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Sparing Survivors = Bannable?

Hello there.

I've been sparing Survivors since 2 Years now. Giving Mercy to the last Survivor (if they were nontoxic) or sparing everyone if I downed all of them and i had fun ... Thats part of my DBD Experience since for ever.

But in the past 3 months or so I had about 10 people calling me out that this is bannable. I always ignore that, but since we've reached the 10th person I'm asking now:

is this bannable?

After all, I am the killer and i can decide myself who i want to kill and who plays nice & fair and deserves the extra BP.

Best Greetings from the Basement chest
Chest Guardian


  • shanks3042
    shanks3042 Member Posts: 163

    What do you mean with sparing? Letting them go? Down them and let them wiggle free? Hit them and let them heal?
    I guess you just went into those toxic people that always have to complain about something if you don't play like they want.
    There were so many times I got extremely much salt when i let go the last one, but I almost always do that because I want to play the game and not do a hatch-standoff for long.
    I'm sure sparing is NOT banable

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    RoKrueger said:
    Well it should be if you do it repeatedly, it kind of ruins the slasher movie expirience
    In slashers movies the survivors don't stand there teabagging and trying to dodge hits by doing a 360.

    Lol. Guess you are right. "Scary Movie" expirience then ;-)
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's not bannable.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Its not bannable, but you are intentionally doing your job badly, so the entitiy might fire you... :wink:

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    I hope not! I've been doing that on purpose the entire Halloween event! Lol

    Starting to want to challenge myself to get results other than "entity displeased" without sacrificing anyone. 

    There might be some possibility that they think you, and a survivor are working together, but they will probably have to prove that, and they can't. 
  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145

    Shouldn't be bannable, survivors that don't want that can go to highrank where its basically no mercy, or if they aren't able to rank up its basically possible to rush the game solo in 9 minutes and they get a lot of bp from it, so i don't know why someone should complain

  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    @Master said:
    Its not bannable, but you are intentionally doing your job badly, so the entitiy might fire you... :wink:

    At the very least, it'll get you kicked out of The Hookers.

  • Soul_Consumption
    Soul_Consumption Member Posts: 68

    @TatsuiChiyo said:
    RoKrueger said:

    Well it should be if you do it repeatedly, it kind of ruins the slasher movie expirience

    Who is he ruining it for? Guarantee not the spared Survivor, probably made that person's day having a Killer let them escape.

    Honestly I dislike when killers farm with survivors. Like no, please hunt me, I dare you. Good luck.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Been doing the same thing. If the game is completely in my favor, I start messing with them; down them and shake my head if it was a bad play, scare them off gens without starting chase, keeping them injured. As long as they play respectively (no tbagging) I let them go. Hell, I've actually thrown some out if they were downed in the middle of the map. Strangely enough the entity is pleased with my performance even without any sacrifices.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    W-why would it be banable?

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Been doing the same thing. If the game is completely in my favor, I start messing with them; down them and shake my head if it was a bad play, scare them off gens without starting chase, keeping them injured. As long as they play respectively (no tbagging) I let them go. Hell, I've actually thrown some out if they were downed in the middle of the map. Strangely enough the entity is pleased with my performance even without any sacrifices.
    The entity is a mind odd, unknowable, and lovecraftian.

    I'm thinking about trying to keep the entity happy with 0 sacrifices as a challenge. 
  • jus10four20
    jus10four20 Member Posts: 6
    Its,most obviously,detrimental to the people actually playing.Report them for "unsportsmanlike conduct":working with the killer
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    RoKrueger said:
    Well it should be if you do it repeatedly, it kind of ruins the slasher movie expirience
    In slashers movies the survivors don't stand there teabagging and trying to dodge hits by doing a 360.
    You owe me a keyboard cuz I spit my beer on it!

    Oh.... and I guess a beer too cuz my keyboard drank it!

    But good point!
  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited October 2018
    Answer no continue playing as normal and if a survivour wants out of a game like this then they can point at a hook. People play DBD primarily for stealth or the chase the result of dying or not does not matter to them. You still get the thrill of the chase being hooked twice and left on the ground. It also gets you as a killer to focus on your chase and tracking game. Which is more beneficial if you find that part of your gameplay to be weak. 

    Power to you buddy continue playing the game as you see fit as long as ypur not deliberatly trying to trap survivours in the game.