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Post 5.3 Tier List Thoughts

Member Posts: 1,241


(Notes: This is assumed that the changes in the ptb will go through live the way they are, if there was an S+ tier it would be for nurse as she stands way above even blight and spirit, pig and myers are the only killers in my opinion who are genuinely weak, i believe that the rest are capable of doing well consistently in the right hands)

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  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Good tier list. Trapper changes are not enough to make him good. Pig changes overall are nerf so rip pig.

    Plague will be good

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Ah thank you for putting Spirit at the top. She’s definitely still one of the strongest even after the nerf.

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    U sure Hag is weaker than Huntress?

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Yea she's still going to be an insanely good killer and comp viable, i think some ppl r forgetting she still moves at 170%ish movement speed whilst invisible just at base, which is an enviable stat for any killer. Sure she's probably not as good as blight now but still insane.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Nemesis is B in my opinion.

    Hag is for sure better then Huntress and Pylon Head.

    Oni is (much) better then Doctor

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Yeah I don’t understand why some people say she’s weak now. It’s mainly people that relied on the stuff that made her unfair too much that think that way.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Against good teams a huntress will have a much better time getting downs and hooks. If against insane level teams, hag's only strat is to set up a massive web at a 3 gen and hope that someone goes down in it so she can snowball off. Huntress can get downs at 5gens on the other hand, destroy even the best survivors in chase if she plays well and is impossible to save against if she has addons like oakhaft without taking 1for1's. Hag's definitely got the better addons but she's also alot more snowball reliant and inconsistent than huntress. But she can definitely do well especially on small maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    TBF i havn't rlly seen the full extend of nemesis/pinhead's capabilties so i was kidna unsure where to put them so yea he could def go there.

    IMO hag is great at snowballing but she rlly cant do anything other than protect tight 3gens against the best teams, as she cant get downs and cant afford to take anychases against insane teams without throwing the game. Huntress and PHead have much better early games, can down even the best survviors with relative ease and both killers are good (not as good as hag tho) at campign hooks and forcing 1 for 1s.

    I definitely agree in that hag is way better vs your average team tho and has way stronger addons.

  • Member Posts: 1,241
    edited October 2021

    Yea they rlly don't like pig..

    She's the only weak/mediocre killer who im pretty sure has just gotten worse over the years, every other bad killer has gotten changes that have helped propell them to the playable state.

    Honestly yea i think plague could shoot up insanely high, she's getting some gnarly changes that could probs put her top of A tier depending on how they play out.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Defintiely, its like when they nerfed nurse back in the day and all the omega blink and 5 blink abusers complained that she was going to be weak now.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    I definitely feel like Pig is better than Clown

  • Member Posts: 728

    Legion in B EHHHHHHH I don't know about that. I put em in C.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Doctor is B tier in my opinion. The same goes for Nemesis, he is pretty decent. Once his zombies get fixed, if that ever happens, he'd be arguably high B tier, and with addon buffs, maybe even low A tier. He might need 3 hits to down a survivor with his ability, but his ability is pretty damn strong, and while he has fair counterplay, his counterplay on the survivor side is fairly difficult, and arguably a bit more limited than with a lot of other killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited October 2021

    I think you're overrating Huntress. The best Huntresses in the world get completely stomped against 4 good players, she's not that close to the top 3. There are killers that will perform better than her if this is a tier list for good killer player vs. 4 good survivor players.

    also, doctor being stronger than oni is kinda wack.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I think Freddy should stay in the A Tier...just in the bottom of said tier.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Thing is huntress is one of the few killers who's chase potential doesnt signficantly drop when dealing with good survivors, she just has a harder time and needs to be better the better the survviors are. She has one of the best early games out of all killers imo.

    Also she's an extremely strong 3 genner, extremely strong camper and quite a consistent killer compared to most of the other A tier's. if she misses a hatchet, she is not punsihed nowhere near as much as a pyramid head or oni missing.

    Yea i thought my doctor placement would be a bit controversial XD. Personally its another case of consistent vs inconsistent killer. If oni wastes 3 gens just to get a down or his power, he's completely useless, which happens far too often against good players. Doctor however like huntress also has an extremely good early game and chase prescense. There's no camping out corrupting or leaving gens early to avoid detection against a doctor. Oni just has too many exploitable weaknesses for me to put him anyhigher.

    If you havn't noticed early game prescense is somethign i value tremendously, because the first chase is more often than not the decider of how the game will go, and is also the most difficult time for killer as most killers cannot prevent those first 3 gens from popping vs a good team. I value heavily the killers that can stop that however.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    I was thinking bout putting him A he's definitely a contender.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    My poor Nemi-chan :C

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Yea i personalyl havn't had enough experinece against the 2 newest killers so i wasn't certain on where to put them. But yea i could see why he's B worthy.

    My thought process regarding nemeis and pinhead has alot just been what do they offer that other killers don't and what makes them better or worse than said killer?

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    That's fair. Nemesis needs three hits to down survivors like the first 8 times you chase a survivor, other ranged killers don't have that. Not to mention that his range is very limited, unlike Huntress for example.

    But on the other hand, his ability can be charged faster and you have more movement speed while holding your ability, which is why Nemesis has such good chances to hit survivors frequently despite survivors having a fair amount of counterplay against Nemesis. Not to mention that he does not allow for counterplay in certain situations where killers like Huntress do.

    And then of course Nemesis has his zombies that help apply map pressure, though they still need to have their AI bugs fixed.

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    Hag with Corrupt actually has insane map pressure. Set your web up, maybe save 2 traps to place by the corrupted gens to throw survivors off guard, and she will give good results.

  • Im sad the general consensus is that pig will be weaker. That's not what the devs wanted

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    This is my 5.3.0 tier list

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