a part of the game and Survivors need to be able to react and counterplay all these strategies. And why that is okay for the game.
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Has zero effect on tunneling. If a survivor is truly being tunneled, then all of their hooks are back to back. I can see how it would be useful for killers that engage in multiple chases. How does a counter make this more effective?
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Just remember.
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I can remember it, when I want to tunnel, but why should I do it, when I just wanna play normally?
It gets complicated with multiple same skin survivors...
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It's funny, so far it doesn't prevent actual tunneling, only creates accidental tunneling.
I just can't be bothered to remember with multiple same survivors, or when I switch targets a lot. So sometimes I kill someone with 4-5 hooks overall, because he got unlucky... I would just slug him, if I knew.
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I was faced with a situation today where I desperately needed a hook counter.
A BBQ token. There was only one left, but due to three identical Survivors, I ended up not being able to acquire it...
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I play both sides and i think this would be great. I often run across multiple people with the exact same character and outfit. When i play the kill i try not to go after the same person over and over but sometime you can't tell. Or remember especially when you have an intense chase.
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Survivors when I use my 3,000 IQ galaxy brain to remember what happened in the past 15 minutes.