Whose Lore is the best?

What survivor and/or killers lore did you find most intriguing? Personally, I enjoyed the sad story of Wraith and Claud.
I like Ghost Face and Legion's.
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Legion and Yun-Jin's are my favourite.
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Mine, my lore is unchallenged.
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Obviously it's Nemesis, Jill, and Leon. So much depth in the lore page.
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Huntress was the one OG killer that really stood out to me.
The survivor lore is a bit more consistent overall, but nobody specifically stood above the rest, if you ask me. Which you did, technically.
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Personally, I'm gonna go with Oni for Killer. I think his lore is awesome.
Also, Jeff has the best Survivor lore. Fight me.
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Killer: Plague and or Oni
Survivor: Yui
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Claudette from a personal point of view. I just like her character and appearance and all.
Kate for Entity-related lore. She is the closest to the Final Girl/main protagonist I think.
for Killers I guess Wraith and Plague.
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Imo Blight, since he's probably the character we have the most information on, and we get to see step by step how The Entity slowly corrupts him
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Deathslinger is a total baller
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Oni, Freddy and Clown's are my favorites.
They hit that perfect balance in length and depth between "scary killer killed everyone for an unexplained reason and then was never seen again" of the older killers, and the overly-long stories of the newer killers that leave absolutely nothing up to interpretation. Oni and Clown's stories fill in the background of the killers, give reasons why they do the things that they do, have satisfying but interestingly-mysterious endings, and - most of all - leave some things unmentioned. Oni has a bunch of hidden and important details about his character that you can discover by reading through his add-ons, which I love and wish they did more, and Clown's murder career leaves just enough unspoken to let the reader's mind run with the implications of what he's done. Some of his add-ons and background text imply he's done some really, really morally reprehensible things, which is much more freaky to realise later than the modern version: being spoonfed what happened in an encyclopaedic retelling of literally everything that has happened to them since they were born. (Looking at you, Twins and Legion's tome.)
Freddy's lore is also (imo) the best licensed killer lore they've ever written, expanding on the film and giving a genuine reason for him showing up in the fog. The intersection between his story and Quentin's is also really well-written. The closest they've gotten to it since is Yun-Jin and Trickster, but those two don't quite match up to the dynamic duo from the worst licensed chapter, whose intertwining stories feel a lot more natural.
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Trapper lore, but I'm a Trapper main so I'm kind of biased. The Tome made it better but I really like the theme of the Trapper.
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Survivor - Zarina and Yui
Killer - I don't know maybe Twins or Trickster.
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A gamer who struggles with optimization.
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I was more going for the prodigious engineer who was crippled by debilitating and dangerous health issues and forced to drop out of school to help his family.
However, I will accept yours as well, it is more relevant here.
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Cheryl and Pyramid Head.
Not biased btw
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Deathslinger and Quentin have the best lore imo. Quentin for a licensed survivor is surprisingly in depth
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Tesco Value Felix.
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Yun-Jin and Plague's lore are probably my favorite.
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Plague`s and nurse`s are the best (IMO)
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Yun Jin, Deathslinger, Billy, Plague, Nurse before they ruined it with retcons
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Something about Kate fighting and resisting entity and her being singer who wants to make music to help ppl got me very attached
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Blight's too but thats kind of cheating, he got build up for over a year before his release.
Post edited by Miles on0 -
Discounting licensed characters, I quite like Trickster's.
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Blight for reasons I won't specify
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For the original, Blight, and for a licensed character, Lisa. They're both just tragic man.
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Trickster is by far my favourite character lore wise.
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Oni even tho i hate him
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I like Ace's and Jeff's the most for survivor, and for killer Oni or Huntress have my favorite lore
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he was put in trailers from even longer then that like when he infects trapper in that trailer, that's how the blighted killer skins started in 2018
so we have had him in the game since 2018
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one day well have another killer as great as blight.
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Deathslinger has been the only one I've enjoyed.
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Pyramid Heads, for the simple implications it has on the world of DBD, that the entity isn't an all powerful being.
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Elodie for survivors and the Blight for killer
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No no, I'm smarter than Felix. I didn't get kidnapped by a malevolent Entity :p
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Plus Felix didn't make a thread that brought attention to the Entity's poor performance.
All in all, if your hair game's on point as well I'll have to surrender.
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Me, looking in the mirror seeing my Zubat-esque long hair...