Meg deathgarden mask should be made available to console players

Giving the Meg deathgarden mask to console players would be awesome. I don't see any reason why console players shouldn't be able to have it.
Its not like any platform can get it atm, you have to go to shady places to obtain the mask nowadays
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wym all you have to do is force steam to download the game. there are guides for it. You cant get it on console. They could put it in the shop at the very least
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I’d love to use that mask on Meg.
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Definitely. Really wonder if Deathgarden skin should also be excluded like Legacy and Hype & Bloodletting shirt.
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trust me don't get the mask unless you want to be tunneled and camped every game. killers think the mask means the player is really good and toxic and try to tunnel them to avoid getting looped forever.
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I prefer the Pig mask she got. So I am forever Gucci.
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Tunneling someone to not get looped sounds like a big brain play.
Yeah, it absolutely should. IMO at the point where Deathgarden became free on Steam the Mask should have given out to everyone. Before you at least had to pay for Deathgarden to get the Mask, but since it was free, players on Steam could just add Deathgarden into their library to get the Masks for Meg and Trapper. I dont know if this is still possible, but at this point it did not make any sense at all to exclude Console Players.
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A worthy trade
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You have to win (4k or 3k with hatch escape) 50 matches in a row as Trapper, with the add-ons Strong Coil Spring and Padded Jaws as well as have the perks Monstrous Shrine, Insidious, Predator, and Stridor equipped. You must do this before the next patch drops and you cannot tunnel or camp anyone.
It is the only way. If you can't, you are unworthy of the wannabe Trapper Mask.
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WAIT WAIT WAIT ALSO i see everyone want the meg mask but why not the trapper mask?? like my boi deserves love too cmon he got exclusives as well </3
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It is bannable btw
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just realised i should clarify yes i bought legitimately this on the relaunch of bloodharvest and did not appreciate it enough and now it's gone and i'm sad </3
don't pirate games kids