sick of trash killers getting away with things.

literally had a nemesis, i ran him almost all game, took protection for others survivors and vise versa. everyone had one hook aside one person who was dead hook, i ended up getting hooked at the end, killer owned gate and camped me, im talking legit just staring at me to camp. then he slugged me and my friend after downing us, literally, refuses to let me use ds to i crawled to the gate. i wasn’t gonna leave my friend behind so i stayed, used unbreakable and got up to flashlight save in case he picked them up. he eventually did, timer is almost dead at this point, there was no way he was getting a 4K right? dude has blood warden. and all of us died to it because it stayed up a literal minute long, i know because i recorded it all. blood warden needs a nerf. nemesis legit did NOTHING good all game, camped anytime he hooked someone else or me, and then called a slug at the end, just to have blood warden give him a 4K, and then he messaged me acting all cocky. i’m so sick of killers getting to complain about survivors and them getting their way and survivors get nerfed on their perks, and whatever else. blood warden needs a nerf, and speaking from a killer main perspective, we have HUNDREDS of things that give an instant down, and if you complain about ANYTHING, you just can’t play killer right and that’s just it. if you can’t kill without perks, you cant with perks unless they carry you. yeah it’s harder to kill or live without perks and it’s definitely easier with some, but you shouldn’t be dependent on them. i’m sick of this. i am fed up with deranking because of campers and slugs at the start and tunneling. please be nerfing killers and perks and buffing some properly in this next update.



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