Holy- the Devs did a Dev Stream again! And I watched it- again! So you don't have to- again!

Stream Summary for october 7th 2021.
May I please request that people do not use the quote feature on this post, nor should they paste it's link to these forums in any form other than a hyperlink, because if you do you'll get a rich post error and nobody wants those. Your comment will be lost to space time and all of your hard work will be yeeted so let me repeat do not use the quote feature on this post nor paste it's link to these forums. Hyperlink if you must.
Hi! It's me, GoodBoyKaru, and since the Devs have graced us with another QnA Stream, I'll grace you all with the summary!
That sounded really egotistical, sorry.
For anyone who doesn't know, I sit and watch through the dev stream then try to summarise all the information as best as I can, featuring horrible jokes, added context, and my opinions nobody asked for.
This Stream is from October 7th 2021. Follow these hyperlinks for the most recent Stream Summary (25th May 2021), or the most recent Summary that was't a Stream (uploaded to YouTube on September 3rd 2021).
With that out of the way, let's get on with the post!
The following contains official information, unofficially worded. Unless it's in quotation marks ("like this") please do not look too far into the wording of a particular anything. That would be my bad in getting something lost in translation, not the bad of the developers. Thanks!
Please note I will try my best to stay as true as possible to all information said on-stream, however, and apply more context where needed, or just add in my own opinion or jokes. The latter 2 will be in italics to make it clear what is my input and what is not.
I am not affiliated with BHVR Interactive, or the Dead By Daylight team, in any way.
Remember, this is a summary. For the full experience, please check out the video, which can be found below:
Twitch VOD. Temporary, pathetic, and lonely. And obviously timestamped to skip the opening videos.
YouTube video. Eternal, wonderful, and popular. And it exists now.
Featured on the stream today were:
DeathByGiggles (Community Manager), @DeathByGiggles
Justin (Product Management)
Patrick (Lead Designer)
opening messages
Hello everyone! Welcome to the QnA that's been a long time coming, hosted by DeathByGiggles (feel free to call her Giggles for short). And a big thanks to the community for asking these questions!
There is some news to share:
- The player satisfaction survey is now live! Please spend time filling these in; this post by @bm33 contains both links (since for some reason there's 2 of them??)
- Available until October 31st, get your Dwightcrow charm now by using code "DWIGHTCROW". For people who don't know, it looks like this:
- Later into the video post, changes from PTB to live will be discussed.
Until then, sit tight, grab a cuppa tea if you want, and it's now time to Shadow Step over to the next segment.
No, I didn't make that pun up.
Firstly, a PSA which was announced slightly later but is rather important and so bears repeating here.
There are no more ranks in this game. Full stop.
These are used to measure playtime and give rewards at the end of any given season. These have absolutely zero relevance to matchmaking however. Please stop sending Patrick screenshots about Grades being weird in games because they don't matter anymore. They are gone, kaputt, zerstören, and have been fired.
sbmm questions
"Why ditch ranks?"
Ranks were discarded due to them being rather... ineffective. They were great at tracking playtime, and garbage at tracking anything else. So the system would regularly make matches which were just unfair from the get-go, which obviously isn't amazing.
"How does SBMM actually work?"
Internally, SBMM is known as MMR (Matchmaking Ratings). Because I'm lazy and it's one letter shorter I'll be using this for the rest of the summary.
MMR is a maths formula which generates a number. When you win, this number goes up, and when you lose, this number goes down. There's a lot of nuance as to how much it goes up or down, but that's the general gist of it. They were even nice enough to provide this lovely little graphic.
Beautiful, isn't it?
"What constitutes a win?"
As survivor, if you escape a trial alive, you've won. If the killer kills a survivor, that's a win for the killer. The survivors, in terms of MMR, are playing one game at a time- them vs the killer- and all other survivors are ignored. The killer is playing four games at once- all of which are a 1v1 vs the survivors.
At the end of the match, the formula looks at the outcome of the trial, does some maths, and adjusts MMR accordingly. That's the simplified version.
So, why is this the case? For example, if you go for a 4 gen chase, but die, why is this counted as a loss? Well, the idea is to allow you to do all of this and escape, at least some of the time. Play how you want to play- sweatily, or screw around- and the system will ignore all of this. The objective of the system is to find games where you can do all of this and still escape around half of the time.
On the killer side it's slightly different- it isn't a flat out 2 kill objective (though they won't actually tell us what it is), and "killer [maths] gets a lot more difficult".
But, there is an exception.
The Hatch.
If a survivor escapes the match alive through the Hatch, the game declares it as a numm for both sides. This means no adjustments will be made for either side- survivor or killer- regarding that respective "game" (since, remember, killers technically play four games at once under MMR).
This is because there's absolutely no statistical correlation between the skill of either player and the Hatch. The system glances at the Hatch escape and decides it is far beneath it's time.
(not actual footage)
And here comes another exception. Oh lord.
Not all losses are equal!
The first survivor to die will recieve a much harsher adjustment than the others, because once one survivor is dead the chances of the others to escape become much less.
These numbers are not official, but I will use them as an example. Say that all survivors will incur a 400 point penalty for losing. Survivor one, who dies first, will incur the full 400 point penalty. Survivor two, dying next, will incur a lesser penalty- let's say 10% less, for a deduction of 360 points. Survivor 3, who died next, would then recieve 25% less, for a deduction of 300 points, and poor survivor 4 dying last would recieve a penalty of 50% less for minus 200 points. I hope this can help if it wasn't 100% clear. Once more these numbers are not official, and the adjustments will be proportional to how much the chances shift of if the survivors will/won't escape.
For the record, this is why killer maths gets weird. Killers will recieve diminishing marginal returns (not their words) to their kills- in other words, you'll recieve less points for kill 3 than kill 1 (however, the total points will still be higher than for only 1 kill).
"Is is true that ratings are capped?"
No, they are not capped. Your number can go as high and as low as your skill allows. The exception to this rule, obviously, is that there are soft caps in terms of matchmaking. Since some players had MMRs so insanely high (like DOWSEY and his Twins- here's a hyperlinked video on that one) and there is a hard limit in terms of the range of ratings that you're allowed to face to prevent absolute curbstomps, then any player above that soft cap will have their MMR rounded down to that cap. This is to stop queue times from reaching absurd levels.
This cap is adjusted regularly, based on everyone's MMR ratings, but is mostly just a failsafe to ensure everyone can find games.
"What does SBMM mean for the future?"
It is statistically making better matches than ranks ever did, and the information they can now get from this will hopefully alow for far better balancing from the higher-quality data analysis. There's already a lot of suggestions in The Pipe:tm:.
changes from ptb to live
And now, transitioning to the main PTB changes (with the hopeful comment of "We'll hopefully do another QnA in the future). Please note this is not the full list of changes; please stand by for the Patch Notes to release.
For anyone who wasn't able to access the PTB, here is a post I made documenting every single change from current live to the 5.3.0 PTB. Some of this information may be outdated when I post this, but I'm planning on going back to edit that post ASAP.
The 5.3.0 update is planned to release Tuesday October 19th.
Here is the five confirmed changes:
Firstly, Boon Totems!
A very controversial feature on the PTB, they have been adjusted slightly for their live release. They will now no longer stack with each other. This means you cannot stack three Circle of Healing totems and become invincible. Next, blessing a Hex Totem specifically will now take 24 seconds instead of the 14 from the PTB. Finally, the actual radius of Boon Totems has been reduced to 24m, from the 28m it was on the PTB.
Next, Hex: Blood Favour has been adjusted slightly. It will now trigger relative to the position of the survivor, and only on dealing damage. This means that the obnoxiously strong combination on Trickster is no more!
They were minorly overpowered on the PTB and hopefully this change will help cool them down slightly :)
pinhead's voiceline
I didn't have anywhere else to put this imma be real.
Quickly responding to messages in the chat, there is no development or comment available asides from what was given in the Patch Notes. When- and if- more information is available it will be shared.
Quick fire question time, let's go! There's 58 of them, so if not all are answered here, then the remaining ones will be answered on these Forums (and I will have a link to them at the bottom of the page when I find them).
@gibransayyidg on Twitter - "Are there any plans for The Legion?"
Yeah, they're currently on the shortlist of killers to look at, but there's nothing to announce for when or what. You'll hear more about them when the time comes.
"And I'm sure they'll be legion-dary." Giggles you are evil for this.
@JordanKaser on Twitter - "Can we expect more emotes in the future?"
They've come up from time to time with the team, but there's not really been any new emotes that've ticked the boxes for emotes which convey information while sticking to a theme. So, there'll be nothing rediculous, rather tragically.
@i_Newell99 on Twitter - "Why are hexes gone forever, but Boons can be re-blessed endlessly?"
Spicy question (with a decent answer)- before this gets taken out of context please note the Boon totem nerfs.
Boons are intended to have a small zone of the map which help buff the survivors and support them. They are not meant to fundamentally adjust the core mechanics of the game. Gen speeds will not be buffed for Boon Totems, full stop.
Hex perks are not like that. They are strong perks (usually), very impactful towards the game, and apply universally. They definitely do adjust the core flow of the game.
And remember, the time survivors spend messing around with totems is time spent not repairing a generator.
@babyoftheweek on Twitter - "Will we ever see a Trickster-style map?"
The team love Trickster, but there's no plans to make a Trickster-themed map at the moment. Not 100% ruled out in case opportunities arise in future, but this doesn't seem to be the case right now.
@Conmarto06 - "Will other Mid-Chapters be as big as this one?"
Most likely no. This Mid-Chapter was a complete coincidence; adjustments they'd been working on for a long time just happened to be done in time for this patch. This isn't going to be the standard for the forseeable future. I'm heartbroken.
But, they are trying to move away from what was done once with Mid-Chapters, where instead of hyperfocusing on a single character and a couple of perks, that same effort is put into as many different characters or mechanics as possible to help spread the love. Character overhauls aren't out of the question, but they'd like to at least justify these now.
@PixelBush (@PixelBushYT on Twitter) - "How do you choose which characters get stories in the Archives?"
Apparently, it's a puzzle. What they try to do is get a good mix of characters- take popular characters, less popular ones, and then balanced out with new outfits for the store. Regardless of who you main, they'd like at least some outfits, and for each character they want a story that actually fits thematically with pre-existing lore. But expect something enjoyable around the Mid-Chapter :)
@ausnoe on Twitter - "Will we ever see new gamemodes?"
No. No time or resources are being spent on any other gamemodes. Do not expect anything any time soon. Once something has been approved they will talk about it.
@Lilliepie101 on Twitch - "Will we ever see more Twitch shirts?"
The original question also mentions a Greek Legends cosmetic, and both are Claudette-central, however the actual answer concerns all survivors.
The Greek Legends series is updated at the start of the Summer, and it isn't decided who will or won't get a cosmetic then.
As for Twitch shirts, well I'll let this image do the talking:
We are unsure if this will be only for a few specific streamers who already own the shirts, or if more people will have access to them, however all original survivors and all upcoming original survivors will have these shirts. Ya boi's gonna be getting on that Twitch grind to get one of these omg-
Twitch Chat - "What about enby/LGBT+ characters?"
Please read this blog post to find out more:
@hunnybear (@hunnybe4r on Twitter) - "Shirtless Felix when?"
Maybe at some point. No but yes but maybe. Stay tuned. Stay thirsty.
and please stop.
@Emeal_ on Twitter - "Is the prestige system really necessary?"
Prestiging as it is right now isn't very fun or rewarding. It could definitely be better.
But presitging with the new design being worked on? Much more fun ;)
Wait for more details, but yes this will be coming soon:tm:.
@Angelicus23 - "Are there any plans to reduce the grind?"
A very hot topic, I see.
Yes. The grind is bad. The design team know. Plans are being developed to help this Presitge System but no details yet. Soon:tm:.
@punkbythebook88 on Twitter - "Will you consider more video game crossovers in future?"
Absolutely, but it all comes down to which opportunities become available.
@Maxxwel3135790 on Twitter - "Will there ever be a practice mode with bots?"
Or as the Stream says, a pratice mode.
This has been asked for since the introduction in the tutorial mode. This has to be left at "They're looking at it".
Giggles apologises for the amount of "Soon:tm:s", however would like to stress that they don't want to overpromise something only to then not deliver. The team is aware of feedback, it just needs time.
@TheKingTwitch on Twitter - "Will we see more Boon & Scourge Hook perks in future?"
Yes, we will (thanks to Dave Richard for confirming this on that interview you should definitely look at if you haven't already <3). Have fun guessing what they're going to do because not even the devs know just yet :D
@EvaZioN - "Can you make linked outfits more flexible?"
As soon as the QnA was announced this was asked practically immidiately lol.
The team is looking into making non-licensed sets more accessible to mix + match, such as killer weapons or survivor heads. Sets exist to help minimise clipping, however these pieces they're looking into usually don't clip. This will be done on a case-by-case basis.
Licensed sets will remain locked for legal reasons.
They cannot share much asides from them working on Switch cross-progression with their partners. It's a long and arduous process, hence why it's taking so long.
Nothing is confirmed for any other platforms.
@Tatariu - "Can we get any hints as to which killers you're looking into next?"
Shockingly, survivor improvements will be coming soon ("in the near future").
In terms of killers, there is a shortlist as to who will be looked at next, however the two big ones are Legion and Ghost Face.
@atomoskairos - "Have you considered a recycle system for unwanted add-ons/items/etc?"
This has been thought about- no plans to implement, but they're aware it's an issue.
"Just remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle kids- sorry that joke was rubbish." Giggles I swear-
@Dwight_Fairfield - "Are there any plans to buff The Shape?"
There's nothing immidiate in The Pipe- not to say they're not looking at him, but he isn't the top priority.
@notlonely - "Any plans to buff more perks?"
There's always plans to buff more perks. Probably nerf some too- that's just how it goes.
@Inferno427 - "Will we ever see a non-humanoid Killer?"
Never say never, I guess.
@DexyIV - "Any progress you can share on the mori [and key] reworks to make them core mechanics?"
It's still being worked on because of it's size. They're excited for it but it's not done yet.
@Boosted_Dwight - "Are there any plans to add graphical options to consoles?"
There are no current plans to create these because nobody would benefit, thanks to the old generation of consoles. DBD is actually not more GPU intensive, but CPU intensive, and so lowering graphical requirements wouldn't help this issue.
@DrKnockers05 - "Why didn't Deathslinger get more changes this update?"
Due to the amount of changes to many characters instead of a deep-dive to one character, they haven't covered all in detail. This does mean that they aren't ruling Slinger out of more changes much sooner than they'd usually look for.
@Altarf - "Can we seem some modern S T A T S?"
oh ######### me
These stats are from the last 3 months, for all ratings of players (including ranks as well), on all maps, on all platforms. Don't use these to draw conclusions because you'll make yourself look like a fool. Nurse has a kill rate of ~43% and yet we do not want to buff her, for example.
@Annso_x - "Are there plans to review Grade rewards?"
These values exist for safety, they aren't planning on adjusting them just yet. However they can change whenever based on feedback.
@TerminatorGuy - "Can we get Myers' old stalking music back for the Killer?"
A really good question. No promises but Patrick is writing it down to discuss with the team later :)
@Th3Nightmare - "Can you share anything on the early game mechanic that was announced?"
The short answer: no, this won't be happening.
The longer answer: a while ago there was talk on adding an additional mechanic for the start of the game, but after discussions with the design team and a few prototypes, there wasn't any direct improvements to the game; in fact, it made it worse a lot of the time. However, some of these ideas were recycled into other prototypes and may yet see the light of day in future updates.
@DexyIV - "Will all killers get their own chase theme eventually?"
They can't say who's next but yes, more are coming :p
(Also Giggles wants to know if your name is Dexy-eye-vee or Dexy-four)
@SimpHuntress on Twitter - "Is the Twitter person treated okay?"
Fun fact! The Twitter person is actually a few people. They used to huddle under one big trench coat and pretend to be the same, but ever since working from home began they haven't really been able to do this. But overall they're treated quite well (they even get chicken nuggets).
On a serious note there's a lot of people coming up with puns and localising them for other languages.
@ultrabloke - "Do you have any plans for more licensed Tomes/Rifts?"
As soon as they did Bill, they got a lot of demand for. There will be more to come.
@Libervita - "Will you shorten the gap between SWF on comms and solo queue?"
Asking the right questions.
That's a commonly discussed topic, and they are "always and actively" looking for ways to bridge the gap. The challenge is to help solos feel like more of a team even when paired with a 3man, but also just with more solos. Still in The Pipe.
@Rathoric - "Why weren't there Twins, Legion, or Executioner changes?"
The Mid-Chapter is touching about half of the roster. That's a lot of changes. Also ignoring all of the text being changed to numerical values, too.
There's a huge number of killers in this game. You cannot change every single killer every update. They will be getting updates, just be patient with them to work through the backlog and add it to said backlog.
@Tayte - "Do you ever take inspiration from fan created chapters?"
Truth be told, no. BHVR's chapters are worked on very, very far in advance due to just how many things need to be considered.
But they love seeing them and reading the comments, if that's any consolation.
@nategames94 - "Are there any plans to bring the chat box to console?"
@CrimsonMothKing - "Do you consider player feedback when balancing?"
Yes. It's good to hear what players think and say about the state of balance. They don't, and can't, always act on every piece of feedback, but player perceptions can help guide the design team.
That said, the more civil you are when giving feedback, the more likely you are to have said feedback noticed.
@WishIcouldmain - "When will the Realm Beyond resume?"
Nothing to announce just yet but don't worry they're not done.
Twitch chat - "Do you go to therapy after reading all the toxic comments?"
Who needs therapy when you have a home bar.
(But seriously, some do, just probably not because of the comments).
@ironcarbide - "Are there any plans to show us what our SBMM ratings are?"
Good question, probably not. At least right now. The main concern of this is due to toxicity based on this ("I don't wanna listen to you because your number is lower than mine!") but they are also in early stages of trying to figure out how to cater to both the more and less competitive sides.
But you already know what's going to be said here :)
@Gahw - "Are you planning to support Steam Deck?"
There's an article written about this, actually, by The Verge! They completely plan to support this- Justin also thinks it's really cool- but it requires an updating of EAC to one which will actually support it so there is no promises that DBD will run on the Steam Deck on launch.
Yet another reason EAC is awful, but if you'd like to read the full article you can here:
@ukenicky - "Any plans to make being facecamped less punishing?"
Yeah, they do. Facecamping has been a thorn for a while- they don't like that it has been such an appealing option for so long. In theory, it is very easily countered, but in practice (especially vs solos) it takes a long time for players to realise the hooked survivor is being camped and they should rush gens. However, on the same vein they don't want to remove proxy camping (a killer vibing near-ish to the hooked survivor), since it's a very legitimate strategy. So getting something that doesn't impact proxy camping but does impact facecamping is very difficult. And every time they tried it, there's always been an easily exploitable way of breaking the deal.
They recently had another idea, and it's going through the design team right now. When will you see it? If history repeats itself, then probably never, but this one might be different, who knows?
@Ghost_Face_Main - "Is the story of the Blight finished, or is there more to tell?"
The story of the Hallowed Blight concluded with the Eternal Blight event last year, however there's always a chance of The Blight getting more.
@BumDandy - "Are seperate aim sensitivity settings planned?"
It's being discussed about and priority goes up the more ranged killers get added buuuuut you know what's coming.
@lKaerul - "Is there plans for M&K support for console?"
There are no plans.
@KINGSolo - "How do you decide which perks/add-ons need a tweak?"
It come come from a variety of sources, either data from millions of matches or general community feedback. Sometimes this data is clear (an abnormally high/low pick/win rate), and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes even memey YouTube videos can get it onto their radar.
@Onyx - "Can you increase Survivor Bloodpoint earnings?"
Another popular question.
They've been talking about long-term plans to rework the whole Bloodpoint system, which includes helping out survivor gains. The team are aware that survivor gains are much fewer.
@ANormalDude - "Will any core game mechanics be changed someday?"
Patrick considers core game mechanics to be universal to all killers- so Pyramid Head's Final Judgement or Plague's cleansing aren't counted. You could argue Hex and Boon totems, as they're tied to perks, also count. But for core mechanics? Asides from mori and key changes, nothing really. But the thing about core mechanics is that touching them will change every single other mechanic in the game, which is why it takes so long.
@OneCagedHeart - "What inspires you to continue development in spite of the negativity?"
This would be best to get an answer from everyone on the team, but in general when stuff does get out, and they see how excited the community gets, they like to focus on the positive reaction. Like when Pinhead was released and everyone loved it- that was much better than the negativity.
Almo (Ethan) says that DBD is the most fun game he's ever had the privilege to work on, and it's a great feeling to be able to change what you like.
Vince, meanwhile, says that the playerbase inspires them.
@adam1233467 - "What was the inspiration for Boon Totems?"
The idea was to explore the thought of Totems in a way completely different to hex Totems. They hoped it'd add a layer of area-control and provide a safe haven at the cost of being limited range and taking a while to set up.
@Chaba_green (JP) - "Are 360s intended?"
They are an intentional mechanic in DBD, yes, as a last desperate mechanic that doesn't often work. Obviously it can be frustrating, however it can also feel rewarding to hit them when they're spinning.
@Kaogei (JP) - "Do you plan to add more killers that don't move at 4.4m/s or 4.6m/s?"
Kinda but not really. Movement speed can dramatically shift the balance of the game, so to keep things easy they reuse known values that they know work (4.6m/s and 4.4m/s). Trying to balance around a range of speeds would make changing even minor things a pain in the ass. But if they have a killer where non-standard movement speeds work, like with Nurse, then they'll add it.
@HDKMSTR (JP) - "How long do you plan to support last gen consoles?"
As long as people keep playing, and it's technically possible, then they will keep supporting them. There's no plans otherwise.
This next name uses Japanese symbols and I don't know the Romanji for them so no name here
[JAPANESE NAME] - Do you plan to revisit old Killers' mori animations?
A lot of the new moris have spectacular moris, and compared to older ones they definitely seem underwheling. No promises but there is mori to come. Justin made that pun.
Twitch Chat - "What's up with Jill's face?"
It is a bug, and a known one at that.
@Oo_DEKO_oO (JP) - "Are you considering changing the generator repair speed?"
No. This topic comes up but there isn't a good enough reason yet to do so. Right now, though? No.
@Phoenixus & @v3ct0r (RU) - "Will you ever add public stats?"
This is something they'd love to do + is on the whishlist, however it is not a high priority. At all.
Various People (RU) - "Will you ever separate solo and SWF queues?"
Hard no. This would be massively detrimental to wait times and balance in general.
@deathstroke668 (CN) - "Are you considering adding a match history feature to the game?"
Not right now, especially not because of the amount of tech needed. But this is at best a Soon:tm:.
[CHINESE NAME] - "Will it ever be possible to access more pages while queuing?"
This is being worked on slowly but it will end up being a long process. They're working on upgrading the entire UI that needs to be reworked, and once it's reworked they can change and even add a lot more. Sometime in the future.
Many Different People - "Are there plans to add loadouts?"
It's a suggestion that's seen a lot and is on the wishlist, do the Soon:tm: dance, etc. But this is a very wanted feature, just a matter of time and priorities. They want this, but there's always something they want just slightly more.
And that, my dear friends, brings us to the end of this Stream Summary! That was all 58 questions- as well as some more from chat- that were meant to be asked. When they have another QnA they will announce when submissions are open- and they're glad they're back, it's been a long time coming.
I, too, am glad they're back because I get to spend an evening procrastinating from my RS test I have tomorrow and holy ######### it's midnight.
closing messages:
- Player Satisfaction Surveys are now live
- Use code DWIGHTCROW before October 31st for the Dwightcrow charm
- Update 5.3.0 will bring Mikaela Reid into the Fog on October 19th
- They'll probably look into posting timestamps or the answers to these questions on the forums for those that can't watch the stream but jokes on you I'm too quick.
Stay safe.
Here's the obligatory animal picture:
(this time he's got Apple Bottom Jeans and Boots with the Fur).
I'm now going to hit my bed and completely pass out, probably.
GoodBoyKaru out.
This post wasn't my 13,000th post, it was actually my 12,999th post, and because that annoys me greatly I'm making this comment here too.
46 -
You're the hero we need, but not the hero we deserve
9 -
I see this is the whole thing. I didn’t ######### up this time :)
1 -
it was lowkey tempting to make it a 2 parter for no reason just to mess with you
1 -
Wow ok then
0 -
I see you are knowledgeable in the way of stan Twitter.
3 -
You're awesome. Please accept these 2 otter pictures as thanks. His name is Emmet.
8 -
For everybody that doesn't have time/ want to watch the whole stream sincerely thank you for all the time and effort you put in this.
It's greatly appreciated
4 -
oh more than i'm comfortable with
1 -
In really annoyed why they aren't going to add m&k support as it could close the gap between pc and console and why they aren't adding graphic option, it could give them the chance to increase fps cap on console a bit.
I'm more frustrated at not having m&k then the graphic option (which I am still angry about since they game is too dark to see in ultra).
I'm hoping the mid-chapter will fix the problems many people are having as well as me (console peasant here)
3 -
Again, Thank you very much for this 💙
(that said.. I am quite disappointed by some of the answers, some of the picked questions or better said those that did not get picked, and the SBMM stuff. They quite literally lied, took super long for such a rather basic system that basically simplified emblem system -even if it works better- and now they gave the community a manual to easily cheat the system. Oh well…)
3 -
Thanks bro! 🤩
2 -
Still bummed about them not mentioning about perks unlocked during PTB maybe next Q&A it'll pick up more steam but I doubt it a lot of regurgitated questions.
1 -
I was recognized and hopefully they do it next chapter
1 -
"We're concerned about adding dances to the game that could give survivors an advantage in communication over the killer"
SWF exists.
^ bruh.....Think about that statement for a minute seriously....
6 -
Let's go Console's getting #########.
No graphic settings for us boys.
12 -
Or MnK support
5 -
Nor did they say anything about cheaters yet I'm pretty sure one of the most upvoted questions was about putting a stop to it.
1 -
Or M&K support WOOOOOO
And nobody talked about the 60 FPS promise that they are definitely still working on!
11 -
you became a star dude and so have many other people on this forum
0 -
Don’t forget no M&K support or further controller settings either
1 -
To be fair, most games don’t have M&K support. At least at PS. Or am I wrong? I remember this frustrated me a lot when I played PS4.
What frustrates me a lot about these Q&A’s is that every answer seem to be “yes, soon but we can’t give anything exactly”. Really? It seems to me that they just do one patch at a time, and they probably have to do that to always cope with new bugs that arrives with every patch lol.
Anyway, thanks a lot for this @GoodBoyKaru
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Thank you for organizing the information.
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thanks a lot for this @GoodBoyKaru. You are my Hero *thumbs up*
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Thanks for this as always dude ^^
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Thank you for doing this, @GoodBoyKaru ❤️
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I am sure you have heard this a lot, Karu... But who's a good boy? You are!
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Surprised this entire thread isn't just a massive SoonTM.
But great job nonetheless.
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There were some genuine "no"s, some soon™s were more concrete than others, and also I had to write that massive essay on how MMR FUNCITONS.
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Yeah that didn't look fun to explain.
I hope (hahaha) BHVR changes how the MMR works in the future.
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I deeply appreciate the work here. Made me manage to read the whole of the MMR discussion and not the selected couple of minutes that's been circulating. Makes much more sense this way.
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Thank you very much for doing this. The summary is great and helps me and my limited time and patcience a lot.
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And that's one of the reasons I do them, because I know not everyone can sit through a two hour long video :)
I'm really glad it could help
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My query is the sixth most popular. And where is the answer to it? They just dodged an uncomfortable question for them. An elephant in a room that you can simply ignore for a year in a row, yes, even if dishonest players continue to enjoy an unfair advantage.
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They didn't tallk about the cheaters as well as console optimization despite both being one of the top questions in the forums.
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Nurse has a kill rate of ~43% and yet we do not want to buff her, for example.
Speak for yourself. Some of us are crazy.
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there is not a lot but that had to do with some games doesn't need it or it doesn't have crossplay which doesn't require precision like cod
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That’s sadly not an exception..
Let’s see some of the questions not picked with high votes:
and then we have some forum questions picked with pretty low votes
i mean.. nothing against the people that asked those question or the fact they gave answers to those. But there are quite important questions that got more upvotes, and I only included the most upvoted that didn’t get featured. There were many with more than 12 or 25 that were also very much deserving.
And I even get why they would include some meme questions like ‚Felix shirtless when‘
but it is quite disheartening.. (and that’s only partly me being salty about none of my questions featured, i see how the cheater problem is more important than any of my questions for example and as I said, I am okay with the devs wanting to answer certain questions despite them having not many upvotes)
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Please remember the questions weren't only taken from the forums - but our Social Media platforms as well, where the questions you mentioned didn't have a lot of upvotes, were more upvoted.
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As I said, i get why you would also include Questions with fewer upvotes (even if they would not be featured on the other social media platforms) - I didn’t mention it but I also do understand you get the questions from different sources. Could you tell me where exactly (I only ever followed the forums and Twitter)?
also - why ignore some of the most upvoted forum questions? The cheater questions were probably also featured on the other platforms. And (yeah that’s a personal one) my question still got almost 90 upvotes (probably few less when you evaluated), but that actually leads me to probably not engage again, or if I do i would need to ask my questions on all the platforms.
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Okay but the question of "will you ban hackers" was the most liked comment on your QnA tweet that I could find and I scrolled for a good few minutes so thats 2 of your social accounts where a question concerning hacking was one of the most asked questions yet it wasn't even acknowledged in the QnA stream. It was even told to us many times during the stream that even though bhvr may not have concrete answers to be shared they gave us that good ole soon*tm* line to show us that it was at least on their radar. So is it not even on the list of priorities? I'm sure you don't make those decisions but you can at least understand how frustrating it is for people who actively engage in your community to feel ignored like that.
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Thank you as always. 💛
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Great work on this... Again.
It is sad to hear absolutely nothing about pinhead's voicelines though :(
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Thank you for this. I took a break from dbd recently so I am already out of the loop.
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Thanks for this @GoodBoyKaru 'twas very helpful
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yes but hacking is always one of the top 5 topics here, on reddit, social media
and still no mention or comment
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You rock. Thanks for the heads :)
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like any emotes added pls? lol
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Like always GoodBoyKaru, thanks for the efforts on writing everything that happened on the QnA.
Cute cats btw, those 2 cats on the shoes are very heart warming.
Hopefully the devs either remove or change how sbmm works because currently as a solo survivor is one of the worst experiences I've had in this game as someone who has played this game for 3 years.
I'm also upset that the devs promised to keep up with players on past gen consoles but will not do anything to help them, aka performance issues and no M&K support so they limit the killers they can play.
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You're one of the most (if not the most) helpful and nice people I've seen here on the forums since they were made. I find it near impossible that there could be a good reason to ban you.
Thank you for the summary, We'll miss you a lot during your ban. I hope to see you again and wish you the best wherever you are.