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The Ghost Face: An Update to his kit, add-on's, and perks.

QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

When Ghost Face was brought into the Fog, many were disappointed that it was not the Ghost Face from Scream, as was I. However, he has grown on me since then, and he is currently one of my favorite killers. I think Behavior did an excellent job with his lore and aesthetic.

That being said, his gameplay can be... Lacking, at times. He can feel frustrating for both sides due to his janky reveal mechanic. That being said, below are a list of changes I believe would make him more enjoyable for all parties.

Also, note that this will be a very, very long post. So buckle up.



|Nerf| - Ghost Face is More Consistent to Reveal: You know as survivor when you stare directly at Ghost Face without revealing him? Now, take this with a grain of salt, since it's been while since I've seen the stats behind Ghost Face's power, but I believe this happens because you need to see at least 30% of his body within a specific part of your screen. I propose to nerf this to around 15-20%. This should make it easier for survivors to reveal when Ghost Face when he's peeking around corners.

|Buff| - No More Auto Reveal: As an opposite to the previous scenario, you know how when you're playing as Ghost Face and you somehow get revealed while hiding behind an obstacle? Did you know that's an actual intended feature and not a bug? You see, survivors have a sort of "automatic reveal". Once they've stared at you for long enough, it doesn't matter whether you duck out of their line of sight, you'll automatically get revealed anyway. By removing this, successfully evading survivors as Ghost Face should feel easier and more rewarding.

|Buff| - Hooked Survivors Can No Longer Reveal Ghost Face: I know this feature was put in place to combat camping, but campers are gonna camp regardless. All this does is end up hurting Ghost Face on open maps.

|Buff| - Shorter Night Shroud Recovery: I feel like most people agree that Night Shroud's cool down is way too long. I know they reduced it on the PTB, but 24 seconds is still too long in my opinion. I purpose to reduced it to 15-20 seconds.



Currently, Ghost Face is a contender for having some of the worst add-on's in the entire game. Most are awful, some just don't work, and a few are okay-ish. Here are my changes to Ghost Face's add-on's; designed to make him more interesting and powerful.


|Unchanged| "Philly":

Stolen camera from a victim of Olsen in Philadelphia, where he worked before. The film inside captured his last night in the city.

  • Slightly increases the rate at which a Survivor becomes Marked when not leaning from cover.

"Gotta love Philly: keeps giving and giving and I don't wanna forget any of it". — The Ghost Face

|Unchanged, but nerfed| Walleys Matchbook:

A sheet of matches from Walleys, a small bar in Northern Roseville. A victim's phone number is scribbled in blue. One of the incriminating pieces of evidence found.

  • Slightly increases Night Shroud power recovery rate.

|Reworked. Previously was "Headlines Cutouts"| Faulty Knife:

A faulty knife which broke upon stabbing one of his first victims. Ghost Face had to finish the job himself with his bare hands.

  • Considerably decease the duration of a Survivor staying Marked.
  • Grants 100% extra Bloodpoints for Stalking and Marking score events.

"Don't worry. I made sure to leave a terrible review." — The Ghost Face

|Unchanged| Cheap Cologne:

Dollar stare cologne with a pungent scent of rubbing alcohol. Worn by Ghost Face to make his presence known. Reserved for impromptu visits.

  • Slightly increase the duration of a survivor staying Marked.


|Unchanged| Telephone Lens:

Manuel focus lens to remain undetected while taking pictures from afar.

  • Slightly increase the rate at which a Survivor becomes Marked when not leaning from cover.
  • Slightly increase the duration of a Survivor staying Marked.

|Reworked| Olsen's Journal:

A spiral notebook filled with stained, handwritten entries. The journal details different equipment used to stalk victims. Going through your past methods triggers thrilling memories.

  • Slightly increase the time it takes to reveal The Ghost Face.

|Unchanged, but nerfed| Olsen's Address Book:

Filled in blunt, blue crabbed writings. All the Roseville murder victims are listed there, along with their phone number and address.

  • Moderately increase Night Shroud power recovery rate.

|Unchanged, but buffed| Marked Map:

The annotated map of Northern Roseville, Florida. Each X represents a victim of The Ghost Face. Mapping out your targets allows you to roam the streets undetected.

  • Slightly increase the duration that Killer Instinct is visible when The Killer is revealed.

|Reworked. Previously was "Clinch Straps"| Muffled Boots:

A pair of sleek black combat boots The Ghost Face modified to be as a silent as possible. They're also quite stylish.

  • Moderately increase the rate at which a Survivor becomes Marked when leaning from cover.


|Reworked.| Olsen's Wallet:

Olsen's wallet holds thirty dollars in cash, a video club membership card, and a folded picture of Olsen's first Roseville victim. Carrying incriminating evidence boots your excitement and resolve.

  • When a Survivor reveals The Ghost Face, their aura will be revealed to The Killer for 8 seconds.

|Reworked. Previously was "Leather Knife Sheath"| Victim's House Blueprints:

A victim's house blueprints annotated with messy handwriting. Point's of interest include the front and back door, windows, and rooms The Ghost Face knew were important. They'd never know he's coming...

  • The Ghost Face can only be revealed by survivors standing within 15 meters of him.

"Ah, wasn't expecting a visitor tonight, were you?" — The Ghost Face

|Unchanged| Lasting Perfume:

An overpowering musty fragrance worn by Ghost Face to announce his presence. Reserved for victims he planned to write about.

  • Moderately increases the duration of a Survivor staying Marked.

|Unchanged| Knife Belt Clip:

Perfect belt clip to scout carry your blade discretely. No one knows what you're planing to do tonight.

  • Moderately increases the rate at which a Survivor becomes Marked when not leaning from cover.

|Unchanged, but nerfed| Chewed Pen:

Blue pen with a chewed cap that holds traces of Danny's DNA. Incriminating evidence that was never found.

  • Considerably increase Night Shroud power recovery rate.

"Old habits die hard." — The Ghost Face


|Reworked. Previously was "Victim's Detailed Routine."| Gruesome Photograph:

An especially violent photograph of Ghost Face posing with a victim. It shocked the town of Roseville to it's core.

  • Putting a Marked Survivor into the dying state will instantly fill up 25% of every other Survivor's stalking meter.

"I've been watching you for a while. I wanted this to be special; the kind of headlines people don't forget about." — The Ghost Face

|Reworked| Night Vision Monocular:

Night vision lens enables sharp photos even when shrouded in darkness. Ideal for discreet, impromptu visits late at night.

  • Considerably increases the rate at which a Survivor becomes Marked when not leaning from cover.
  • Marking a Survivor will reveal their aura to you for 8 seconds.

"These late night break-ins are always the funnest. Shame I can't do them too often." — The Ghost Face

|Reworked| Drop-Leg Knife Sheath:

Sheath allowing a full motion of range; Ideal to inflict quick and powerful wounds while moving freely. Stolen from a patrol officer the night Danny left Philadelphia.

  • Considerably increases movement speed while Crouched.
  • Preforming a Lunge Attack while Crouched will grant The Ghost Face a bust of speed.

"Gotta get ready like a scout- without the stupid patches. What I get is much better." — The Ghost Face

|Reworked| Driver's License:

A driver's license revealing Olsen's true identity; Danny Johnson.

  • Putting a Marked Survivor into the dying state will instantly recover Night Shroud.

"They all want to know who The Ghost Face is. But what they should ask is, who's next." — The Ghost Face


|Reworked| "Ghost Face Caught On Tape":

Tape obtained by Olsen to write an article that terrorized Roseville.

  • Survivors can no longer Reveal The Ghost Face out of Night Shroud.
  • Considerably decreases the rate at which a Survivor becomes Marked when not leaning from cover.
  • Considerably decreases the rate at which a Survivor becomes Marked when leaning from cover.
  • The Ghost Face becomes unable to Stalk Survivors for 45 seconds after Marking a Survivor.

"In this footage, a dark figure is seen entering a house late at night in Northern Roseville, Florida. The police were called the next morning to report a murder in the area. Lock your doors; a killer is in our midst, roaming freely, like a Ghost in the night. " — The Roseville Gazette

|Reworked| Outdoor Security Camera:

A small surveillance camera that filmed Ghost Face breaking into a house on Belleview Road in Northern Roseville. The camera was positioned at the perfect angle to catch a glimpse of Ghost Face without providing any real clues to the police.

  • The auras of all Survivors are revealed for 10 seconds when a Marked Survivor is put into the dying state.

"An image is worth a thousand words." — The Ghost Face



I actually think Ghost Face's perks are pretty good, for the most part.

I'm All Ears is kinda niche, but useful and good at what it does.

Thrilling Tremors is a nice alternative to BBQ. Maybe it's cool down could be shortened a little, but overall it's pretty good.

Furtive Chase, though, is just utter garbage. I have no idea what the devs were going for when they designed this perk. So, here is my rework of the perk, designed to make it actually useful.

Furtive Chase: You become obsessed with one Survivor. You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one. When hooking a Survivor, gain a token.

Upon reaching 4 tokens. All Survivors will have their aura's revealed for 5 seconds and you gain the Undetectable status effect for 20/25/30 seconds.

Hooking the obsession will remove 2 tokens.

  • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"You have no idea what I have planned for you. It'll be in the news for weeks; I'll make sure of it. — The Ghost Face



So, we have finally reached the end of this long-ass post. If you actually read this entire thing, I sincerely thank you. This took literal days to write.

What did you think of my ideas? I'd love to hear your feedback!

Oh, and I apologize for any spelling errors. Cause I know there's gonna be some I won't notice.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    There are lots of things that could be done for GF, however - he's getting a 'rework' already, and even though it comes out at a minor nerf when you factor in the nerfs to his addons, BHVR are likely going to be done with him for a few years. See: Legion.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    You are probably right, but that won't stop me from hoping.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Space things more or make the Add-on Sections in 2 comments. i lost track of what i was reading.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I feel like you aren't wrong, Furtive Chase is bad. But the rework idea seems just as niche. As for the other perks, I feel like cooldowns hold those perks back. Thrilling should just activate once per down, and that is its "cooldown" whereas All Ears just shouldn't have one, period. They could reduce the range to compensate. The only way I would use those perks, anyways.

    As for Ghostmane himself, I would just take the hooked survivors no longer revealing. That would be more than enough, in my opinion.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Regarding the Reveal Mechanic which is the biggest issue he has. I've already proposed Making the Mask what Survivors need to see instead of a % of something somewhere in the % center of survivor screen.

    Making it be the Mask automatically removes manny of the issues he has. No more 360º bubble to reveal him. Hooked Survivors no Longer reveal you unless you're looking at them for some reason. You can moonwalk or crouch behind loops to beat Stretch Res and still stalk and you can Moonwalk to avoid corner revealing aswell.

    This simple change allows GF to keep his power so much more time that the recovery of his power isn't as important anymore because you are using his power for longer periods of time every time you use it.

    With this change the Detection Range ad-ons gain immense more value and usability. Since now they can only Reveal GF if both sides are looking at each other this means strategic positioning with GF is now a keystone to playing the character, meaning giving GF a Distance advantage is super benefitial, not only makes it harder to reveal him but also keeps you in power for longer which again improves the usability of Nighshroud and reduces Recovery add-on dependancy.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited October 2021

    The Reveal Zone Change: What you mentioned is part of the reason why ,however the values are 20% of his body in the center 26% of the screen. There are other reasons he's hard to reveal, though. Another reason why is a significant portion of the reveal zone is blocked by the survivor's own body. The state switch buffer (more on that later) also contributes to not understanding if you're successfully looking at him or not.

    The "auto reveal": To understand whats happening here we need to understand whats going on under the hood. Basically ghostface has 2 states. "Out of Sight" and "Discerned." Out of sight is when no survivors are looking at him. Discerned is when a survivor is looking at him.

    To reveal ghost face, you must put him in discerned for 1.5 seconds. State switches have a .3 second buffer. So this means starting to reveal Ghostface has a .3 second delay after you actually start looking at him, but you can continue to reveal him for .3 seconds after you stop looking at him. On his PTB he actually didn't have this and people could just spin their cameras and when Ghostface came anywhere within a potential LOS they would know hes there because of the sound effect. Detection is also affected by latnecy, if you duck behind a corner but don't duck behind the corner on the survivors screen for another .1 second. That effectively adds .1 second to the .3 second buffer.