Question about the Malicious Emblem and The Plague

So, while making an attempt at Adept Plague last night, I ended up with what I thought was going to be enough to get the job done. Ended up on The Game (ugh), but decided to protect the upstairs gens at all costs, which worked out well. The match was somewhat lengthy, but I made sure to get plenty of hooks, only slugged once (when someone sabotaged a hook in front of me carrying someone) and at the very end on the last two survivors. I had survivors constantly sick, which meant they were cleansing constantly throughout the match.
So at the end, I finish with Iridescent medals in everything -- except Malicious, where I got Gold. I saw I had a huge negative value for "survivors healing". Since I wasn't really slugging, and since there weren't instances of people getting healed off of hook or from regular hits -- again, they kept mass cleansing during the match -- can I guess that I was penalized for ... using Plague's power effectively?
Yeah, Plague's adept is for masochists.
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Cleansing counts as healing, so yes.
Try a build that doesn't encourage cleansing. Faster infection add ons, no Thanatophobia or anything that penalises being injured. Maybe even stack Exposed effects, Star Struck and Make Your Choice together probably give the most "what's the point in healing?" outside of playing simply myers, ghostface or legion.
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Do you know how adept achievements work?
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Either hope you don't get survivors that constantly cleanse or use apple add-ons or iridescent seal and never use your vial purge.
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Thanks for the replies everyone. That's what I guessed, but it's one of the things that I thought seemed so silly -- you're penalized for playing the killer effectively and correctly and the survivors playing poorly (by cleansing at the slightest drop of a hat) -- that I thought I had to be wrong, lol.
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It's the same with insta down killers where you get punished for playing them right
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I asked about this for the Q&A stream, it'd be a nice change. But, to get adept Plague, I had to use a corrupt purge focused build. It is the hardest trophy to get in DBD, according to the playstation network.
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I was wondering how "injuries healed" counted so much against my points when I was Plague. That's so stupid that cleansing counts. What are we supposed to do? Not use our power?
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I was telling devs Months or even Years ago that infecting broken via infection doesn't count as injury so it doesn't go into embems.
This issue is sooooooooooo old.