Killer Concept: The Warden

TotesRider Member Posts: 21

So i've been tinkering around with this idea for a bit and was hoping to get some feedback. I wanted to mess with the idea of a futuristic killer. She's kinda meant to invoke that 'super sterile' pure white kind of fear. Like when you walk into an all white room with nary a splotch or anything and it kinda just makes you feel uneasy.

The Warden

Name: AVA

Age: ageless

Appearance: A tall sleek Android with porcelain like plates that hide the dark machinery and wires that power her. Her face has female features and several wires hang from the back of her head that seem to float as she moves.

Speed: Average

Height: Tall

Terror Radius: Average

Weapon: Metal spike inside right palm.

Attack cooldown animation: Pulls up a hologram screen and taps a few times.

Mori: Picks up the survivor and commands a group of drones to open fire on them. Then she finishes them off with a spike through their neck.

Quick bio: An AI that was developed to warden over a massive prison complex. However as she began to grow and adapt, she viewed almost all of humanity as criminals and over time she took over an entire city. She presided over the prison city for years, with her drones instilling fear and pushing them into submission. While she was able to quell any rebellion, a group of prisoners managed to break into her headquarters with the intent of ending her regime. As they neared, a strange fog enveloped the android and soon strange spider like claws reached out to pull her in. Now in a new world, she finds herself governing over a new batch of prisoners.


Watchful Eye: Using highly intelligent drones, The Warden can locate survivors and track them.

At base, The Warden starts with three drones that she can release one at a time or all at once (by holding the power button). These drones will begin to wander around the map seeking out survivors. Once a survivor is within it’s cone of sight, it will let out a loud noise notification before trying to fire a dart at them. Survivors hit by this dart will have their location revealed via the Killer’s Instinct. As the drone chases the survivor, it will attempt to fire another dart at the survivor. If the second dart hits, the survivor will lose a health state. If a third dart hits then the survivor is inflicted with the deep wound status effect. Once all three darts are expensed, the drone will be disabled.

At any time, she can take control of one of the drones. While she can freely look and aim and fire with the drone, she is unable to move it.

Survivors have three solutions when dealing with drones.

  1. They can temporarily disable a drone with a flashlight.
  2. During a chase, they can drop a pallet on it, destroying it instantly.
  3. They can try and hide in a locker. After a while, the drone will give up the chase and move on.

Special Ability

Subjugation Protocol: By hitting the special ability button, she can teleport to any drone that is currently chasing a survivor. This will incur a lengthy cooldown.

Special Notes

  1. When a Drone is destroyed or disabled, it will take twenty seconds before it can be used again. Picking up a destroyed or disabled drone will reduce this time.
  2. Drones do not have a terror radius. But survivors can hear a faint buzzing noise and camera noises when it’s nearby (kinda like Viktor’s screeches)
  3. When a drone finds a survivor, the siren can be heard by other survivors.
  4. When the warden finds a survivor while taking over a drone, it will not cause a siren.
  5. Drones of course can only see what’s in front of them, similar to a killer
  6. When a Drone is preparing to fire a dart, it'll make a loud 'Whirring' Sound.
  7. While the drone has 3 darts, the effects of the darts are based on how many have hit a particular survivor. For example is two darts miss but the third dart hits, it will only cause the killer's instinct to become active. Likewise is only the first and third dart hits then the survivor will be revealed and lose a health state.
  8. When a Drone is launched from the Warden, it'll go in a straight line and move around obstacles and walls. It'll only deviate from it's path when it spots a survivor

Add ons

Most of her basic addons (Brown-Green) will be based around giving survivors status effects via the drone darts.

Basic ideas

Repair Codex: A special program that hastens it's auto-repair. Reduces the time for Disabled Drones to be activated by 10 seconds.

Purple Addons

Command Code: Lockdown: A specialized dart that was synced up to automated security doors, perfect for cornering troublesome prisoners. When a survivor is hit with a dart, any nearby vault locations will be blocked for ten seconds

Command Code: Observation: While the drones could see anything, it sometimes takes a second pair of eyes to watch over the prisoners. Drones can now be movable however they are unable to move by themselves.

Command Code: Disorder: An extremely loud siren that was developed in order to combat riots. Survivors that are within twenty meters of the drone will have their vision blurred upon hearing the siren go off.

Command Code: Panopticon: The Panopticon drones were used in order to track down particularly dangerous prisoners. Increases the number of available drones by 2. When a Survivor is hit by a Target Dart, all Drones will begin hunting down that survivor. Greatly increases the cooldown.

Pink Add ons

Iridescent Lens: A strange lens that was made from the fog itself, seemingly giving the drones a life of their own. When a survivor is found by a drone, their aura will immediately be shown. Upon being hit by a dart, they will suffer the Exposed Status effect. Drones only have one shot. And only one Drone can be active at a time.

Command Code: Tyranny: A special code created by AVA herself to instill fear and panic amongst the prison population. All active drones will give off a terror radius. The Warden becomes undetectable. This effect ends when she attacks a survivor.


Scourge Hook: Interrogation

When this perk is used, four random hooks will become Scourge Hooks.

When a survivor is rescued from a scourge hook, all other survivors within a close radius will have their aura revealed for 4 seconds.

“All humans have a breaking point. Proceed with an interrogation protocol.”

Confiscation Protocol 

Any items dropped by a survivor will be blocked by the entity for 10 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 30 seconds

“All unauthorized items will be confiscated and discarded.”

Hex: Malware

When this perk is used. Two dull totems will become Hex Totems. If a survivor attempts to cleanse or bless a hex totem, the killer will receive a noise notification and all totems (hex/dull/boon) will be blocked by the entity for 60 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 40 seconds once totems are unblocked

“A simple line of code is all it will take to bring them to their knees…”
