I need a pressure perk to counter a four-man squad.
What killers are you using? Different perks are better with different killers. Can't take a one size fits all approach to your builds.
Beyond perks, players often misidentify a gameplay issue as a build issue. Beating a good team goes well beyond perks. You need to run tiles efficiently, use your power effectively, and make good decisions. No amount of slowdowns or changing your builds will consistently cover up bad gameplay vs good survivors.
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Have you even read my previous posts? No I do not think tunneling is good for the game, but at the moment something that can't be nerfed really considering the game's current state.
Of course I want the stressful killer gameplay when getting gen rushed and the painful survivor gameplay when getting camped and tunneled fixed, the game's balance is not optimal.
I was just arguing that the balance of the game isn't that bad.
And yes, my last 10 games with Nemesis have been pretty balanced, some won, some a draw, and some a loss. Without camping and tunneling. I am sure there was a bit of proxy camping if the remaining gen locations were all close to the hooked survivor though, or if I assumed survivors to be close to the hooked survivor.
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Ok, again, you argued that looping is designed as a survivor advantage, and that 3 survivors are working on gens while the killer is chasing the forth survivor. Meaning for every second the killer spends in a chase, optimally, 3 seconds of the survivor objective is completed. That was your argument.
Hell, your post doesn't even mention gen times that determine if these 3 second in gen completion while the killer chases a survivor for one second are a problem or not.
And then you accused me of not playing killer and being biased, because I don't "understand" the imbalance.
And then I argued why I don't think this game is as unbalanced, with focus on your argument that it is. Especially arguing that the optimal situation for survivors, where one survivor is being chased and 3 are repairing gens, isn't the norm throughout the entire match if the killer can create pressure and keep their pressure up.
So I have no idea what you are on about. Your claims are nowhere more fatcual than mine.
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######### nonsense did I just read.
Do you dispute that the optimum, and thus baseline in this concern, is that if you arent being chased by Killer, you should in priority be doing gens?
I specifically underlined earlier, that Killer objective to win is to eliminate Survivors, and Survivor objective to win is finish gens.
If Killer cant eliminate Survivors, Killer loses.
If Survivors cant finish gens, exits are not opened, and they all will lose (caveat: Hatch).
All else is situational and arbitrary.
Ofc healing others if necessary, unhooking, blocking, running Killer around, totem smashing etc age involved, but those dont "win" the match nor open exits. No gen completion is inevitable game-over/loss for Survivors.
Do you dispute that?
Thus what I said, that every second the Killer is chasing 1 Survivor (and Killer can only chase 1 at a time) in optimum is 1 seconds by 3 other Survivors on 3 gens.
How do you not understand this?
######### are you doing in your matches as Survivor, if not prioritizing getting gens done? Thats literally your primary job.
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Ok now you are just being purposefully cluelees as a desperate attempt to make my arguments look bad, or something like that.
I understand what you are saying, I wrote the same thing your wrote in my post.
I understand that the survivors priority is doing gens when not getting chased. And yes, I know what the objectives are in this game. What do the definitons of these objectives have to do with the balance of the game? Why would I dispute that doing gens is the ojective of survivors? And why would I have to in order to argue that the game isn't so unbalanced? Hello?
Never did I say you shouldn't prioritize gens as survivor.
I understand that a killer in a chase means in optimum three other survivors are working on gens, so every second a killer spends in that chase, 3 seconds worth off gen progression is done by the other three survivors.
But I then argued that this is not how the match plays out the entire time. A killer doesn't always just chase the first survivor they find and that's it. And when a killer starts hooking survivors, other survivors have to go rescue them, meaning during that time they are not working on gens. Which means the optimum of three survivors working on gens isn't always given during a match. Which are arguments of mine for the claim that this game isn't as unbalanced, despite gens not taking that long to repair.
How do you not understand this?
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You are right that the high sbmm kill rates will probably be lower, but I doubt it's 25%. I don't think the imbalance between low rank and high rank is that high. I might be wrong though, but I am doubtful.
Also, a game like DBD has to be balanced around both low and high rank.
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Then I dont see why you took argument against my post.
I see nothing there in yours that refutes what I have already said.
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Oppression is good against survivors splitting on gens
Deadlock is good against gen rushing
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Because you used those arguments to claim that the game is as unbalanced as some people here believe. You called me biased and said I probably don't play killer much because I don't think the game is so survivor sided anymore. That's how this discussion started.
I was arguing against your post because I was backing up my viewpoints on this game's current state regarding balance.
I'm not refuting what you were saying. Never claimed I did. Don't know where you got this from. I just don't agree that this game is so unbalanced. And I argued why I think that way, by arguing that the optimum of one second in chase means three seconds progress on gens isn't the norm throughout the entire match, which you used as an argument to claim that this game is indeed unbalanced like the person was claiming that I responded too.
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Have you tried an end game build instead? Noed no way out blood warden and maybe rancor or undying
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Against a 4 man team that knows how to play and wants to win, it is hard. No build will help you more than your own game sense and skill.
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Squ4ds only counter is tunnel and slug.
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I'd say Pop+Devour Hope+Corrupt+Discordance
By the time they start looking for DH, you'll probably have 3 stacks, and it will at least buy you time (and probably a few hooks).
Playing versus a sweat squad through, what's really going to define your pressure isn't so much your perks.
It's going to be your choice of killer, your playstyle and your decision making/skill.
If you aren't playing someone with a lot of map presence, you are going to *have to* slug and camp. You will also need to be good about when to chase, when to slug, when to hook and when to peel off and pressure gens.
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Nothing I said was false, all of it is accurate, and you state you do not contest any of it.
That you think survivor/killer balance "isnt that bad anymore as some say", thats, well, like your opinion.
My assesment is what I already posted.
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Then why did you even post it? You posted it in relation to my comment towards someone else where I pretty much argued that the game isn't that unbalanced anymore, and you told me I don't seem to play killer and am biased towards survivor. If you just stated a fact, why then did you accuse me of being biased and not playing killer because of my arguments and opinion? The only reason I see for that is that you argued that the game is indeed unbalance, more than I believe it is, and then I proceeded to argue why that's not the case. Never was I addressing or disputing the facts you were using in your comment, but arguing against why these "facts" weren't a reason for me to believe this game is so unbalanced.
You just seem to have derailed this discussion into an argument over facts after that, which this never was, intentionally or unintentionally dismissing my arguments and the actual point of my post. Like I am not even 100% sure anymore if you are serious or if you are just trolling me at this point.
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Lethal Persuer to counter that.