Question about the Malicious Emblem and The Plague

So, while making an attempt at Adept Plague last night, I ended up with what I thought was going to be enough to get the job done. Ended up on The Game (ugh), but decided to protect the upstairs gens at all costs, which worked out well. The match was somewhat lengthy, but I made sure to get plenty of hooks, only slugged once (when someone sabotaged a hook in front of me carrying someone) and at the very end on the last two survivors. I had survivors constantly sick, which meant they were cleansing constantly throughout the match.

So at the end, I finish with Iridescent medals in everything -- except Malicious, where I got Gold. I saw I had a huge negative value for "survivors healing". Since I wasn't really slugging, and since there weren't instances of people getting healed off of hook or from regular hits -- again, they kept mass cleansing during the match -- can I guess that I was penalized for ... using Plague's power effectively?
