Random disconnects.

Can someone explain me how the dc penalty works? Penalty increases every time I dc the games IN A ROW, right? And the penalty resets with every game I play without a dc in between? Like if I dc my 1st game, play 2nd(no dc) and dc on the 3d both dc penalty for 1st and 3d game will be 5min? or 10min for my 3d game?

If thats not correct, how does it reset? Because this ######### is already pissing me off. I got disconnected due to "network required to play this game" lol when my net is totally fine and fully working. And I got this problem these past 2 days. I dc, ok, get penalty, fine. Play some games, escape, getting 4k whatever, and then I dc again cuz of that "net problem". And my penalty increases. Now I have 1day penalty lol. How the fuk do I reset it?!


  • Also, what can I do for those disconnects? Any suggestions? It's for sure not my net problem because I play another online games too and I never have any problems there..