Why is our SBMM rating hidden?
Remember, they used to say that it is hidden, so that we can't figure out the math behind sbmm, what is the win condition, etc.
Well, they explained the sbmm details during the Q&A, so why is it still hidden? Now they say they don't want to show it so that there is no elitism among the players. But this is weird, where would this elitism present itself? Here on the forums? No. In the endgame chat? No. Among streamers? Maybe, but that's fine, that's what their job is to be good at games.
So their reasoning seems a bit weird to me. What do you think? Is there something else behind the scenes?
They don't know what there doing. That's the reason. 😞
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To avoid [Bad words] between good and bad players.
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So we wouldn't know how bad their system was. Then it was datamined anyways so here we are. Their gonna say that its to prevent "elitism" in ranks but you could easily just make it so only you can see your own mmr just to know where you are as well as to have some amount of transparency.
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Fun fact: It doesn't tho.
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It does. Now we can discuss balance and don't fight about who has bigger number. If they reveal it without any supporting game data about game results it will end up with a guy who has bigger number [Bad word] everyone that they have no right for opinion cause *git gud*
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Uh huh and now that its been data leaked and even by bhvrs own admission it doesn't track skill you still wonder why we wanted transparency. MMR is even less nuanced then the emblem system. I'll be honest I would've taken the jerk off spouting his high number like daddy's credit card if we got a good transparent system.
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That's why i always want whole information at once and not in parts. But Op asks only for MMR numbers so I'm assuming we talk about parts.
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But where would this elitism happen? On forums we don't see our game profile, so nobody knows your MMR here.
In endgame chat? Who cares about endgame chat...
Among streamers? Maybe there...
I think that the reason for not showing MMR is that many people would focus on getting high MMR and maybe the gameplay which is META for MMR increase is not fun, or would break the whole matchmaking.