I love the Twins. But they need to be looked at, BADLY


Twins are actually one of my favorite killers. Design, lore and power. They're just EXTREMLY clunky and can sometimes be a litle annyoing to play against. Tho onestly some of that frusttration comes from people who don't understand this Killer. I see people who don't kick victor when I downed someone. Dude I have 5 second stun, do something.

Whatever, here is how I would change the Twins (sorry if this is a biiit long):

• Reduce victors stun coldown from 5s to 3s, it just feels #########.

• Make victor see scratchmarks, but in return blood won't be highlited anymore.

• Reduce the time it takes for victor to charge his pounce from 1s down to 87,5. The number sounds random ik. It's just half of toy swords effect. Toy sword is too strong, but his default charge is a bit to long. This would be perfect.

• Increase victors coldown from 6 to 12 seconds.

• Reduce the time it takes to recall victor when he's latched on from 30s to 12s, but he suffers no coldown after that. So it's like a normal coldown.

• Reveal the aura of victor when he's latched on constantly.

• Make victor recalable at any time.

• Reduce the time that it takes for victor to die when he's idle, from 90s down to 60s.

• Also make it so that this timer does not reset when switching, it just goes back up at twice the speed.

• New mechanic: Sleepy mode

- Sleepy mode activates when victor is within 16m of a hooked survivor.

While victor is sleepy, following effects will accur:

- His shreak radius will be reduced down to 4m and he's sleeping.

- You'll be stunned for 3 seconds when switching to him (same animation when downing someone, but you CAN'T be crushed during this time. Stale biscuit does not affect this coldown).

• Sleepy mode will remain active for 4s.

That was ALOT. But I hope that atleast some of these changes would happen one day. The Twins are a very underappriated killer. But also dbd's most clunky one, sadly. Thanks for reading this novel. Cheers <3

• Also make us pat victor on the head when playing as charlotte.


  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I just started playing them and the thing that got me is when switching that slowdown takes forever.

    I had one downed close to the exit and downed another in the exit area with Victor. The one in the exit was sure to escape regardless but by the time I switched and regained my speed the first downed one was up and another 2 escaped.

    This was my first experience with the slowdown and it lasted far too long.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,460

    I like these changes for the most part and I agree he needs changes.

    In my opinion, instead of introducing a complicated sleep mode, just make it when you hook someone, if Victor is within 16 meters of that hook, he will be recalled back to Charlote to prevent simple camping.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    The only thing they really need is to remove the harsh punishment by literally using your power correctly. Also make victor die when someone is hooked within 16 meters. I really thing that is all they need imo

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Yeah, the cooldown on victor is really punishing. Often times, I only pounce when there's a lot of space behind the survivor so they can't get to me quickly. But, I don't know if I would focus on attacking with victor if switching to charlotte didn't take so long.

    When announced, my plan with them was to tag team survivors into a corner. But, switching back and forth is too punishing for this to work. Well, survivors also find and kill victor very easily. I also wanted to "snipe" with victor, but people hear him coming a lot of the time. I wish his grunt radius was smaller, but his detection for tracking stayed the same.

    I think they want to move the killer away from slugging/camping as survivors hate that, and I have to agree it kind of bores me when I play them.

    As a side note, I'd love to have an addon that showed the arc of victors pounce. Learning to pounce over things can feel tedious sometimes.