new survivor/killer concept

Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361
edited October 2021 in Creations

new survivor- malikai walker


carry on

see the difference

boon: death defiance

carry on: start the trial with 3 tokens. every time you become injured, lose a token. for every token you have, increase the rarity of items found in chests.

see the difference:after completing 55% of a generator,this perk activates.for the next generator you work on, you gain the ability to put a loud noise noti on the generator with the leas progress in the trial.

boon: for every survivor that is hooked in the trial, gain a stackable 50/60/70 bonus to movement speed for 15 seconds.

new killer: the wizard

Power: orb of doom

tap the active ability button to make an orb

any survivors within the vicinity get there doom meter filled

when the meter is fully filled, that survivor goes down a health state

the killer also gains a 5% haste effect when in orbs

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